Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 262 Myself?

Chapter 262 Myself?

"The negative prison developed by Dr. Pym and Richards is indeed the safest super-power prison. Judging from the current evaluation results, no one will be able to escape from it, including Hawkeye, of course. With my Iron Legion guarding the entrance and exit, I don’t think there is any doubt about it.” Tony Stark glanced at Natasha, as if he had already guessed it, and then said flatly but with a little pride .

It's just that the indifferent face shown by such words is really inappropriate, and it is not the same as other people's understanding of Tony Stark.

"Send someone to check on Osborne's situation, ask what happened, and at the same time urge Harry to make a decision earlier. Of course, if there is still delay, then it is necessary to give a proper warning. After all, we also It’s not that there are no other high-end combat power. Well, that’s it, I’m going to take a rest.” Tony Stark yawned, seemed to be very tired, and then went directly to the next floor.

"Something is wrong with Stark recently." Reed Richards said.

"Well, yes!" Natasha nodded, she also felt the recent changes in Tony Stark, but she quickly put this thought out of her mind, this is not the time to think about it, she turned around Come on, look at Mr. Fantastic, and say, "Let me go, the matter of the space tunnel really makes me feel a little uneasy."

"Okay, I'll let you go." Mister Fantastic thought for a while, thinking to himself that the events of the last New York War had left a lot of shadows on Natasha, so he nodded.After thinking about it, he asked again: "Do you need help? After all, the situation at Osborne's place is really unclear."

"No, no need, my relationship with Osborne is pretty good, and I'm also very confident in my abilities." Natasha shook her head and declined the other party's kindness, but she didn't finish her words, if If someone goes with her, her goal may not be achieved.

"It's just that I don't understand. What other backhands does Stark have? What are the so-called other high-end combat power? Can he not worry about Osborn's situation?" Natasha asked with a puzzled expression.

She joined the registration faction, and naturally knew the evaluation of all superpowers given by the registration group, and even when she was in S.H.I.E.L.D., Maria Hill's evaluation of Harry Osborn's ability was also very good. High, at least few characters are rated higher than Harry Osborn.

"Hehe! Speaking of that, I have to admit that Stark is a genius, but taking things is a big secret, so I can't tell you, of course! When it's time for him to appear, you will naturally I know." Mister Fantastic smiled mysteriously and said to Natasha.

"Okay." Natasha nodded, pondering, trying to think of any possibility, but under the circumstances of lack of information, it is completely impossible for even this super agent to imagine it out of thin air. Surprisingly, it was a man because Mister Fantastic said 'he'.

Immediately, he stopped staying and went straight out of the Stark Tower, heading towards Osborne's old house.

After Natasha left, Tony Stark walked down the stairs, and glanced at Natasha's figure who was leaving quickly through the glass.

"Leave her alone?" Beside Tony Stark, Mister Fantastic no longer smiled as before, but showed a puzzled expression, looking at Tony Stark and asked.

"No! No need, although the plan needs to be changed a little bit, but this is a better opportunity, isn't it?" Tony Stark looked at the figure going away, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

When Mister Fantastic heard this, he lowered his head slightly in thought, then raised his head and looked down at the lower part of the building. He also smiled slightly and said, "That's true, but I should hope that she will pass on all the information she has collected."



The icy touch almost sticking to the skin made Harry uncomfortable, and his gradually awakening consciousness quickly became clear.

After groaning softly, he finally woke up from the coma and opened his eyes.

"Here is..." He kicked his feet on the ground, got up, and gradually recovered his sight, but the moment he regained his sight, he was shocked by the painting-like scene in front of him.

It was completely different from anywhere on Earth, and Harry knew it would never be anywhere on Earth.

Here is a vast expanse of ocean, the water and the sky are the same color, and Harry is standing on the surface of the water very strangely, and as he moves lightly, there are layers of ripples immediately under his feet. In the distance, it seems that the water and the sky meet, and the whole world belongs to the water paradise.

"This is not the world you came from, but this is indeed the world you used to be." A magnetic voice suddenly sounded, making Harry immediately vigilant.

However, when he looked around, it was still the same as before, with a vast ocean, and no one came to his side.

No one around, so only the feet!Although he couldn't think of where he was at this time, but the past experience and experience, he immediately figured it out. It was only in this way that he began to consider whether he had entered the spiritual world like those anime protagonists, but in a blink of an eye , he waved away such thoughts, because he found that he was the entity here, without any falsehood.

Ok!His arm felt a little sore from being pinched, and then he quickly rubbed it.

"You don't seem surprised?" The voice sounded again, and the slightly raised tone indicated that the owner of the voice seemed slightly surprised.

But this time, Harry, who was listening carefully, could indeed hear clearly that the sound did indeed come from under his feet, from the water under his feet.

"Are you the one who sent me into that world?" The words were flat, although it was a question, but the answer was obviously already determined.

While speaking, Harry looked down at his feet, and then saw a familiar face, his eyes froze suddenly.

"You're very smart, but you're still amazed when you see me! Haha!" On the other side of the horizontal plane, the man patted his thigh and laughed in a very imageless manner.

Harry saw a familiar face on the opposite side, but when he saw the shapeless appearance, he suddenly felt that besides the ordinary face, his own temperament was stronger.That's right!On the other side of the mirror-like water, that person is 'myself'.

The same face, the same figure, except for the strange bleached body that seems to form a great contrast with the whole world, that is another 'self'.

"Are you the one who sent me into that world?" The same question came out of Harry's mouth again, but this time it was extremely curious instead of the dullness before.

At the same time, Harry's mind began to speculate, especially when he saw this face that was identical to his own, he definitely didn't think it was just a coincidence.

"You have already confirmed it, why do you still ask? Is it because you are not sure, or you don't want to believe it, oh! It turns out that you are not sure, haha! It seems that I really made a good work!" Harry who was facing the plane The figure seemed to shake slightly, and the exaggerated expression on his face suddenly turned into an indifferent expression, but his two eyes were like two blades, making Harry feel as if he had been spied into his heart all his life.

But Harry knew that this was not an illusion, but that he was actually being peeped into his heart.At the same time, he was also sure that the weird figure in front of him was the one behind him who sent him to the world of wonder, just like the 'work' he said.

"Why?" Harry pursed his lips slightly, his brows frowning slightly and he looked at the opposite 'Harry' and asked.

"Why did you send you to this world? And what is the 'this world' I said? Hehe! You are really a person who can catch the end." The indifferent 'White Harry' seemed very satisfied with Harry's question , he applauded lightly, then stepped out of the water and stood in front of Harry!
Looking at the white figure in front of him with the same face as him, Harry unconsciously thought of a cartoon he had seen before. The protagonist in it seemed to be very similar to his current situation, but he understood that his current situation It is completely different from the situation there, and there is no reference value at all.

And if you want to get out of this situation, you can only hope that the method will succeed.In the conversation just now, the other party has already demonstrated the ability to spy on people's hearts, maybe it is not any ability, just because of the inexplicable connection that may exist between them, but he can also guess that at least his own thoughts will be caught. The other party noticed it instantly, so he could only close his mind as much as possible, and then don't think about other things, just think about this person in front of him, what exactly is it?
The 'White Harry' in front of him raised his left eyebrow, and there was a smile in his eyes. Harry couldn't see and didn't know why the other party was happy, he could only see that 'he' was very happy, It seems that the method that took a lot of time is finally going to work.

"Hehe! Do you know? In fact, memories are very easy to fabricate." 'White Harry' waved his hands and said something around Harry, which seemed to be inconsistent with the previous question, but Harry listened attentively. Not only eager to understand the cause and effect, but also trying to connect to the mark he landed on the earth to escape smoothly.

After hearing the other party admit what he had done, he felt an urgent sense of crisis affecting him all the time. He knew very well that the focus of the other party's plot was on him, and once the other party wanted to achieve his goal, he would never do anything. lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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