The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 29 Heh, the movies are all lies, the madness of the doctor!

Chapter 29 Heh, the movies are all lies, the madness of the doctor!
Change clothes, change back to the spider suit again.

At the end of the day, it was enough for Peter to complain for a long time just changing his clothes, which was really inconvenient.

Although he kept complaining, Peter quickly changed his clothes.

Glancing around to make sure there was no one around, Peter leaped forward, and his excellent jumping ability immediately sent him to the top of the building, which didn't even need the help of spider silk.

Then Peter entered the attic through the window, and searched carefully for Dr. Connors' traces from top to bottom.

But after searching, there was still nothing.

This is strange, Peter touched the still lukewarm coffee, lost in thought.

"Perhaps, maybe the doctor's house has a basement?"

As soon as this idea came up, Peter Wu turned around and looked around for the basement.

Hard work paid off, and Peter finally found the entrance to the basement.

Just hidden behind the stairs.

Peter groped around on the wall at the stairs, and found a button after a while.

Peter pressed it without hesitation, and immediately a square path with a length of one meter and a width of one meter was opened on the ground.

Going down the passage, the space inside is very large, almost covering the entire house.

But it was empty inside, more than there was no sundries at all.

"Hey, look what I found?" Peter walked all the way to the end and keenly discovered a closed steel door with a password input device attached to it.

"It seems that the doctor is probably inside, but how can I get in?"

The problem arises again, Peter doesn't know what kind of password Dr. Connors will set.

For a while, Peter was in a stalemate.

Wait, who said you must have a password to get in!

Peter slowly stretched out his hands, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I was a little stunned just now. Sometimes I need to use this smart brain to do things, but sometimes it can be easily solved by just moving my hands.

Immediately, Peter clasped his hands on the sealed steel gate, then exerted strength with his arms, hooked the gate and pulled it to both sides.

I only heard the continuous sound of "squeak, squeak" metal friction, which made people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

method, it worked!

Although the steel gate is considered unbreakable, under the blessing of Peter's enormous strength, the iron lock cylinder was instantly destroyed, and then the two iron gates were slowly moved to the sides, revealing the true face of the invisible man bit by bit. before Peter's eyes.

Sure enough, this is Dr. Connors' laboratory!

Peter was extremely excited. As soon as the steel door was violently opened, he couldn't wait to rush in.

"Dr. Connors, are you there?"

Calling loudly, while carefully observing the surroundings, Peter was looking for Dr. Connors in this underground laboratory.

But no matter how Peter called, there was no sound except his own echo.

Peter quickly scanned everything in the laboratory, and finally, all eyes were focused on a laptop on the laboratory bench.

On the laptop, what is displayed is a recorded video.

Since there are no other discoveries for the time being, let's see if we can find any useful clues in this video.

After thinking about it, Peter took two quick steps to the experimental bench and pressed the play button.

The video begins to play, a homemade recording of Dr. Connors.

"I have devoted my life to making human beings stronger."

"But it's impossible."

"Humans are greedy, weak, pathetic, and weak-willed."

In the video, Dr. Conners looked crazy and roared madly: "Why do you have to be a human?"

"We can obviously evolve to a higher level, faster, stronger, and smarter."

"I have mastered the method, so let me give you a gift to witness the miracle of an era!"

In the short 1-minute video, the information revealed in it terrified Peter.

Dr. Conners is going to turn everyone into that kind of lizard that only has destructive desires!
Just before Peter was out of shock, suddenly, a thick and powerful lizard tail descended from the sky, tearing the air current and pulling towards Peter.

Caught off guard, Peter was instantly wrapped around his nephew's neck by the lizard's tail.Before he could struggle hard, his body was thrown into the air.

There was a loud bang of "Boom".

Peter bumped into the iron gate, but the added force was so strong that Peter was knocked flying along with the iron gate, and smashed hard onto the wall ten meters away.

For a moment, large pieces of rubble buried Peter, and a cloud of smoke and dust was raised.

After Dr. Connors left the Osborne Building, he went straight back home to continue his scientific research.

But never expected that Spider-Man actually touched here.

And through surveillance, it was discovered that Peter was Spider-Man, which made him instantly fall into rage.

Originally, the person who was against me was always hidden by my side.

After Peter entered the house, Dr. Conners injected the serum and lurked in the laboratory.

Sure enough, Peter soon discovered the laboratory.

But he was not in a hurry to make a move. As an excellent hunter, he must seize the opponent's flaws.

Therefore, just when Peter was shocked by the video, Dr. Connors attacked decisively, and finally succeeded in sneak attack.

Although it was a bit cumbersome to say, everything was done in a blink of an eye.

Although Peter was accidentally attacked successfully, his super physical fitness instantly made him get rid of the threat of the attack.

Before Dr. Connors could make another move, a red and blue figure jumped out of the pile of rubble, and then stuck to the ceiling to observe the enemy.

As far as the eyes could see, suddenly a huge monster rushed towards him waving its giant claws.A light flashed in Peter's eyes, his legs immediately charged up and ejected, and he escaped from the two giant claws like lightning.

The giant claws continued unabated, the sharp claws flashed past, and scratched three deep marks on the hard ceiling.

Even the thick layer of hard granite is like tofu under his sharp claws, and it will shatter when pinched.

But Peter didn't have time to take this into consideration. Just as he escaped from Dr. Connors' sharp claws, two clusters of spider silk shot out immediately, sticking his two giant claws to the wall.

Then he lifted himself up and jumped up, and when he was at the same level as Dr. Connors' line of sight, a pair of heavy fists with infinite power came out, hitting Dr. Connors' huge and ugly lizard head every time. superior.

A burst of heavy punches made Dr. Connors dizzy and staggered back.

But it didn't last long. After Dr. Connors regained consciousness, he waved his arms, and the two giant claws the size of cattail leaf fans that were originally trapped by the spider silk were released instantly.

With a blow from the giant claw, Peter turned sideways nimbly, almost causing it to fall close to his body into the empty space.

Then turned over and changed a position to come behind Dr. Connors, and the fists that poured down like rainstorm slammed on its back.

"Dr. Connors, wake up!"

 Thank you 1314 Henggu for your reward (*^ω^*)
(End of this chapter)

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