The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 7 The Conspiracy of Jin Merger, An Accident Happened!

Chapter 7 The Conspiracy of Jin Merger, An Accident Happened!
"You are Wilson?"

Although Smith used questions, his tone was very positive.

"take away!"

With a wave of his hand, two people walked out behind Smith and grabbed Wilson, and then dragged them towards the door of the bar.

"Hey, you... who are you and why are you arresting me?"

Wilson screamed in panic and struggled hard.He just came to the bar to drink, why suddenly a white man with sunglasses appeared and said a word without end, and then arrested him.

"Help! Help! Someone help me!"

But it was all in vain, he was powerless to resist in front of two big and round men.After realizing this, Wilson turned to the people around him for help.But only a pair of indifferent eyes responded to him.This is Hell's Kitchen, who cares about such things.

But Wilson's call for help annoyed Smith. In order to figure out the two sabotages of the arms deal, he hadn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights, and finally found the key person--Wilson today.Wilson's words completely detonated him, he rushed forward, raised his fist and punched Wilson hard.

Bang bang bang!The punches hit the flesh, and after a while, Wilson's seven orifices were bleeding, and he fell into a coma.

Smith took a few tissues to wipe off the blood on his hands, then threw it on the ground and said:
"Take him away so that you can give the boss an explanation."


"Why, have you figured it out?"

Jin Bing's bloated body sank deep into the sofa, lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and watched Smith say something light and fluffy.

Smith regained his temper before, and said in trepidation: "Boss, we have investigated and found out that there are two people who sabotaged our arms deal."

"One is a street hero who just emerged in the past six months, Spider-Man."

"Spider-Man? The one who swings above people's heads every day?" Jin Bing asked with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

Smith quickly replied: "Yes, that's Spider-Man."

"Then there is another person?"

"There is another person who has not been investigated clearly yet."

"I don't know? That's what you do!", Jin Bing sternly, his piercing eyes swept away, instantly making Smith break out in a cold sweat.

"Wait, boss, please let me finish." Smith didn't dare to take a breath, and immediately explained quickly: "The other one has never appeared before, so I can't figure out his details, but I found it A person, he met that person, and he sold the news of the arms deal to that person."

After finishing the matter in one breath, Smith nervously waited for Jin Bin's decision.

After taking a puff of his cigar and slowly spitting out a snow ring, Jin Bing said, "Where's the person?"

"I've brought him back." Then Smith shouted towards the door: "Bring him in, quick."

Immediately, two people walked in carrying Wilson, threw Wilson to the ground, and then slowly left the room.

Wilson was shaking Jin Bin on the sofa, and he already recognized who the person in front of him was.Jin Bin, the boss of the largest gang in New York.Compared with Jin Bin, he is just a weed on the side of the road, which can be destroyed easily.

"Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Jin stood up side by side, and his hill-like body shrouded Wilson in the shadow.


With chattering teeth, Wilson stammered back.Seeing Jin Bing, he already understood what was going on, and was extremely terrified in his heart, fearing that he would be shot in the head in the next second.

Jin nodded in satisfaction, and then asked again:
"Very well, then tell me, who is it that dares to sabotage my business!"

Murderous aura filled the air, chilling the whole room.

"I don't... I don't know." Wilson lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Jin Bin's eyes. "I only saw him once, and he was still wearing a hood, so I couldn't see what his face looked like at all."

"I've been calling him since then, but I haven't seen him again."

After speaking, Wilson completely collapsed on the ground to meet the final judgment.

"That's it."

Jin Bin murmured, and then walked around the room aimlessly and irregularly.

5 minute later.

"Give him another call and say there's a $5000 million arms deal going on in Queens in a week's time."

After clearing his mind, Jin Bing stretched out his right arm and easily lifted Wilson, who weighed nearly ninety kilograms, in the air. The light in his eyes flickered on and off, which was meaningful.

"This time, I will let them come and go!"

Jin Bing's dignity cannot be violated. This time, he will use the blood of Li Yang and Spider-Man to tell the world. Anyone who offends him will surely face death!

"Baby, is Little Lemon good?"

As soon as Li Yang pushed open the door, he saw the little princess lying on the sofa, laughing and talking to the little orange cat.Looking at her serious expression and the twinkling eyes of the little orange cat, if he hadn't confirmed that the two species were different, he would have thought that a person and a cat were really talking to each other.

"Ah, brother, you are back."

The little princess was full of surprise, and then trotted directly into Li Yang's arms.

"Yes, there are few customers in the store today, so I closed the door early, and then went to buy your favorite dishes. Let's make dumplings today."

The store, which was bought by the adoptive parents before their death, is in Chinatown.It is a handicraft shop, and the business used to be pretty good, but since Li Yang took over, he has no intention of taking care of it, so the business has naturally plummeted.

Of course, Li Yang doesn't care about these things. The reason why he is still running this store is mainly to have a bright identity.

"Great, let's eat dumplings!"

The little princess giggled happily and clapped her hands in congratulation.She used to eat three Western-style meals, but since Li Yang came and cooked a bowl of tomato egg noodles for her with his superb cooking skills, it completely awakened her Chinese genes that had been suppressed for six years.Since then, Chinese cuisines of various kinds and variations have replaced the previous recipes, and now she has completely transformed into a snack foodie, a cute and cute snack foodie.

"Brother, I want to make dumplings together. I want to make a lot of beautiful dumplings."

The little princess was gesturing in the shape of a little yellow duck, and she wanted to make dumplings in this shape.

Li Yang pampered the little princess's tender face, and would not refuse at all:
"Of course, let's go and get things ready."

Washing vegetables, chopping, kneading noodles, rolling skins, Li Yang did a series of things smoothly, which won the admiration of the little princess.

The next step is the most important production step-making dumplings, first wash your hands, and then the two people, one big and one small, start smiling face to face.Li Yang moved quickly, each delicate dumpling was as if pressed out of a mould.But the little princess is completely different. She is not very old, but she is ingenious, and the small animal dumplings she made are vivid and full of spirituality.

"Little Lemon, get down quickly, you can't eat dumplings."

On the dinner table, the two-month-old little lemon leaped onto the 1.2-meter dining table with a light jump.It sniffed its nose lightly, eager to try the dumplings on the plate.But the little princess remembered that kittens cannot be eaten, so she hurriedly stopped her.

"Meow meow!"

With a baby-like cry, Little Lemon left the dining table reluctantly, and lay down in the arms of the little princess.

"Baby, can Little Lemon really understand what you say?"

This scene fell into Li Yang's eyes, but he was quite surprised.Is it a coincidence, or is there another reason?

"Of course, Little Lemon is so good, she can really understand what I say." The little princess held up Little Lemon to Li Yang like a treasure, and praised: "Little Lemon, hurry up and say hello to brother!" Hello, hurry up."

After finishing speaking, the originally quiet little lemon actually stretched out her cat's paw and scratched Li Yang's face!

Strange, what's going on!

Countless questions and guesses flooded Li Yang's mind, but he was still not sure why.

But looking at the happy baby in front of him, Li Yang suppressed all the questions in his heart for the time being, and saved them for later.


Time passed by, and after nightfall, Li Yang and the little spider got together again.

"Hi, Mr. Li, how's your week going?", still in the abandoned factory, the little spider was hanging upside down in mid-air by climbing a thread, but he didn't feel a bit uncomfortable, and he still looked normal.

"Very good, I've been very happy this week." Li Yang said that this kind of life couldn't be more beautiful if he practiced martial arts every day, and his strength continued to improve. With a little angel by his side, Li Yang said.

"But today we are here to fight crime, not to chat about old times."

A jump landed in front of Li Yang, and the little spider raised his hands to show his surrender.

"Of course, I know, I just... well, well, let's go to their trading place!", the little spider seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

"Let's go then."

Li Yang left the field first, showing the speed of a cheetah, galloping on the empty and deserted streets.Not to be outdone, the little spider shot out a spider silk and stuck to the tall building, and then pulled it hard, and its body moved forward rapidly like an arrow leaving the string.

Li Yang was on the ground, and the little spider was in the sky. The two quickly moved towards the target location in their own ways.

"Uh, sir, you know, there is a new student transferred to our class this week, wow! He looks so beautiful!"

Finally, the little spider couldn't help but speak, and kept talking about everything about the new classmate, obviously he was very interested in this new classmate.In other words, he was secretly in love with this new classmate.

It's just that this kind of thing can only be told to Li Yang.

"Oh! Little spider, can you shut up and chase her if you like her, don't always talk to me!"

Li Yang finally couldn't bear to answer.Little Spider-Man is good, but also has its flaws.He can chatter for a long time, regardless of whether anyone pays attention to him.

"Hehe, sir, this... I'm afraid, uh, I..."

After stammering for a long time, the little spider couldn't answer at all.

"Oh my God! Sir, look!"

Suddenly, the little spider made a turning point, which finally caught Li Yang's attention. He looked in the direction the little spider was pointing, and was surprised to find their target. In the place where the arms trade was held, there were constant gunshots and flashes of grenades exploding from time to time.

problem occurs!
Li Yang and the little spider looked at each other and immediately understood what happened.Immediately, the two accelerated again and rushed to the scene without stopping.

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(End of this chapter)

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