Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 259 Can't Compromise

Chapter 259 Can't Compromise

"Well, you probably all know that I have been hiding my identity for the past few years to ensure that my secrets are not discovered by others, but at this time, the previous method is no longer applicable, so in Tony . Under Mr. Stark's persuasion and my own thinking, I decided to announce my identity to everyone." The little spider still looked nervous, but after gradually speaking, Pentax gradually calmed down. Next, love is to tell.

"The registration law gives all superheroes a choice. Of course, they can continue to follow Captain America's advocacy that capable people do not need to be supervised and seek so-called freedom, but we can also accept government programs to make our practices change. Be more legal and win back a little trust from the public, so! I'm not going to use a mask to separate myself from the world, it shames me, I'm proud of who I am, and I'm going to prove it A little bit." As the little spider's words became more and more firm, his hand had already reached the back of his neck, and he began to lift his mask.

All the reporters held their breath, looking at the person in the camera, Spider-Man, whose identity has always been a mystery, is finally going to reveal his identity at this moment, so that everyone can know.

The brown hair showed, then the ears, then the whole face!

In an instant, the sound of pressing the shutter was connected with the flashing lights, and their gathering point was the person standing on the stage, Spider-Man.

"My name is Peter Parker. I have been Spider-Man since I was 15 years old in high school." Then there was a touch of nervousness and shyness on the youthful face, holding the mask he took off in his hand, looking at the reporter below , asked with an unnatural smile: "Anyone want to ask questions?"


The screen on the TV turned black instantly.

Captain America put the remote control on the tea table in front of him, exhaled, leaned his head on the sofa, stared at the ceiling, but his eyes were not focused, and his face was full of unresolved sorrow.

"What do you think about this?" Captain America's voice was low and hoarse, as if he had suffered a very heavy blow.

This is indeed a very heavy blow. No matter what kind of person Tony Stark is, his methods are very high. He actually encouraged a superhero who hid his identity to reveal his identity at this time. As a candidate, Spider-Man is too adaptable to the timing. You must know that Spider-Man's reputation has never been lowered. Don't look at the Daily Bugle to smear him every day and use various conspiracy theories to speculate on him, but he is undoubtedly almost the most popular in New York City. Being close to the people is also the most enthusiastic superhero. Every day or even all the time, as long as there is an incident, this good neighbor wearing a red and blue grid tights will arrive, and the true identity of Spider-Man has always been a mystery. Anyone who is curious would want to know his identity, but at this moment, he took off his mask himself, and this action brought about an unfair but inevitable war. Battle of heroes.

Under the leadership of Spider-Man, more superheroes will surely join them and become the main force to deal with the anti-registration faction, and that situation is really too painful for the anti-registration faction Captain America. Cannibalism, even if you win, so what?

After Steve Rogers' questioning, there was silence in the room, and no one knew what expression they should make in this situation.

But at this moment, the door of the base was pushed open.

"Captain! It's not good!" A strong black man in yellow short-sleeved staggered two steps and suddenly fell to the ground, but he still shouted.

This sad cry surprised everyone here, because this person was Luke Cage, who was sent by Captain America to find a helper.

"Luke!" Falcon saw the fallen strong man, rushed up immediately, helped him up and put him on the sofa.

Luke Cage's ability is that he has a skin as hard as granite, which makes him invulnerable, but at this time, his yellow short sleeves are torn like a blade, and his body is actually torn open with bloody mouths.

"It was caused by a sharp weapon. It looks like the wound was a Japanese knife." The Winter Soldier leaned over to check the wound on Luke Cage, and then turned back to Captain America.

Captain America nodded, and then also came to Luke Cage.

"What happened?" Captain America looked at Luke Cage's appearance, obviously there was something unexpected, otherwise he went to Hell's Kitchen, a place where ordinary people rarely go to find partners, how could this happen? look.

"Go get the medicine kit and bandage the wound first." Falcon said to Hawkeye, and then tore off the tattered clothes on Luke Cage's body, revealing the wound on his tough skin.

"Tekken and I followed the captain's instructions to find my friends in Hell's Kitchen, but when we got to Hell's Kitchen, we found something was wrong. In the past, Hell's Kitchen has never been as quiet as last night, but that's it, I Walking inside very vigilantly with Iron Fist, finally, I saw it, whew! whew!" Luke Cage recalled, when he talked about what he saw, his breath suddenly became heavy.

"What happened in Hell's Kitchen?" Captain America asked.

"Huh! It's Tony Stark. He led his men to attack Hell's Kitchen, arrested all my friends, and killed a few people... Damn it!" Gritting his teeth, he said bitterly.

Hawkeye brought the medicine kit, and everyone moved away, asking him to help with the bandage.

"At that time, I wanted to rush to help, but Iron Fist and Daredevil who suddenly appeared stopped me and took us to a secret place, where I met a few friends." Luke Cage cooperated Hawkeye bandaged the wound on his body and spoke slowly.

"Then why are you the only one who came back, what about the others? And your injuries, could it be that you were discovered again?" Hawkeye asked.

"No! It's not that we were discovered, but that we were betrayed. It was Iron Fist, the trail he left for Tony Stark, that exposed all of us, Matt and they were all caught, and I was also injured by the other party." Luke Cage said that he suddenly became angry and was betrayed by his friends. There is really nothing more sad than this.

"And this time Tony Stark's subordinates were not familiar faces like the Fantastic Four. The person who injured me was a black man in a leather jacket with sunglasses and a silver blade. There were also some lesser-known superheroes. Criminal." Luke Cage continued.

"It seems that Tony Stark has other powers besides these people on the bright side." Captain America said upon hearing this.

"If Tony Stark had a bottom line, he would never use those super criminals, so we are in trouble." Hawkeye glanced at Captain America, sighed, and said.

at the same time.

X Academy.

In this paradise of mutants, there is also a discussion going on.

"Professor, Stark's behavior is too dangerous, how should we choose?" Storm looked out of the window at the steel soldiers with Stark's logo on their chests, and asked with a sad expression.

"Hmph! What choice do we have to make at this time? He actually left his toys at our door. Do we still want to smile at him? I said that I should go out and break Stark's metal Tear it up, and then throw it out." Wolverine crossed his legs, puffed out smoke, and said with a rebellious face at the same time.

"Although Logan's ideas are too much, we mutants should not be threatened by their violence, and I believe that even if we X-Men join the registration faction, our situation will not be any worse than before. A big improvement.” Beast also shook his head, as a former minister of mutant affairs who knows the inside of the government very well, he is too familiar with politics, even if Tony Stark’s opinions on them before It was very tempting, but judging from the fact that the other party placed the Iron Legion with them, it could be seen that everything would be false. If they disagreed, they would face another way of treatment.

Outside the window, the mutant children were playing and playing carefree, and some even saw the steel soldiers standing there motionless, and they were very curious to go up and take a closer look, wondering if there was anything in it. complex and heavy.

"I won't agree." Professor Charles said softly, but he didn't turn around, still looking at the children outside the window, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "Tony Stark's proposal doesn't do us any favors. The attraction of mutants, the future of mutants is not with us, but with them."

As soon as these words came out, all the X-Men breathed a sigh of relief. They knew Professor X, he was too merciful and also too soft. Tucker succumbed to the coercion of the mutant child, but at this point he apparently reassured everyone.


But at this moment, there was a sudden tremor outside the window, and an inexplicable attitude directly enveloped the entire academy.

"What's going on?" Storm asked in surprise.

"It's an old friend, don't worry." Professor X closed his eyes, and said calmly.

Wolverine also felt a little uncomfortable, and then he understood, curled his lips, and continued to smoke his inferior cigar vigorously.

But outside the window, changes are taking place.

Twisted, generally without any effort.Iron Warrior has turned into a pile of waste.

(End of this chapter)

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