The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 28 Tracking down Dr. Connors

Chapter 28 Tracking down Dr. Connors

"Peter, where are you now, let me come to you now."

Li Yang glanced at the giggling baby who was sitting on the merry-go-round. Although he didn't want to end today's trip to the amusement park, the matter of Dr. Lizard was more important, so he could only wrong the baby first.

"Uh, Li, it seems inconvenient for you now." Peter hesitated, and then said, "Are you playing with your sister?"

"I'll take the baby home in a minute."

"No, no, no," Peter quickly dissuaded.

"I'll go by myself! In an environment like the underground drainage channel, I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt at all, and you won't be able to exert your combat effectiveness. But for me, it's like a fish in water."

"So, let me go alone."

Peter's words are somewhat reasonable. The underground drainage channel is gloomy and dark. Although he is very perceptive now, he will not be able to see everything like Peter. At that time, he may only protect himself, and even restrain Peter's hands and feet.

Li Yang hesitated for a moment, then said hesitantly: "Can you do it alone? Otherwise, I will notify Matt and ask him to come and help you."

Peter was very dissatisfied when he heard this: "Hey, Li, you have to have confidence in me."

"If I hadn't taken care of the citizens yesterday, I could have captured Dr. Connors. Don't make him too strong, and you can't make me too weak."

"I am, Spider-Man!"


"Well, I agree." After hesitating for a while, Li Yang finally agreed with Peter.

"However, if there is an emergency, please call me in time."

"No problem, then, I'm going to prepare."

Li Yang hung up the phone, still thought about it for a long time, and reconfirmed the matter.

There should be no problem. Although the little spider Peter had many disasters, he survived in the end.

Well, relax, spend a good day with your baby today.

"Brother, brother, let's go play that!"

The little princess who got off the merry-go-round threw herself into Li Yang's arms, and then happily pointed to the right.

"Roller coaster! Baby, aren't you afraid?"

"Not afraid, not afraid, brother is with me, not afraid at all."


Li Yang was being dragged excitedly by the baby to ride the roller coaster, while Peter was ready to take action.

First, I found a secluded place, took out the spider suit from the backpack and put it on, then lifted a manhole cover and jumped down.

It was gloomy, damp, and mixed with a pungent smell.

In this underground drainage channel that gathered the filth of the entire city, Peter spent a lot of effort to adapt to this harsh environment.

So where to start looking for Dr. Connors?
Peter had already confirmed three locations in his mind.

Osborne House, Dr. Connors' home address, and the heart of the underground drainage channel.

If nothing else, Dr. Connors is in the underground drainage channels of these three locations.

And now the first thing to go is the Osborne Building.

Dr. Connors left from the Osborne Building, and Peter was the closest to the building.

With a deep breath, Peter discerned the direction, and then explored forward.

The underground drainage channel was not a familiar environment for Peter.Even if this place with almost no light source does not hinder his observation, he still needs to be familiar with the environment.

In 10 minutes, after Peter confirmed that he was located in the underground of the Osborne Building according to the location on his mobile phone, a journey of exploration began.

The underground drainage system in New York City has been in use for nearly a hundred years, but it is still in normal use, and it is used in this era of soaring population. This makes Peter admire the grand design of the engineers and the bold decisions of the officials in power.

Of course, being here is not the time to lament the deeds of our ancestors.Below the Osborne Building, there are three drainage channels.Peter randomly chose one of the passages, and then stepped in.

To be successful, you always have to go through all kinds of difficulties and dangers.This statement is very applicable to Peter.

After exploring along the drainage channel for nearly 10 minutes, I still found nothing.Peter immediately made a decision to withdraw.

Returning to the bottom of the Osborne Building, Peter chose another passage to explore inwardly.

It took nearly an hour in total, and after exploring the three drainage channels one by one, Peter found no trace of Dr. Connors.

Peter was not discouraged by this, but encouraged himself in a relaxed and happy tone:
"Hey, Peter, don't worry, this is the first target location, and it is normal if there is no harvest. There are still two locations waiting for me."

"The fruit picked after going through hardships is the sweet variety."

"Then next, let's go to Dr. Connors' home."

After teasing himself, Peter took out the old mobile phone that had been discarded before, turned on the GPS navigation system skillfully, and then proceeded through the intricate drainage channels according to the location displayed by the navigation.

After arriving at the drainage channel below Dr. Connors' house, Peter had the experience of exploring the drainage channels of the Osborne Building, and skillfully began to check all the drainage channels near Dr. Connors' house one by one.

The end result remains dismal, with no trace of Dr. Conners ever occurring.

Peter didn't say any self-deprecating words now. It took three to five minutes to calm down his frustration, and he was ready to go to the last destination.

"Huh? I seem to have overlooked something?"

He who had just walked a few steps suddenly stopped, and then slapped his head:
"The above is the home of Dr. Connors, why didn't I think of going up to have a look."

"What a fool, maybe Dr. Connors is at home right now."

Peter immediately decided to go up and visit Dr. Connors' home.

Taking out normal clothes from the backpack and changing into them, Peter found an exit nearby and climbed up.

Then he walked to the door of Dr. Connors' house, and Peter began to knock on the door with his fingers "垱垱垱".

"Dr. Connors, this is Peter, are you home?"

"Dr. Connors, this is Peter, are you home?"

"Dr. Connors, this is Peter, are you home?"

He repeated it mechanically a dozen times, but there was still no answer in the room.

So it seems that Dr. Connors is not there.

But Peter didn't give up. He walked around to the back of the flower garden and looked into the room through the glass window.

Peter pondered: "It seems that Dr. Connors is not necessarily not at home."

According to his observation, the coffee on the tea table in the room was still steaming.This shows that Dr. Conners is probably in the house in nine out of ten cases.

Then there is another question: "So, how to get in?"

Peter looked up and down the house, and then realized that the windows in the attic had not been closed.

"Then, it's time for Spider-Man's performance."

(End of this chapter)

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