Shadow Douluo of Douluo Continent

Chapter 105 Reserve Team Selection

Chapter 105 Reserve Team Selection
Wang Lin jumped directly into the sea and began to dive. Lin Xuan floated on the water and waited for Wang Lin to come back. Five minutes later, Wang Lin appeared from the sea and looked at Lin Xuan and shook his head. After sinking, he left from the space crack. This time, he relied on the method given by Yang Zhao to completely destroy the space crack. The method of destruction is very simple, just dismantle the space node in the Star Dou Forest, which is not enough with Lin Xuan's space attainments. It was Yang Zhao's help to make a trick to remove the space node.

After Lin Xuan returned to school, he went to apologize to Chu Linger. The one day agreed to go turned into four days and four nights in an instant. She thought that Lin Xuan was dead when all the Shrek staff were mobilized three days ago. Everyone was there to help revenge. Woolen cloth.

To put it bluntly, Lin Xuan was so close to kowtow that he finally got Chu Ling'er done. The next day, before his butt was hot, he received a message that the selection for the reserve team had begun. This time the selection for the reserve team was taken over by Mr. Long, but Lin Xuan Xuan was the first to be notified, so he came to the training ground early in the morning.

"Come here, Xiaolin Xuan."

Seeing Lin Xuan coming, Mr. Long waved his hand to signal him to come over. Lin Xuan hurriedly ran over. Lin Xuan looked at the worried Mr. Long and asked cautiously:

"Old Long, old Xiao?"

"He didn't die, but he wanted to see who the reserve team was, so we selected them in advance. Logically speaking, we should have selected them early next year, but now we have to select them first."

Elder Long took a sip of wine at this point, Lin Xuan didn't know how to comfort him, and when he was speechless, Dai Lin suddenly walked into the training ground, Elder Long looked at Dai Lin and said:

"Your first assessment, defeat him."


"There is no limit to the means, let's fight here."

Long Lao nodded and said seriously, Dai Lin stared at Lin Xuan, he felt so angry for the first time, he did not know how many ways to defeat this man, today he will leave Shrek The last duel with Lin Xuan.

Since Lin Xuan stood directly in front of Dai Lin without talking nonsense, Dai Lin released his martial soul with a roar, the fourth soul skill was activated immediately, and at the same time the soul bone skill was released at the same time, Lin Xuan looked at the big handprint above his head, Feeling the change of gravity around him, he smiled.


Lin Xuan's fourth soul skill was released, and Dai Lin immediately stayed where the soul bone skill was released. Just when Dai Lin's face changed, Lin Xuan raised the Xuantian Shield to block the palm without dodging or evading.


Dai Lin suddenly threw a long spear from the storage bag and stabbed Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan's second soul skill space cutting forcibly blocked the speed of the long spear. The next moment he grabbed the long spear and turned around and threw it back.


Dai Lin's White Tiger Vajra Transformation released the long spear and rushed towards Lin Xuan. The white tiger's light wave was released from Dai Lin's mouth. Lin Xuan knew that if he didn't defeat Dai Lin head-on, Dai Lin might find reasons for himself, so he first The three soul skills were released, and a shield blocked the white tiger's light wave and shattered directly. The shield fragments turned into countless kunai in the air and stabbed Dai Lin. The skill was released again, Lin Xuan's left arm lit up with white light, and the Tianhu's left arm bone skill was released, Dai Lin's white tiger actually passed through Lin Xuan's body, Lin Xuan quickly turned around and grabbed Dai Lin's arm, and then a beautiful The over-the-shoulder fall knocked Dai Lin into obscurity, and the ten thousand year spirit bone skill was void, allowing Lin Xuan's body to directly merge into the void, leaving only an afterimage.

Lin Xuan didn't give Dai Lin a chance to resist. He directly put his knee on Dai Lin's neck to form a kneeling posture. No matter how Dai Lin resisted, it was useless. Dai Lin could only look at Lin Xuan and behind him unwillingly. One yellow, two purple, one black four soul rings, the gap is getting bigger and bigger after all.

"Lin Xuan won."

Elder Long announced expressionlessly, Lin Xuan let go of his feet and took a few steps back, Dai Lin angrily beat the ground regardless of his fists being bloody, and after venting, Dai Lin left the training ground without saying a word.

"The Star Luo Empire has recalled all the soul masters and officials in the Heaven Dou Empire, and Shrek's people who belong to the royal family of the Star Luo Empire have all withdrawn."

"You mean?"

Lin Xuan suddenly realized what was happening and covered his mouth in disbelief. Elder Long nodded. There was only one reason, war! The high-end power of the Heaven Dou Empire suffered heavy losses, so severe that the Star Luo Empire could launch a war recklessly. This time The encirclement and suppression of the Holy Spirit Sect feels like a conspiracy. The Star Luo Empire did not die, while the Tiandou Empire and Shrek suffered heavy losses. The Clear Sky School is fine, but the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School died a little too much. Originally, it was to preserve its strength and live in seclusion. , Now it's really going to be a hermit.

The head of the Tang Sect was seriously injured, and the other four hall masters all suffered injuries to varying degrees. The most injured one was the master of the Medicine Hall, who was almost breathless. Now the Tiandou Empire is almost ineffective every day. The Star Luo Empire is about to start a war.

And they don't have to worry about Shrek's face at all. The reason is very simple. Today, Shrek announced that the owner of the Sea God Pavilion has been replaced by Kong Lao. It's not easy to hear, Lian Po is old, it's hard to say whether he can still eat, and he still wants to break through the limit Douluo?
"I asked you to fight Dai Lin today out of selfishness. I don't want Shrek to be implicated after Dai Lin becomes the emperor of the Star Luo Empire because of your grievances with Dai Lin."

Long Lao looked at the sky and sighed, Shrek is a place for teaching and educating people, no matter what kind of power people can come here to train, they thought they could reconcile the problems between the two empires, who knew that Shrek It just gave the two empires a chessboard for a void game, and these chess pieces are these princes.

"Old Long, I will grow up quickly, and even if the war burns to Shrek, I will do my best to protect Shrek."

Lin Xuan clenched his fists and said firmly, Long Lao patted Lin Xuan on the head and started chatting until dozens of people came to the training ground in the afternoon, including Kong Dezheng, Liu Yang, Liu Qiyao, Qian Jun, Chu Linger, and one other person. They didn't know each other. Xue Qingtian, Tang Xiao, including the people around them all left, including many seniors in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. Elder Long looked at the crowd and said:

"Start a scuffle by any means, and the winners will leave me with only seven."

After saying that, Long Lao disappeared, and the people who had been prepared for a long time immediately started looking for the team. Everyone had thought of this a long time ago, so they began to sort according to the original team, and only Lin Xuan and Chu Linger stood in the field. Together, it looks out of place.

"Lin Xuan, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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