Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 271 Breaking into the Negative

Chapter 271 Breaking into the Negative
What followed was a few days of peace. Of course, this peace was only for Harry, but for others, it was still an endless chaos.

Stark's Ultron is still arresting and massacring superpowers endlessly. Every day, TV news reports these things. Because they don't know when they will suffer, people who take to the streets become terrified. With a lot less income, all walks of life have become very depressed, and this situation seems to continue for a long time.

It's just that none of this matters.

Stark Building.

Tony Stark stood on the stage with a weak and pale complexion and looked at the people below, his face full of sadness.

"I believe everyone is aware of Dr. Pym's matter. I have already started an investigation, and the results are obvious." Following his words, a photo appeared on the display screen pulled up out of thin air.

"It's him!" Seeing the person in the photo, everyone was a little shocked, but instead believed that this person was the murderer of Hank Pym.

Yes, Hank Pym died in Stark Tower last night, although the cause of death was not at all what Tony Stark said next.

"It's him, the Winter Soldier!" Tony Stark gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Dr. Pym and I were talking about the anti-registration faction yesterday, but at that time we were suddenly attacked. I was hit by a bullet, and by the time I put on my steel suit, it was too late to rescue me."

Everyone had different expressions when they heard this.Among the crowd, Natasha frowned slightly, puzzled.

Tony Stark lowered his head slightly, covering his face with one hand, his shoulders seemed to be trembling slightly because of uncontrollable emotions, showing extreme grief.

It’s just that only he himself knows that what happened yesterday was not what he said at all, and it’s all because Hank Pym saw what he shouldn’t see and heard what he shouldn’t hear. It can only be regarded as his fate. Yes, but such an accident at this time will boost the morale of the people on his side, which is considered a benefit, Tony Stark thought so.

And at this moment, Jarvis' magnetic voice suddenly sounded.

"Sir, Ultron sent back the news that Captain America and others have attacked the Negative Prison. The Ultron Legion can't resist the opponent's offensive at all. They have already entered the Negative Prison."

As soon as Jarvis's voice fell, the people below responded immediately.

Mister Fantastic walked onto the stage, walked to Stark's side, and whispered, "They're already in the trap, it's time to close the net."

"Of course, it's time." Tony Stark sneered, glanced slightly at the crowd, and then said in a low voice: "You control Natasha first, and you can't let her mess around at this time." If something happens, I will send all Ultrons to the Negative Prison to support Captain America and the others. This time, we must solve these things thoroughly."

at the same time.

With Natasha's intelligence, the guarded Ultron Legion was vulnerable to the onslaught of these violent elements, and Captain America led the anti-registration superheroes into the Negative Prison smoothly.

The negative prison and the earth plane are not in the same dimension. The so-called negative is indeed negative. It is a space attached to the earth plane. It is not very big, but it is indeed suitable as a prison for detaining superpowers.

"It's really a big deal!" Xiao Kuaiyin suddenly came to Captain America's side, looked at the super luxurious prison cells arranged up and down in an orderly manner, and sighed with his mouth wide open.

"Pietro, this is not the time to play around." Captain America scolded, and then said seriously: "Although we don't know when Tony Stark will come over, they must have received the news, so we must Hurry up and get people out as soon as possible. Pietro, you are the fastest, so I ask you to find it."

Little Kuaiyin nodded, then turned around and turned into a phantom, quickly looking for those captured superpowers.

"Captain, there are a lot of Ultron robots outside. It seems that Stark has discovered the situation here." Falcon retracted his wings and landed, and the news came.

"Hmm." Captain America nodded flatly. He had already thought of this, but he didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so quick.

"With Bucky guarding the entrance to snipe, it should be able to support for a while, but in order to prevent accidents, let's go to a few more people to support." Captain America said, looking at the people behind him.

"Let me go." Little Crimson raised her hand and said self-recommendation.

Captain America thought about it and then nodded. Among these people, Little Scarlet has outstanding abilities. Visually, she seems to have some inexplicable connection with that powerful but uncontrolled mutant. The same is true for her brother and her, and the two of them People's purpose is extremely pure, just to get revenge on Tony Stark, although Captain America was a bit repulsive to them at the beginning, and in the last few days of contact and understanding, he also knows that although this girl is because of hatred And it became a little distorted, but they were not completely blinded by hatred, and the two of them had never done anything bad, just like another superhero punisher who acted badly, so he was not accepted by him, enough Seeing the style of Captain America, there is no sand in the eyes!
"Okay, but your ability is not fully stimulated, you must be careful, excessive use of ability may affect your spirit like that one." After exhorting, Captain America led everyone into the prison among.

In the center of the entrance outside, the Winter Soldier squatted on the ground, holding a heavy anti-material sniper rifle in his hand, with a resolute and stern expression.Every time the body trembled slightly, an Ultron robot would crash down in the distant sky with the sound of an explosion.

It's just that he is only one person after all. Although he shoots continuously and has an astonishing hit rate, the distant sky is still densely packed with silver and bright Ultron Legion.

It's time to call for support!
The Winter Soldier pressed the headset, but the earth and the negative prison are two planes after all. Even if there is only a wall separating them, the communication equipment will not work at all.

"Damn it! I can only retreat." Cursing secretly, the Winter Soldier prepared to retreat into the negative prison.

It's just that when he just got up, there was a loud bang in the distance, followed by the sound of gunfire and grenade explosions.Then a large piece of Ultron was hit, and the fireworks also became one.

The Winter Soldier sighed as he watched the scene.

"He's still here, but he is indeed a man who can be compared to an army."

(End of this chapter)

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