Chapter 263

Osborn's old house is far away in the outskirts, and there are few people around. Even if there is a shocking change due to inexplicable reasons, the scope of influence is not large.

But even so, there are always a lot of people paying attention here, and Coulson's team is one of them.

Of course, this is not surveillance. After all, since S.H.I.E.L.D. announced its disintegration, they have not been able to perform their duties as the supernatural department. Even though Phil Coulson has the title of director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the people under him now There are not many, and he, the chief of the bureau, is even required to go out in person when performing assignments.Phil Coulson didn't even come here for the unexpected situation at Osborne's old house, but for something else.

Not long ago, their satellite monitoring instruments detected spatial fluctuations in Osborne's old house. Before the technicians could find out the reason, they then received a message from a secret line, so at this time, Phil Coulson and his brave team composed of aliens came here.

"Sir, are you sure it's here?" Daisy Johnson looked at the connection point with a strange expression and asked Coulson.

"Yes, it's here, if there are no mistakes in the information." Phil Coulson first glanced at the electronic map he just received, and then looked around with the same weird expression.

This so-called junction point is actually a suburban road. The tall trees and branches on both sides are swaying. The road is empty and the breeze blows, sweeping the dead leaves on the trees. Occasionally, a vehicle speeds past, and the leaves that have just fallen will be picked up again by the airflow. Rolled up, there is a bit of bleak beauty, but this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there is no secret connection point here!This surprised Phil Coulson, an experienced veteran agent.

But then he understood why, if he, a veteran agent, was surprised, then others would be even more surprised, and the situation at this time needed to be a bit more slanted.

"Could it be a mistake? I don't think anyone would use this place as a connection point." Lincoln, an alien with alien genes and a power generator, looked at the corner of the road in the distance with his arms folded, frowning and shaking his head. .

And at this moment, Agent May, who had been silent by Phil Coulson's side, suddenly lit up his eyes, showing a bit of joy, and took two steps forward, looking at the distance without turning his head He said, "Here we come."

Agent May's words attracted everyone's attention.

I saw a silver car suddenly appearing at the corner at the end of the road in the distance, drifted beautifully, and then drove towards them quickly.

The vehicle gradually slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

There was a gentle smile on Phil Coulson's face. He hadn't seen this colleague for a long time, especially after SHIELD was disbanded. It had been more than a year. Happy.

"Hey! Coulson, long time no see." The car door opened, and a warm, slightly seductive, hoarse female voice sounded.

"Yeah, long time no see, Natasha." Coulson greeted her with a smile, hugged the woman lightly, and said.

The person who came was Natasha who escaped from the Stark Tower to check the situation in Osborn's old house.

"Hi! Mei." Natasha turned her gaze and landed on Agent Mei, who was known as an iron cavalry. She smiled and walked up to greet her.

"Hi! Master." Agent Mei's eyes fluctuated, and he hugged the woman in front of him who hadn't changed in memory.

"Okay, let's just skip the process of old friends telling each other about their lives. We have more important things." Phil Coulson clapped his hands and said with a smile, interrupting the conversation between the master and apprentice.

"Well, I brought very important information." Natasha looked at Phil Coulson after hearing that, her face became a little more serious.

"Well, are you talking here?" Phil Coulson nodded, then looked around and said.

Although there are few people here, there will be vehicles passing by from time to time. Even if the sword is slanted, there is a great possibility of exposure.

"No, it doesn't matter. Because of the previous relationship, I can now be regarded as a high-level member of the Stark camp. Although Stark is very strong now, he will not use the means to deal with the enemy to deal with me. Said It's business, Hawkeye ventured into the Negative Prison, and the only thing he sent out was this road map, and the other is the information I collected in Stark Tower, you just give it to Steve." Natasha waved He waved his hand to signal that he didn't care, then handed out a silver USB flash drive from his hand, and said at the same time.

"Okay, I will hand it over to the captain." The person who took the USB flash drive was not Phil Coulson, but Daisy Johnson, the captain of the brave team.

But thinking about it, this is not something that is incomprehensible.

The Superhero Registration Act is aimed at all superpowers, because the Terrigen crystal was poured into the sea before, causing the number of aliens to gradually increase, and the initiation of the bill was even related to a previous alien who was out of control. Let the ordinary people's prejudice against aliens be even stronger than before against mutants, and during that strange period of peaceful coexistence between the registration faction and the anti-registration faction, for those aliens who suddenly mutate and have no control , but there have been many collisions, and the attitude of the registration faction towards the superpowers who have no control will naturally not be docile, and this will naturally push Coulson's brave team to the anti-registration faction middle.

As the director of the new S.H.I.E.L.D., Phil Coulson, although he still has some secret connections with the government, after all, he no longer belongs to the government department as before. Even though Stark's bill seems to be very beneficial, But now SHIELD is no longer pursuing control over various situations in the world.

"Oh, that's right! There is one more thing." Natasha suddenly remembered what Mister Fantastic said at that time, and said, "It is very likely that Stark has some cards in his hand, it may be a man, tell the news together Captain, let him make the judgment."

"Well, that's it. I still need to deal with the situation of Osborne's old house, and maybe I can check Osborne's tone and see his attitude." Natasha glanced at the road in the distance The old house at the end said softly.


In the water world of nowhere.

"What is the composition of the soul? The so-called non-material spiritual body? Is it energy? Or is it a wave? No! It's not. The soul is actually a fusion of pieces of memory, bit by bit, and then accumulate, accumulate, and accumulate. The accumulated biological information can be formed." 'White Harry' stopped walking around Harry, turned his head, with a faint smile on his mouth, looked Harry up and down, and said with a strange look.

Harry listened to the inexplicable words of the other party. Although he didn't understand it very well at the beginning, he also felt a deep chill that came from nowhere. At the same time, a bad idea gradually poked his head out. Let his heart tremble.

'White Harry' kept his eyes on Harry, as if he felt the unformed thoughts in his heart, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his eyes showed some appreciation.

"Haha! I just said you are very smart. Biological information, everything is composed of information, the soul is so simple, and you are such a simple crop."'White Harry' chuckled lightly, looking straight at Harry said.

"What?!" Harry turned his head suddenly when he heard the words, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the person in front of him in horror.

Although he guessed a little, he was shocked when he heard the words that really made his guess confirmed in his heart. Except for the psychopath of Deadpool, no one can remain calm at this time.

"Yes, I made you, with a little, a little memory, haha!" The figure of 'White Harry' flashed, and suddenly came to Harry's side, waving his hand in front of Harry's eyes Go, laughing in a strange voice.

"You said, me, it's a memory." Harry only felt that his head was a little dizzy, looking at the white self, and asked blankly.But this is to say that he is asking the person in front of him, but it is more like asking himself.

When he was dizzy, he unconsciously thought that before he came to that world, even before that, he never knew his origin. It's ridiculous to say that he used to have the characteristics of a protagonist in a novel, that is, the identity of an orphan.Other than that, he doesn't have any talent to show off, and what has always accompanied him in his growth is plainness, but now that he thinks about it, he finally discovered his abnormal situation.Although his memory has never been lost, but when he thinks about it carefully, he finds that in his memory, apart from what he has forgotten due to the erosion of time, he will never be able to remember many things, such as names of people and places. The home address that he should be familiar with is vague in his memory, and the strange thing is that he never 'cared' about it!

"You are created and piled up by me. Everything in your mind is mine. I let you go to another complete world. I let you have the ability to see the future. I let you live instead of me." Come down, now! Finally! You're back!."'White Harry' grinned, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Harry's face, as if an artist was admiring a work of art, obsessed and crazy.

"What is the complete world? The world you sent me to?" Harry quickly regained his composure. Although the man's words shocked him a lot, his heart was as tough as he was, and when he was forcibly brought here, He had already made up his mind to die and survive, but now he was interested in these secrets that he didn't know.

"Haha, although I'm in a hurry, but I've waited for so long, and it's for you, I'm still willing to tell you everything about—the world."

(End of this chapter)

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