Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 294 Meeting of the Avengers

Chapter 294 Meeting of the Avengers
After this war and division, the Avengers existed in name only. Even after the civil war, it proved that everything was a conspiracy, but the division at both ends caused by the civil war has also been exposed. Even if nothing happens now, but After all, this contradiction can no longer be hidden.

But fortunately, after experiencing a tragic war, this issue will finally no longer be carried out in the form of war.

Stark Tower, Avengers headquarters.

There were a lot of people who came this time, but they were not complete. However, all the Avengers who joined the alliance one after another gathered here again, which seemed a bit crowded.

A big round table, all the Avengers who joined successively gathered here, and all their eyes fell on Tony Stark who caused all this.

"Ahem!" With everyone watching, Tony Stark scratched his head with his hands, winked for a while, and finally coughed twice, his face straightened.

"Okay! This is my fault." Opening his mouth, he raised his head to look directly at the crowd, and finally said with a guilty face: "Although everything is the fault of the purple man, there is no doubt that this Everything was done in my hands and this mistake cannot be entirely passed on to others."

The purple man was mentioned in his words, and everyone learned a lot later. Tony Stark was controlled by this guy called the purple man. It was one of them, but his words were so clever. Such a concept remained in the hearts of others, and then they sincerely admitted their mistakes. Even if others still had resentment towards him, they had already identified the purple talent as the culprit. Even if there was hatred, it was inadvertent It was transferred to the purple man in time.

Captain America sat on the side closest to Tony Stark, nodded when he heard the words, then got up and turned to look at the crowd, and said seriously: "We have all experienced the pain of the civil war, and we have all suffered great losses. No matter who those sacrifices are, I am sad for their departure, but life is like this, we have no option to turn back, although it is painful, but we should not always keep our eyes on the past and forget, our The road is not over yet."

Captain America's words are always so inspiring, but as he said, even though the Civil War has just come to an end, and even got a good ending, their road is still not over.

Everyone naturally understood this, and withdrew their gaze from Tony Stark, looked at Captain America, and waited for his words to continue.

"And now we have new enemies, and there may be not one, but two! Two powerful enemies that we have never encountered before!" Captain America said seriously.

Everyone was a little stunned by his words. After all, the Avengers was once known as the strongest superhero team on Earth. Although the team has not been established for a long time, it has experienced many things. The leader of the United States, Captain America, said with such a serious face that the enemy is very powerful.

"Captain, who are you talking about?" At the other end of the round table, Captain America's loyal partner Falcon, who joined the Avengers later, asked immediately after hearing this. He was also very curious, after all, the Avengers The record is there, but Captain America talks about the two upcoming enemies with such a serious attitude.

Captain America nodded to him upon hearing this, and then looked at everyone.

"One of them has already shown up. I think everyone has experienced the negative prison and knows what happened later." Captain America said.

"That's right, the last situation is really hard to forget." Mister Fantastic nodded in response.

At that time, the sudden burst of golden beams of light in the sky really made people feel slightly stunned, after all, it was so similar to the situation over Manhattan back then.

"That's right, but I think some of you may not know what happened to the beam of light, and what happened before that." Captain America said this, while scanning for a week, someone among the crowd showed his face Curious look, if you distinguish carefully, you will know that these people who are curious about the things in Captain America's words are all people who did not enter the negative prison at that time.

"In the prison we met a person. The way that person appeared was really unimaginable. He actually tore apart the space and went directly to the negative prison. At that time, the sky was torn into a deep space crack, and then fell into the gap. The corpses of unknown alien monsters piled up and stood on the entire prison floor, and the alien monster that appeared at the end was obviously different. It seemed to be the leader of the alien monster, but it was also punched by that person It was broken, and then that person came in front of us." Captain America said while recalling.

His words are simple and clear, but the things behind them are a little horrifying. No matter what the purpose of that person is, he must be a cruel person. Even if it is an alien monster, being exterminated by the dead makes their hearts This person was a little more afraid of what Captain America said.

So they all focused their attention on Captain America, waiting for him to continue.After hearing Captain America's description, all of them became curious and afraid of this person, and only hoped to find a way to prevent it, but Captain America ended this topic and turned to the next one.

Captain America didn't mean to, in fact even he didn't know much about the man.

"The other person is something we have never heard of, but in the universe, he is the tyrant who claims to destroy everything—— Thanos. This person is the spokesperson of cruelty and destruction. No life can survive, and even Loki in the defense of New York is just a pawn of his. This person is more serious than the previous one, and the only thing they have in common is that they both try to Collected six powerful gemstones in the universe, such as the Cosmic Cube is one of them." Captain America continued, "And now one of them has obtained one of the gemstones, the Mind Stone."

He directly expressed his opinion. Although the previous person had obtained the Soul Stone, the Soul Stone hidden in Loki's scepter was just a bait thrown by Thanos. Low is clearly visible.

After his words fell, everyone couldn't help but panic. Although most of them didn't understand the meaning of the Soul Stone, they all knew about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, a treasure that has existed on Earth for a long time. One or two, and that's why they couldn't help being shocked, after all, it's the Cosmic Cube!
"The Cosmic Cube has now been brought back to Asgard by Thor. Could it be that the Asgardians can't deal with the two people you mentioned?"

Tony Stark didn't expect that what was supposed to be a criticism of himself would be turned into a mobilization meeting by Captain America without knowing it, but for the two people in the incident that Captain America said, he still Be full of curiosity.

Because he couldn't remember anything that happened during the period of time he was under control, he naturally sorted out all the records during this period of time, except for lamenting that he was always In addition to maintaining a certain style of his own, he also collected a lot of information, especially what happened in the negative prison, where he didn't quite understand many things.

The Red Skull, who should have died long ago but suddenly appeared, the power in the gem in his hand is astonishing. According to his estimation, it may not be much worse than the Cosmic Cube, and this is only from the perspective of its energy source. Above, its special ability is not counted among them; followed by the appearance of Harry, who for some reason directly tried to block the Red Skull's move, but was turned into a golden light ball, and finally the hidden The white guy in the sky, thanks to Jarvis' ability, even though he was trapped at the time, he recorded everything that happened there, and he could clearly see that from the perspective of the steel suit. The white figure actually had the face of Harry Osborn, and this person was the target of the Red Skull, which made him feel inexplicable, just like he somehow became the persecutor of superheroes It is inexplicable, even though he thinks he is extremely intelligent, but if such unconnected things are put together, I am afraid that even Sherlock Holmes will not be able to make proper reasoning.

And now after hearing what Captain America said, the only thing he can confirm is that the white guy with Harry's face that appeared above the Negative Prison is the first one. After all, even if someone doesn't know the Mind Stone, they This person who has done research on Loki's scepter knows that the thing hidden in that strange-shaped scepter is the Mind Stone, and there, Jarvis recorded that the Red Skull used that powerful gem The whole process of 'delivering' to that person by hand.

And according to what Captain America said, those two people are targeting the Infinity Stones, and obviously they will not let go of the Cosmic Cube placed in Asgard, but he very much doubts whether those two people have the ability Get the Cosmic Cube, which will definitely be strictly protected.

So he already had a smile on his face as if he was watching a joke, obviously he had confirmed the result privately.

But what he didn't expect was that what greeted him was not Captain America's embarrassing expression, but a severe reprimand.

(End of this chapter)

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