Shadow Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 106 Reserve Team

Chapter 106 Reserve Team

Kong Dezheng looked at Lin Xuan and waved his hand and said, Lin Xuan nodded and pulled Chu Linger and Kong Dezheng to stand together. There was a woman with big breasts beside Kong Dezheng whom Lin Xuan didn't know. Lin Xuan didn't know the others. It can be regarded as very favorable, after all, they helped Chu Ling'er out of the siege.


Kong Dezheng shouted angrily, and five soul rings with two yellows, two purples, and one black lit up. Except for Qian Jun and Kong Dezheng, everyone else had two yellows and two purples. Only Lin Xuan released the terrifying one yellow, two purples, and one black four soul rings. A soul ring made everyone gasp.

Seeing that everyone was shocked by Lin Xuan, Chu Ling'er, who had been holding Lin Xuan's arm, also felt a sense of pride. After all, she was her own man, and such an outstanding man could not be found second.

"Okay, don't be an idiot, let's fight."

Lin Xuan patted Chu Linger's head with a wry smile and took the lead. The rest of the people here have no soul kings at all. How could they be the opponents of Kong Dezheng and his party? It was already divided, and the scene was one-sided, and there were only seven of them left.

"It's really boring. Dai Lin and Xue Qingtian ran away with their gang."

Kong Dezheng waved his fist and obviously felt unsatisfied. He originally wanted to prevent the people from Shrek Academy from vying for the position in the reserve team because Xue Qingtian and Dai Lin would prevent them from vying for the position in the reserve team, but who knew that they all left overnight, Elder Long looked at the eliminated people and said :

"Go back, class will continue as usual tomorrow."


Everyone lowered their heads and said in frustration, Long Lao looked at these people and scolded:

"What does it look like? They still have five years before they can become official players, so it's fine for you to surpass them and regain the official team members within five years. If you're always downcast, you're still a student of Shrek?"

Long Lao’s words made everyone wake up. Yes, they are indeed on the edge of their own horns. Logically speaking, Kong Dezheng, Liu Yang, and Qian Jun should all be members of the Inner Academy. They are still young and have time to copy the operations of Kong Dezheng or Liu Yang, so there is really no need to be discouraged.

"The seven of you should go to rest first. Come here tomorrow morning. It's the same time as the class. As for your classes, don't worry about it. You have officially become members of the Shrek reserve team."

Elder Long looked at Kong Dezheng and the others with a smile and said, Kong Dezheng took a step forward and shouted:

"For Shrek, we are obliged to wait."

"Stop being glib, it's a matter of inviting your juniors and sisters today."

"Do not worry."

Kong Dezheng smiled, Liu Yang looked at Kong Dezheng's expression and said to Lin Xuan:

"You have just arrived, you have to be ready tonight, Kong De is known as the Jiuxian, you have to be mentally prepared."

"It's so scary."

Lin Xuan chuckled and obviously didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until night that Lin Xuan realized that he was wrong, a big mistake. He lay powerlessly on the table, and Chu Linger next to him had fallen asleep leaning against him, and only Kong Dezheng was standing alone on the table Singing a song on the Internet, everyone around him was almost dead, only Lin Meng was still drinking, why did it become like this?
Lin Xuan and Chu Linger took a shower and came to the Wanhe Building in Shrek City. Everyone introduced themselves here. Lin Xuan also met the woman. Her name was Lin Meng. Kong De was hugging Lin Meng Proudly declared:

"He's my girlfriend."


Lin Meng blushed and pushed Kong Dezheng away. They chatted for a while and started drinking. Gradually, the atmosphere began to turn wrong. Liu Qiyao fell down first, but Lin Xuan always felt that this guy was just pretending. Only Kong Dezheng, Lin Xuan and Lin Meng were left in the world, and then it became like this.

"Lin Xuan, you are Shrek's hope for the future. Qian Jun and I put it nicely called recharging your energy, but in fact, I am afraid. I am nineteen this year and Qian Jun is nineteen. The next competition between the two of us You can only participate according to your age, but there is no doubt that you are the oldest, but you are different, you are only thirteen, it is no problem to participate in two sessions, I am optimistic about you."

Kong De was hugging Lin Xuan and said, smelling of alcohol all over his body, Lin Xuan had a helpless wry smile and said after drinking a glass:

"Senior, you drank too much, let's just leave it like this today."

"Don't persuade him. That's how he drinks. Let me do it."

Lin Meng pulled Kong Dezheng away from Lin Xuan, and then pulled Kong Dezheng like coaxing a child. Only then did Lin Xuan see Liu Qiyao and Qian Junzheng lying on the table with suppressed smiles. It turned out that the two were not drunk at all. He saw Seeing that Chu Ling'er, who was too drunk beside her, also mourned for her, he was probably the only one at the wine table who was really drunk.

"Okay, darling, don't make trouble and go back to sleep, okay?"

"No, I want to sleep with you."

"No, boys and girls cannot sleep together in school."

"Then let's sleep outside!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

When Kong Dezheng said these words, Liu Yang, Qian Jun, and Liu Qiyao burst into laughter, rolling on the ground with laughter, and Lin Xuan was smashed to the ground by Lei's integrity. Kong Dezheng, who looked so majestic, was actually a mother Boy?
"You don't know, do you? Kong Dezheng does this every time he gets drunk, and he can't remember what happened the next day."

"Then you still watch me being treated like this?"

Lin Meng glared at Liu Qiyao and said viciously, Qian Jun came to Lin Xuan's side and said:

"Lin Meng is usually super shy, but after drinking, he becomes bolder. This is the so-called cute contrast, right? Hahahahaha."

Lin Xuan really didn't know how to complain. The two of them are really wine masters. After drinking wine, such a strange chemical reaction can occur. It didn't take long for everyone to end the meeting. This time, everyone just knew each other's names. There is no deep friendship, and tomorrow Lin Xuan will make a bold move, which he has kept from everyone, only Ye Fanxing knows.

"Lin Xuan, you have to pay attention if you want to challenge Ikita."

After Ye Fanxing came out of the Sea God Pavilion, he said worriedly that he had just entered the Sea God Pavilion and handed over the formalities to Long Lao. Tomorrow, Lin Xuan would challenge Iguita. Can't join the team of Shrek Academy, and can't leave Shrek to join other teams.

This kind of action was strongly opposed by Kong Lao. Only Long Lao knew that although Lin Xuan didn't talk much, he looked very kind, but if he really launched a ruthless attack, it would definitely not achieve his goal, so he agreed in front of Xiao Lao. this matter.

Lin Xuan got up early the next morning and came to the training ground. He didn't even notify Chu Ling'er, and it happened that Long Lao was here at the moment, as if the two had made an agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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