Chapter 8 Daredevil!Mutant!
"Observe what's going on inside first, don't act without authorization."

When he arrived at the abandoned steel factory, Li Yang jumped up first, stepped on the wall, and took advantage of the force of the shock to rise up step by step, before he hid in the roof after a while.

The little spider shrugged and agreed.Immediately, the spider silk sprayed out, jumped up, and followed Li Yang's figure into the factory building.

Looking down from the roof, one person was fighting fiercely with the gangsters, and there were about [-] gangsters holding guns, scattered in every corner of the factory building.

"It's Daredevil!"

Although Li Yangzhong had never seen the person fighting the gangster, he recognized him at a glance.

Blind, wearing a bright red tight suit, and holding a metal walking stick as a weapon, all fit the characteristics of Daredevil.

According to Li Yang's knowledge of New York's underground world in the past few months, Daredevil is a superhero who is often active.Although Daredevil has lost his vision, with the other four senses of Superman, he can clearly "see" everything around him, coupled with the peak physical fitness of the human body, and the number one enemy that makes him the underground gang.

"Hi, I know him, he's Daredevil!", the little spider also recognized him, even a little excited.Avenging innocent victims and battling the forces of evil in the city, he dons red tights and becomes Daredevil when night falls.Lightning-like sensing power, coupled with the swiftness of a goshawk and jaguar, replaces the law in the city to fight crimes, recovers grievances that cannot be settled in court, and punishes villains who cannot be enforced by the law on the spot.Daredevil, in people's word of mouth, has already become an urban legend.

The little spider has naturally heard about the deeds of Daredevil. When he hadn't acquired this ability half a year ago, he naturally admired Daredevil's deeds of fighting criminals.

"Oh, he doesn't look very good now, should we hurry to help him?"

"Quiet!" Li Yang held down the little spider to prevent him from making a rash move. "He can still hold on. Let's see the situation clearly before we make a move."

The battle in the room is in full swing, and Daredevil is indeed worthy of his name. With superb fighting skills and physical fitness developed to the limit of the human body, once the gangsters in the room encounter him, they will fall down within two moves. at his feet.

But at the moment he was in a bitter fight.After careful observation, it turned out that Jin Bing's chief killer was present.


Bullseye has a natural throwing ability, and Li Yang thinks he is most likely a mutant.He can throw any object in his hand to the target with incredible precision. It is rumored that he once killed an enemy [-] meters away with a tiny toothpick!
Seeing it now, it is really extraordinary.I saw him holding a pistol and shooting at Daredevil casually. Every shot forced Daredevil into a predicament, narrowly surviving death.

"Daredevil! I didn't expect to see you today. It seems that it is destined that you will die!"

Bullseye shouted recklessly, originally to deal with Li Yang and Spiderman, but unexpectedly Daredevil came first.He has fought against Daredevil several times, and he has long regarded Daredevil as an old enemy in his heart, so as soon as Daredevil arrived, he didn't care about hiding, and jumped out straight away, beckoning his men to besiege Daredevil together, intended to kill it.

"Hmph, do you think you have the chance to win? Then you underestimate me too much!" Although Daredevil has been at a disadvantage for the time being, Daredevil has experienced life and death several times. He has experienced this situation many times. He didn't turn defeat into victory that time. , to be the final winner.So Bullseye's words are just a breeze to him.

"It's you who overestimated yourself! I want to see if you can get out alive today!" Bullseye said cruelly, and then waved his hand, leading twenty of his subordinates to slowly encircle Daredevil. .

Before the encirclement circle was formed, Daredevil rushed out from behind the steel furnace with a sword step.Cheetah-like speed, no matter how vigilant the gangsters are, it is still not as good as his case.

The metal staff in his hand danced like the wind, and he slammed it down brazenly, hitting a gangster in an instant.But he still didn't stop. He slid sideways and nimbly dodged the enemy's gunshots. Then he swung the metal rod out again and hit an enemy's neck in astonishment. The enemy fell to the ground immediately, life or death.

good chance!
Bullseye is an excellent fighter, and he keenly discovered a flaw in Daredevil in the ever-changing battle.Taking advantage of Daredevil's old power gone and new power not born, Bullseye showed a ferocious smile on his face, raised his gun and fired, relying on his natural and accurate throwing ability, even the most ordinary pistol in his hand, still hits the target. The effect of a sniper rifle.

The shot missed, and the Daredevil escaped the killer shot of Bullseye!
In the blink of an eye, Daredevil's extraordinary perception ability is like predicting the future, allowing him to instantly understand his desperate situation.

The old strength of the body has been exhausted, and the new strength has not been born. At this time of life and death, Daredevil pressed a small red button on the metal staff, and the head of the metal staff burst out, with a steel cable wrapped around the ten-meter on the outer stone pillar.Then he pressed the button again, and finally escaped from the danger under the traction of the steel cable when the bullet arrived.

Bullseye was furious, and he left behind his subordinates to catch up quickly.

"Act now, remember to deal with those little ones first." Li Yang observed secretly for a long time, basically figured out the situation on the scene, and immediately made a decision.

There is only one Bullseye, and he is restrained by Daredevil. Although the remaining enemies are not strong, they are not underestimated with the guns in their hands. They must be eliminated first.

"Of course, look at mine."

The little spider jumped down, the sound of the wind whistled in his ears, and the spider silks shot out during the high-speed movement, accurately attaching gangsters to the ground one by one.

When it reached the ground, another spider thread exploded and stuck to the roof. Under the strong pull of the little spider, it suddenly stopped the landing body, and then jumped high, flying in the wide steel factory.

Bullets rained down, and the mobsters who spotted Spider-Man shot at him in horror.But although it was of no avail, Spiderman flexibly changed his figure in the air and dodged all the bullets.At the same time, the spider silk exploded, knocking down enemies one by one.

"Now, it's my turn." Li Yang calmed down his restless heartbeat, and then his eyes narrowed, as if a cat had no bones, it fell to the ground without a sound, his wrist was turned, and the throwing knife was thrown in his hand at will. , Then there are streaks of white light breaking through the air and attacking.

When the enemy was unprepared, the blade took their lives.

"Oh! What the hell happened!"

"The devil! Satan!"

"No, I'm quitting!"


The gangsters who were already frightened fell into chaos again.

They explored everything around them in horror, but found nothing.

At this moment, Li Yang was lurking in the shadows, watching the fear spread among the gang members with a pair of cold eyes calmly.

He took out the Willow Leaf Flying Knife again, concentrated the power in his hand with ingenious techniques, and then there was a flash of cold light, and the flying knife at almost the speed of sound sank into one person's chest again, making the enemy even more flustered.

Not only Li Yang, but the little spider is also acting at the same time.Originally, he had to dodge the bullets of the gangsters, but as soon as Li Yang made a move, he hung on a spider thread without any scruples, and shot the spider threads one after another, binding the enemies to the ground one by one, immobilizing them.

With the cooperation of Li Yang and the little spider, the enemy ran around like headless flies, and the submachine gun in his hand shot out bullets aimlessly, but he was reduced to a fire stick.

Finally, after Li Yang hit his sky cap with a punch under the horrified gaze of the last black man, the battle was over.

"Very good, it has improved a lot compared to the previous two battles." Li Yang praised.Compared with the little spider who was a bit timid the first time, he has now transformed into a qualified fighter.

"Thank you for the compliment. I also feel that I have made great progress." Little Spider is a smart person, good at summarizing, discovering and correcting mistakes.It is normal to have such great progress.

"Sir, it's..., oh! Where's Daredevil?" Little Spider wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly found that Daredevil and Bullseye were not there.

"There they are!" After calming down, the little spider found out where Daredevil was with his "spider sense".With a finger, it was in another workshop of the steel factory.

At this moment, Daredevil and Bullseye were fisting and kicking, fighting so fiercely that they had forgotten about other things.They have only one goal now, and that is to knock down each other and win!

"Go, go and have a look." With a greeting, Li Yang stepped forward quickly, ready to help Daredevil.

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and a dark red lightning struck!
The alarm bell rang in Li Yang's mind, before he had time to think about it, he leaned back violently, and narrowly escaped the attack with an iron bridge.

Boom!When it hit the ground, it actually made a small hole seven or eight centimeters deep in the concrete floor!
It is as powerful as a sniper rifle!
With both arms vigorously, he rolled over with a rather indecent donkey and came to the corner. Li Yang looked around vigilantly, looking for the figure of the enemy.

"Be careful, there are still people here!" Reminding the little spider, Li Yang looked around warily.

The little spider immediately climbed into the air and guarded the surroundings together with Li Yang.

"I have already said that this group of people is useless at all. If you don't listen, in the end, they will let us take action!"

The dull thunderous complaints sounded out of nowhere, and Li Yang and the little spider searched for the sound, only to see two figures gradually appearing in the factory building under their watchful eyes.

One is as strong as a bull, and his whole body seems to be made of muscles; the other has malignant sores on his face, and his whole body looks very sinister.

"That's enough, don't keep complaining. Now get rid of these two people, and the task will be completed." The ugly man said to the strong man.

"Okay, I'll choose this!" Pointing at Li Yang, the brawny man smiled ferociously.

"No problem, I'll deal with the other one." After speaking, the man's body descended from top to bottom, and gradually disappeared into the air.

It's a mutant!

"Little spider, be careful, they are mutants!"

 It's Monday!Ask for collection!Please recommend!This is my true thought of wanting to hit the new book list.Although I don't know how the ranking is calculated (ω) Cover your face, cover your face, I'm afraid this guy is not a fool!

  Special thanks to Changjiang coolie No. [-] for the red envelope, flattered, flattered (∵`)
  Thanks to other book friends for their support, I won’t name them one by one. In short, thank you *(`)*
  Finally, continue the daily copy and paste, please recommend!Ask for collection!Ask for a comment!Ask for a rating!Ask for a book list!
  Ask for everything (﹡o﹡)

(End of this chapter)

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