I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 171 Chapter 175 The Murderer (1 More)

Chapter 171 Chapter 175 The Murderer (1 More)
late at night.

There was a strange smell in the air, very faint, but it lingered for a long time.

Strange yellow powder was sprinkled around the camp, and the smell spread from the yellow powder, which was enough to drive away the snakes, insects, rats and ants in the wilderness.

Next to the camp, Li Ye and Song Hua, who were in charge of keeping watch in the middle of the night, sat beside a small bonfire, listening to the crackling of the wood.

"I heard from my uncle that the Yaofang opera troupe in Yujing City is very beautiful, have you seen it?"

Song Hua asked enviously.

Since he always heard various news about Yu Jingcheng from his uncle, he was very curious about everything about Yu Jing.

"Yaofang Opera Troupe! It's pretty good. I personally like Rong Huan, the Three Operas of Beihou. It's ingenious. It adds some dramatic performances on the basis of the old version, so that Rong Huan can play the role of a buffoon. Every time I watch it It all amused me."

Li Ye said.

Life in ancient times was no better than modern times, and theater troupes have become a form of entertainment that is suitable for both high and low.

"Beihou Opera Ronghuan, I've heard of this play, but unfortunately, I have no money. After I finish this errand and get my wages, I'm going to send half of it home and save the rest, you know? I've always had a dream."

Song Hua said happily.

"Yeah." Seeing that the bonfire became smaller, Li Ye quickly picked up the wooden block next to it and put it on the bonfire.

"I want to go to Yujing and see what my uncle said about Yujing?" Song Hua continued.

Li Ye said.

"Isn't this caravan doing business in Yujingcheng? As long as the caravan goes to Yujingcheng for business, you can go with it."

Song Hua scratched his head.

"I've only just been here with the caravan. I was still working in the village before. I heard from my uncle that caravans rarely go to Yujing City, not necessarily once a year. Even if they do, it won't be my turn. "

He continued to chatter.

But Li Ye didn't have the heart to listen, and felt a peeping from the dark place ahead.

It's just the first day, it's a bit interesting. He quickly scanned the front, and after a while, he found a man with a cat's footsteps. He was of medium build and his face was covered, only a pair of eyes were exposed. .

"Also, I want to find a good family for my little sister. Let me tell you, my little sister is very beautiful. All the village men from all over the world want to marry my sister, and those people don't even look at them.

She is not as handsome as me, and she has no money, so she dares to try to marry my younger sister.

By the way, there was another time when there was a poor scholar. To be honest, I am not an underestimated scholar, and I really want to appreciate the scholar's literary talent, but the scholar is poor. "

Song Hua's mouth never stopped.

Li Ye looked at Song Hua, but he didn't see how handsome he was from Song Hua, and felt that his self-confidence was a little too big.

"If what you said is true, your little sister is so beautiful, and you can be regarded as a little handsome at most, and you can't even compare with you in appearance. Such a person is really not worthy of your little sister."

Song Hua seemed to have met a bosom friend, and became happy.

"You think so too."

As soon as the word "get" came out of his mouth, he felt that the words were a little strange, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Li Ye bent down and picked up a small pebble on the ground, the size of a thumb. He looked at the person who didn't know it was exposed and was still walking around, twisted his fingers around the stone, and then shot it out.

The zhenqi attached to the stone turned into an extremely sharp knife, without making any noise that could alarm others.


The man didn't know why there was a sense of fear in his heart, and he accidentally stepped on a branch. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look.

But before the head turned around, the skull felt pain.

After the pain, well, after no more.

Before the stone that pierced the skull flew towards the tree trunk, the remaining energy in it disappeared and turned into dust.

"Hey, I don't like to hear what you say, what do you mean I am a little handsome, you know that I am known as a peerless handsome man in our village, and girls from all over the world are crying and wanting to marry me.

If it weren't for my high vision and wanting to be an official lady, beautiful or ugly, I wouldn't want it. "

Song Hua retorted.

Hearing his words, Li Ye burst out laughing.

Marry an official lady?
Based on Song Hua's family background alone, it is simply a fantasy to want to marry an official lady. In the eyes of those big families, the requirements for their children to marry are that they are well-matched.

"It's not because beautiful officials don't marry, I really want to know, who taught you to think like this?"

Li Ye asked.

Song Hua pouted towards the tent not far behind.

"My brother-in-law, my brother-in-law said that as long as you are brave and dare to marry a beautiful woman, you will always be right when you think about it. What if it happens one day?"

Li Ye remained silent, not wanting to hit him.

"It's good to have this confidence. You are really interesting. I like you."

Not far away, the people who were sleeping on the cart were woken up. Their eyes were dim. Two of them walked up to Li Ye and Li Ye with knives in their hands.

"Brother, the guard has changed."

Song Hua seemed to have more to say, and said, "It's time."

Li Ye didn't care so much, picked up the knife placed beside him, turned around and left.

"Hey, wait for me."

Then the two leaned against the cart and fell asleep on the ground.

The night passed.

early morning.

A person walked out of the camp, sniffed his nose, as if he smelled a strange smell.

"Fifth, what's the matter?"

As the Ke Qing of the Wang family caravan and also the military guarantor of this caravan, the second child of the six accompanying Ke Qing asked.

"The smell of blood, I smell the smell of blood, I'll go and have a look, you go and inform the young master and miss."

The fifth child said with a serious face.

As the one with the most sensitive sense of smell among the crowd, he didn't notice something was wrong in time, which had to cheer him up.

"Then be careful."

The second child then ran to the camp ahead, while the fifth child went into the woods.

Li Ye opened his eyes and looked at the direction that the fifth child was heading for. It was the gangster he killed last night.

A standing figure with a slightly bent body, a small hole in the head.

It is fatal!

Looking at the figure, Lao Wu trembled all over, not because of the dead person, but because of the strangeness of the death. Looking at the direction of the figure, he was obviously observing the caravan, and there were already patches of corpse spots appearing.

Based on his old world experience, this person was shot to death here last night, but the murderer was not the brothers.

"What was found"

The second child who came running was speechless and fearful.

"Fifth, what conclusion do you have?"

The fifth child walked forward.

"The murderer is stronger than any of our brothers. Second brother, this person didn't even have the slightest chance to react. Perhaps, when he realized it, it was too late."

The second child also went forward.

"Yeah, he turned his head, but he was killed as soon as he had an idea, but what killed him, the wound is very strange and neat, and the skull didn't play any blocking role."

The fifth child walked behind the corpse and pointed to the traces of the tree trunk.

"It's a stone."

There is still powder of stones on the trunk.

"What, Shi Zi, is stronger than our martial artists. He can kill gangsters that we didn't even notice. How strong do you think this person is?" the second child asked blankly.

The fifth child's face was still solemn, and two words popped out of his mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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