Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 270 Rebirth

Chapter 270 Rebirth
There was silence in the basement.

"Ah! Naked man!"

A scream suddenly sounded in the dark secret room, but the strange thing was that the cry was so soft that it was hard to hear it even if you listened carefully.

However, a certain person called the naked man clearly heard the call and the information conveyed in the call.

He coughed twice secretly, then looked at his naked body, and immediately realized that he didn't prepare any clothes at all.

This body is different from the previous one, that body belongs to the real Harry Osborn, and because of the strange aura left by that person in his body, except for the unique spiritual power belonging to the soul All power and ability do not act on the body, but all come from that breath, and all are taken back into that body. Although he had power at that time, it is completely different from what Harry feels now, no matter whether it is the body It is extremely refreshing both above and below the soul!
Because of his own identity, this clone is also mainly based on Harry Osborn's genes. In addition, this clone also contains the mutant gene samples traded to him by Washington back then. The only thing that can be obtained and used by the body.Black Emperor Sebastian Shaw's powerful ability to absorb and release energy, White Queen Emma Frost's mind and diamond ability, saber-toothed tiger's powerful regeneration ability, Ghost John's teleportation ability, and Harry Magneto's magnetic field control ability that he once had but never used carefully, and the weak but powerful Phoenix Force that he has just regained, these are all the abilities Harry has now.

At that time, when I thought of preparing this body on a whim, I didn't expect the current situation. Fortunately, he asked Dr. Carl to study and debug this research. Fortunately, with the black technology of this era in this world, Several genes were perfectly combined to form a weird and powerful gene that was not a mutant gene, but this was also expected by Harry, after all, William Stryker had already begun to develop it decades ago. They managed to fuse mutant genes.

But looking at the ant-sized Ant-Man on the ground who seemed a little stiff, now doesn't seem to be the time to think about these things!
Retracting his thoughts, Harry felt the ability brought by genes. The barriers of space are as easy to break as paper. The shape disappeared instantly.

Scott Lang only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the dangling thing that filled his eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Scott, run, that's Osborne!" Hank Pym, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted after Harry disappeared. Looking at the image on the monitor, he knew that this operation was a failure. .The reason why Scott Lang was not reminded immediately was because he was concerned about Harry's ability. Although he had never been in contact with Harry, but he was someone who Stark valued, so he was familiar with his information, invisible spiritual detection , it is very likely that he will be noticed by the other party the moment he speaks to Scott, and there will be nothing to say by then.

"Ah? What's going on? Didn't you say he disappeared?" Scott Lang screamed, but he immediately reacted and asked loudly while turning around.

Although he has never met Harry, everyone knows about the news reports of the New York War.

"Who knew he was in the Osborne Building!" Hank Pym was also a little angry, his news came from Tony Stark, and now it seems that Stark's news has obviously appeared mistake.

Scott Lang wasn't in the mood to complain anymore, he just wanted to escape from here, but the situation obviously wasn't going as smoothly as he hoped.

"Are you leaving? Don't, I, the host, haven't entertained you yet. If you leave like this, don't call me stingy if you let others know. Just stay." The words of retention suddenly sounded from behind , passed to Scott Lang's ears, but the words of retention did not have any meaning of retention, but instead had a very bad feeling.

Even if he didn't turn his head, Scott Lang knew that the person behind him was Harry, but at this moment, he only wanted to escape from here, but he didn't stop there, and still rushed out quickly without slowing down.

It's just that Harry didn't want to let him go because he saw this novel character that existed in his memory but had he ever seen it before, so his figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he bent down and half squatted on Scott's knees. In front of the passage that Lang must pass, he held a small metal bottle in his hand and put it on the ground with a smile on his face.

With a soft sound, there was already a little more stuff in the small bottle.

Harry quickly reached over to cover the bottle, and stood up.

"Little ant." He took the small metal bottle to the line of sight, and shook it lightly twice, making Scott Lang, who had just realized that he was trapped in it, immediately stand in a daze. Falling unsteadily against the bottle wall.

And at this moment, the elevator in the basement arrived here, and Phoenix took Felicia directly into it.

Harry heard the sound and walked out of the secret room directly.

"Harry!" When Felicia saw Harry coming out of the secret room, a surprised smile immediately appeared on her face, and she trotted over and rushed towards Harry.

"Oh! Xiao Fei." Harry smiled when he saw the person rushing towards him, and immediately opened his arms to catch it.

At this time, he no longer had Thor's powerful body, but it was still easy to catch Felicia who rushed over.

When the woman was in his arms, Harry's body leaned back slightly after receiving the force, and after hugging Felicia tightly, the Black Emperor's ability was easily used, absorbing the force, and directly stopped the tendency to fall backwards.

"Hey! I haven't seen you for such a short time. Why do you miss me so much?" Harry put Ant-Man in his pocket, stretched out his hand and stroked Felicia's back, and laughed casually, as if nothing happened Same.

"I'm worried about you." Felicia buried her face in Harry's chest and said in a low voice, her voice still trembling.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry." Harry's face became serious, and he thought of that person again.

"I won't let you down."

Stark Building.

Hank Pym cut off all communications the moment Harry reappeared, and then angrily walked to Tony Stark's top floor.

It's just that his sudden intrusion saw something that shouldn't be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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