Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 293 Infinity Stone

Chapter 293 Infinity Stone
After all the incidents came to an end, although there were still many things to deal with, the person who was most upset right now was Harry himself.

Everything that was originally torn to shreds before my eyes, what I used to rely on turned out to be a means used by others to save my life, and my foresight of the world was endowed by others, even the life that I never doubted They were all fabricated by others.

What belongs to me should belong to others, but after I know it, I still can't completely make it my own. The saddest thing in the world is this.

Fortunately, he is a strong person, or he is somewhat resigned to his fate. After all, he is a person who was fabricated at will, so why bother with other things.

Based on this kind of mentality, he can also face the person who should give him a big shadow by running, but the plot of that person really makes him a little worried.

Infinity Stones, are out of this world, no!It is the most powerful force in this universe. Maybe when they are scattered in every corner of the universe, although they are powerful, they are still not to be feared, but if they are gathered together, the power they can exert It’s just that I have to be afraid, after all, even if there is a person in this universe who is stronger than the power of the infinite gem, he can’t directly reduce the life of the entire universe by half with just one sentence, but the infinite gem can, and now, That man was plotting such a dangerous thing.

The power of the Infinity Stones is no secret in the universe. Those who have lived long enough almost know something about this treasure, but there are very few who really dare to stare at them and make a move, and such people Either an arrogant idiot or a real strong man, collectors are obviously the former, but Thanos is obviously the latter.

In the memory that person gave him, the impression of Thanos, the notorious but real powerhouse in the universe, was only a glimpse, which made this famous universe tyrant full of mystery in his heart. , but it was precisely because of this mystery that he once treated it as the final boss, but the situation is different now, because that person has also got his hands on the things Thanos was trying to collect.

And these two people, he is not sure to deal with any of them, so he can only start from the infinite gems.

There are six infinity stones, four of which appear now.

The first cosmic cube to appear is the Space Stone, which is now kept in Asgard, the realm of the gods.Then the Soul Stone, which uses Loki's scepter as the carrier, has been taken away by that person using the Infinity Gauntlet, and its whereabouts are unknown, but this Infinity Stone was given to Loki by Thanos and asked him to bring it to the earth Yes, it was obviously part of Thanos' plan, but he was taken away by that person, so he was not so sure whether Thanos would come to Earth again, but he had to take precautions in advance.

And the third Infinity Stone, the Stone of Reality, has also appeared. Although the civil war made the whole country panic, but after the civil war, Thor's battle with the king of the dark elves in London has gradually attracted attention. , and in that battle, even Thor, the humanoid nuclear bomb that the United States officially called the Hulk, was completely defeated under that powerful force.

As for the future whereabouts of the Infinity Stones, given God's Domain's rigid attitude that no place can have two Infinity Stones, the Reality Stone should still be sent to the collectors of the Elders of the Universe, and where, the fourth The Infinity Stone-The Power Stone will also appear, but with the ability of the collector, these two Infinity Stones are doomed for him to fail to obtain successfully. Everything he does is destined to make wedding dresses for others, no matter what kind of Whether people covet the Infinity Stone or Thanos is bound to obtain the Infinity Stone, it is doomed that this elder of the universe who has lived long enough will be shattered, and even his long enough life will be ruined because of this. lose.

It doesn't matter whoever gets the Infinity Stone between Thanos and that person, because that is not within Harry's reach now.It's just that he still thinks that the person who will harvest the two infinite gems will be that person. After all, he knows what he himself knows, how could that person not know, and with foresight, the possibility of that person getting the infinite gems is undoubtedly greater than that Pa may get more.

It's just that it's not important, what's important is that he can't touch or see these things, but now, he can get one of them.

Time is a strange thing. It is like a long river that never turns back. It always moves forward along a single route, but time is not static. After all, throwing a stone into the river will also cause a burst of splashes, although It will be smoothed again, but it cannot be denied that a stone fell there, and now, that stone appeared before his eyes.

It is not a normal phenomenon for Magneto to see the future. Even if the threat of the Sentinel to the mutants is still at the crisis of extermination, it should be resolved by Wolverine, but the trajectory of history is no longer the same, and the future will naturally affected.The responsibility for the disaster that should have been changed by Wolverine fell on Magneto. As for the reason, it was related to another character.

But all in all, the communication between Harry and Professor X and Magneto was quite harmonious. After telling the other party about his situation, he also got a positive answer from the other party.

Neither that person nor Thanos can be dealt with by one person alone, and he still has that one-year agreement with that person. Acknowledging his fate, but it's not this kind of accepting his fate, he just completely faced up to everything about himself. His life is hard-won, and he will naturally not sit idly by in the face of such a threat.

Fortunately, he has been kind to people all these years. Although he is interested in the superhero blockbusters on the scene, he has a lot of friends. At least few people in the X Academy have any opinions on him.

After agreeing not to hand over the sentinel to others, this ally can be regarded as getting it, but what makes him a little concerned is the last sentence Magneto said, and it is related to the Time Stone.

'When the time is up, the Stone of Time will be sent to you, but you also need to make a choice at that time. '

The meaning is unknown, but the Stone of Time can be regarded as revealing a little trace.

There is only one soul stone left, but there is no trace of it, but it can only be put down first.

(End of this chapter)

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