I am the seventeenth prince

Chapter 170 Chapter 174 Poverty Limits Imagination (4 More)

Chapter 170 Chapter 174 Poverty Limits Imagination (4 More)

A figure flashed past and disappeared in the Gobi.

Jing Huan stretched out her hand to support the cliff, staggered, and walked towards the depression in the mountain. Tears slid down her face and fell to the ground.

Sitting on the ground, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, circulated the true qi in her body, and slowly repaired the injuries to her meridians.


Due to her injuries, she is more alert than ever.

Her ears twitched, and she heard a different airflow from the air, as if someone was approaching. She didn't dare to neglect, and stood up quietly, sticking to the stone wall, holding the hilt of her sword tightly in her hand.

who is it?

Jing Huan was not sure who was coming.

On the top of the Gobi where she was, Jing Nan stood on the top of the Gobi, looked around, saw the undulating Gobi rock belt, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Went there. Jing Nan kept asking in her heart.

While walking, she came to the edge of the cliff and looked down, but found nothing.

When Jing Huan heard the movement from above, she was very disturbed, fearing that this person who didn't know if she was an enemy or a friend would find her trace.

Fortunately, she chose the hiding place carefully. As long as she didn't jump off, she couldn't see the depression in the mountain from the top, and she could only spot it from a certain angle from the side.


Jing Nan left, away from the Gobi Desert.

Listening to the wind flow in the sky, Jing Huan roughly discerned the direction of the other party's departure, and couldn't help but feel a little moved. She stretched her head and looked from the crack in the rock.

Like a streamer, a figure quickly disappeared from Jing Huan's sight.

But from the strange footwork and the skill of stepping into the air, Jing Huan's face was happy at first, then changed drastically, and then became suspicious.

Spirit Snake Nine Illusions, it's Senior Sister, but hasn't Senior Sister returned to the mountain?Why is she here?Xing Ming said that her heart is very complicated, and remembering what Jing Xingming reminded her many times, she couldn't help being a little uncertain.

She wanted to object.

But this time for help is really a coincidence, the person who asked for help has not been found, but encountered an unprecedented enemy.

What's even more weird is that Jing Nan, who has already returned to the mountain, just happened to appear here. If she said that she came to save people, she would never believe it.

"Senior Sister, if you really want my life, it won't work. The friendship between our teachers and sisters all these years is probably fake. I am so stupid, so stupid."

Jing Huan sat paralyzed on the ground, the pain in her body was nothing compared to the pain in her heart.

The past flashed back and forth in her mind.

The senior sister who used to always smile at her, teach her martial arts, and give her delicious food made her feel respected, suddenly became strange and blurred in her mind, and she couldn't see clearly.

Sitting blankly, Jing Huan's eyes were empty, not knowing what she was thinking.

on the road.

The carriage is like a long dragon, pulled by horses, struggling to move forward on this rugged road.

"Push hard."

A cart in front just fell into an inconspicuous small pothole, and the cart was very heavy, and the horse and horse couldn't get up, so someone had to push it behind.

"One two three, push."

With a slogan.

As a glorious handyman, Li Ye pretended to use all his strength to push the delivery cart away from the small pothole.

Someone panted, "This car is really heavy, and it almost failed, Xiao Li, look at your muscles, your strength should not be weak, you are worthy of practicing martial arts."

He patted Li Ye's strong muscles.

"Very strong."

Li Ye mentioned the plain knife without a scabbard, and smiled modestly, "It's okay."

Not long after, the convoy left the rough road and chose an open river before nightfall, where they planned to set up camp.

When Li Ye and the others set up camp, the big pot of rice was already being cooked.

After an hour or so, it was getting dark.

"dinner's ready."

"Team A eats first tonight."

With a reminder, Li Ye hammered the hammer again, and the iron nails that fixed the tent sank into the ground in an instant. Then he put down the hammer in his hand, stood up, and smelled the smell of the food.

He couldn't help licking his lips.

The work in the caravan was not difficult for him, it didn't bore him, but gave him a sense of freshness that he hadn't seen for a long time.

As soon as he stood up, he felt a scrutinizing gaze on him.

The owner of the eyes is the eldest lady of the caravan, she is beautiful and can be regarded as a rare beauty.

Li Ye closed his head with a smile.

Long before departure, he heard the conversation inside the restaurant outside the restaurant, and he was a little surprised when he heard the analysis of these people.

After the astonishment passed, he didn't care what the other party thought.

He has enough self-protection ability, but he just doesn't want to go on the road alone, that would be boring.

"It's time to eat." A cheerful voice passed by Li Ye.

Li Ye stepped forward quickly, walked to the iron pot, picked up the iron plate, and after receiving the food, he sniffed the smell of the food, but seeing the greasy and heavy dishes made him, a person who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas , Suddenly a little unaccustomed.

The corners of his eyes are raised.

It is easy to be extravagant and difficult to be simple.

Fortunately, he is also a person who has eaten a lot of big pot rice. After a while, he overcame his psychology and started eating with chopsticks.

"Xiao Li, you are from the capital city. It is said that Yujing is very prosperous. The streets and alleys are full of people. You can see official ladies everywhere, and that drunk red building. I heard that all the people in it are stunning in the world. Is it true? of?
And what is that place?Why are there so many beauties? "

The face is still a little childish, the young man in the same group as Li Ye, Song Hua.

He came with an iron plate and sat down next to Li Ye with a curious look on his face.

"Yu Jing is indeed very prosperous. During the daytime, there will be many pedestrians on the street. As for the Drunken Red House you mentioned, it is very famous in Yu Jing. It is just a high-end brothel filled with relatives of officials implicated after committing crimes.

To be seen by officials, these female relatives must be very beautiful. "

Li Ye said while eating.

"What brothel, my uncle." Song Hua stopped his words in time, and he glanced at the uncle who was directing other people's work not far away.

"I haven't been there yet, are the people there really beautiful?"

He said with some yearning.

"I haven't been there either, but there must be beautiful beauties. Your uncle is willing to pay. You know, it will cost you a lot just to go in. It costs ten taels to sit in the hall. Are you willing?"

Li Ye said.

Song Hua took a deep breath, "Ten taels? I can't bear it, ten taels of silver is enough for me to live frugally for three months."

After searching all over his body, he couldn't find ten taels of silver, so he couldn't help feeling distressed.

"You're still good. Twelve is just the price for a seat and a small fruit plate. If you want to be a Sleeping Beauty, you need more than this amount. The more famous and beautiful you are, the higher the price, at least this amount."

Li Ye stretched out a finger.

"What's wrong with Chu, is there something wrong? I, I, I can't be dedicated!"

Song Hua couldn't help it, and almost spit out the food in his mouth.

"100 taels, you think she is inlaid with gold, so expensive?"

Guess, people were choked.

"Wrong, it's Qianliang. Others still depend on the talent to pick up the guests. How about it, I didn't expect it." Li Ye said with a smile.

Song Hua swallowed.

"Thousand, thousand, two, my God."

Li Ye laughed again, "There is also a kind of person who can't even sleep with money. Only the heirs of the big men in Yujing City are qualified to show mercy to beauties."

Song Hua couldn't imagine the life of a nobleman, and he only had envy in his heart.

Qianliang was already something he dared not think about, the beauty Li Ye talked about couldn't even sleep with money, and he couldn't understand the thoughts of those rich and powerful children.

After a few clicks, Li Ye quickly finished the food in his mouth, felt the gaze that was always looking at him, and turned his head to look.

He smiled kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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