Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 260 Status Quo

Chapter 260 Status Quo
There was silence in the Osborne home.

On the outside, because of the implementation of the Superhero Registration Act, all events have become inexplicably urgent. There are more and more superpower incidents happening on the street from time to time, and Tony Stark's team and his The Iron Legion of the country has gradually appeared in people's eyes, and it is very active.On the other side, the anti-incorporation faction is also unwilling to lag behind, appearing in the conspiracies of various super villains under the leadership of Captain America.The two parties seem to be competing with each other, constantly fighting crimes, and appearing in major media newspapers from time to time, even if they meet sometimes, they will be inexplicably staggered, which makes this war seem to have changed the flavor, but it seems that both sides are in conflict. Gather strength for the final battle.

It's just that the civil war will not end in such a joke-like scene after all. Things turned around very quickly, and it surprised many people.

Then, Spider-Man, who was originally a pioneer at the press witness meeting, betrayed Tony Stark's registration faction for some reason, but was seriously injured but successfully escaped from Stark Tower, while Tony Stark Tucker soon held a press conference, claiming that Spider-Man Peter Parker was bewitched by the anti-registration faction and became a rebel.

There is also the fact that X Academy really expressed its attitude. Although it did not expressly stated, the Iron Legion sent by Tony Stark has become a pair of waste, but it directly expresses everything.

It's just that all of this has nothing to do with life in the old house of the Osborne family.

Harry was dressed in casual clothes, with his legs crossed, and sat comfortably on the sofa in the living room, holding the tea that Old Al had refilled for him, gently passed it to his mouth, and took a sip, um, it was slightly hot A little bit.

In the past few days, he has been staying in Osborne's old house. Except for a few phone calls with Dr. Carl and inquiring about the secret experiment a few times, he refused to see any visitors, whether they were from the United States. Captain or Tony Stark, both were turned away.

Both sides are trying to win allies, but Harry doesn't like the nasty things in it very much, so he naturally avoids them if he can, but he also knows that such avoidance will not last for a few days after all.

There is a TV series on the LCD TV on the wall called "Undead Forensic Doctor". But at the time of life and death, he accidentally obtained the ability of rebirth, and his body remained in the state before death forever, and he began a long life from then on.Experienced wars, harvested love, and at the same time watched the people around him being erased by time, enduring the joy and pain brought to him by immortality. Although they were different, Harry felt that the protagonist in this was somewhat similar to Wolverine , although one is an immortal lone wolf, the other will be reborn in water, ordinary people?

Looking at the ability of the protagonist, he was very curious, wondering if he was like the protagonist.

But then he shook his head and chuckled. Although he had made preparations for the accident, it was only a means, and he was not sure if it would be useful or not. He even laughed at his paranoia.

At this time, Felicia came in with her small bag. As soon as she came in, she kicked off the two high-heeled shoes on her feet, shook off the bag on her shoulder, and then jumped to Harry's side like a cat, and rubbed it twice. Then he fell on Harry in an extremely comfortable position.

"Oh! As you expected, the company's business has not been good these two days." Felicia pouted, reached out to pick up a freshly baked biscuit on the coffee table, and glanced at Harry at the same time.

"Haha! I told you to hide at home with me, and you still go. I think not only is the company's business not good, but I'm afraid you'll be annoyed too." Haha laughed, and stroked Felicia's short chestnut hair. Said.

The scope of the civil war at this time is too broad. Even if it is only in the implementation stage, the real situation in New York City, the first implementation location, is too tense. At this time, business is naturally not as It is as prosperous as usual, at least except for Stark Industries, which took advantage of this opportunity to continue to rise in stock prices, other industries have been hit hard.

"Hey! It's nothing annoying, but Stark always sends people to win him over every day, and it's not too annoying, and then the amount of money that he used to get into the account has become less, ah! I feel so distressed! It's all because of Stark. The rotten bill that Ke made!" Even though she was no longer a thief, Felicia's character of being a money fan could not be changed, and when it came to money, she became irritable.

"Haha! You!" Harry shook his head and smiled, but felt that it was the right decision for him to hand over Osborne Industries to Felicia to manage.

"Stark's behavior is getting more and more outrageous." When Felicia said this, her dissatisfied expression subsided, and her face became a little heavy.

"What happened?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey! It's not that he finally couldn't bear this situation anymore. Just today, Tony Stark finally launched an attack on Captain America's stronghold." Felicia ate the biscuit in her hand and grabbed the remote control from Harry's hand switch randomly.

When the woman at home came back, the remote control would not be in her hands, but Harry just smiled and didn't care.

"I can think of it a long time ago, but I'm not surprised at all. What's the result? Who won?" Harry asked casually. Regarding this war, it's really hard to tell who won. In the end, though, Harry was curious about the outcome of their first encounter.

"Well, we can't say who won. Both sides have losses." Felicia sat up, pinched her chin with her fingers and thought about it, and said: "Tony Stark lost a few gathered former villains , In addition, Human Torch was also seriously injured and sent to the hospital. Steve Rogers also lost some new superpowers, but they were all small characters. Rodgers' biggest loss was Hawkeye, who was captured alive."

"Hawkeye?" Harry was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. Although Hawkeye is just an ordinary person, his profession allows him to adapt to various battlefields better than most superpowers. At least in terms of life-saving ability, few people can He was comparable to him, but after hearing what Felicia said now, it was obvious that he was the only main force among the anti-registration faction who had been arrested, which surprised him very much.

"Well, it's him. Do you know who caught him? It's the black widow." Felicia approached Harry and said with a sigh.

Although Felicia was not very close to that circle before or now, even so, under Harry's relationship, she still knows some people who are close to her.

Harry nodded when he heard the words, but he understood.Black Widow and Hawkeye used to belong to SHIELD, and to a certain extent, Hawkeye is still the introduction of Black Widow, and they are teammates at the same time. After all, they are the only two in S.H.I.E.L.D. Super agents, in the long-term cooperation, they all know part of each other's secrets, even the Black Widow knows even Hawkeye's family, but it is precisely because of this that Hawkeye has too many weaknesses that the Black Widow knows, but no matter Whatever means the Black Widow used, Hawkeye was indeed caught.

"And their negative prison has also been built. It claims to be the safest super power prison in the world. All super power users caught by the registration faction should be imprisoned in it." Felicia said with a curled lip. , seems to be completely dismissive of that super prison.

"The situation between the two parties is becoming more and more incompatible, and the scope of the situation is getting wider and wider. It seems that there is no possibility of a peaceful solution." Harry frowned slightly and said with a sigh.

"Sigh, it has nothing to do with us anyway." Felicia stretched out her hand to caress Harry's eyebrows, then turned her head and sighed, her eyes lit up, and she said with yearning: "I hope that Captain America Win, then I will have the opportunity to swallow up Stark Industries, and then take Osborne's energy technology to a new peak, alas! How much money can I make!"

Harry faintly felt the corner of his mouth twitching, and suddenly remembered that since Felicia annexed Yashida in Japan, her temperament of money lover has become more and more obvious.

"Stark probably won't lose." Harry said.

Felicia looked at Harry suspiciously, wondering why he was so sure.

"Although Stark's behavior is a bit domineering, and he made his Iron Legion fly around like the police, the chaos caused is no less than that of the previous super criminals, but he is indeed on the side of righteousness, His 90.00% approval rate is not fake after all. On the contrary, although Captain America is for the sake of superheroes, for those privacy and traditions, but he is in the wrong position. He used to be the spiritual backbone of the American people. But this time he is standing on the opposite side of most of the people, just from this point, Captain America has no possibility of winning. What's more, Tony Stark has already appeared in a situation." Harry said lightly Talking about his own opinion, after thinking over and over for a long time, he finally thought of what was wrong with Tony Stark. That weak and strange fluctuation, the strange power hidden under that boiling body, finally appeared in his body. It was restored from the spiritual standpoint.

Standing up, Harry no longer cared about the faction.

"But none of them can..., huh?" Harry had reached the end of his words, and the faint smile on his face froze instantly, while Win-Win suddenly widened.


(End of this chapter)

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