The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 17 Bundle?Do not!This is special training!

Chapter 17 Bundle?Do not!This is special training!
Peter didn't shy away from talking about his situation directly.

"You also know that I have the ability similar to a spider after being bitten by a mutated spider exposed to nuclear radiation."

Li Yang nodded: "Yes, you told me about it."

Peter: "My situation is similar to that of mutants, but they are also different. Mutants have superpowers due to the awakening of genes in their bodies, while I have superpowers because part of the gene fragments in my body are replaced by gene fragments of spiders. Showing off my superpowers now."

"Oh, where did your idea come from?" Li Yang was a little puzzled.

"I was bitten by a mutated spider when I attended an event of Norman Osborne's lab tour, and I had the good fortune to meet Dr. Connors, a top biologist whose main The research direction is to graft the regenerative ability of animals to humans, so that people will not suffer from the pain of mutilated limbs."

Peter thought that Li Yang didn't know these things, so he hurriedly told him.

"Although the event is over, I still keep communicating with Dr. Connors. It was through my conversation with him that I guessed that the spider's genes were arranged in my body, which gave me this extraordinary ability."

Dr. Connors?
Li Yang frowned as soon as he heard the name. The name seemed to have appeared in his memory, but it was vague.After all, Li Yang had never seen any Spider-Man movies in his previous life, but only learned more or less about Spider-Man's stories from the notifications on his mobile phone.

Maybe this Dr. Connors is an important character in a Spider-Man movie.That's all, let's pay more attention to this Dr. Connors in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Yang relaxed his frown, and then said to Peter: "So that's how it is."

"Your statement is somewhat reasonable, but," agreeing with Peter's point of view, Li Yang suddenly changed the subject, "I have told you about the source of my strength, now you understand why I am so strong in training you Be confident!"

Peter was taken aback, and it took him a long time to react.That's right, it was Li Yang who talked about martial arts at the beginning to increase his confidence, but the topic got more and more complicated, until now he almost forgot about it.

Peter hurriedly praised loudly: "Of course, I have full confidence in you now, and I believe that you will definitely make me get a steady promotion."

"Very good." Li Yang nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, and then said: "There is a saying in the Heavenly Dynasty, which is 'It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day'. Since you have enough confidence in me, now Let's start training!"

"Ah!" Peter exclaimed in astonishment.

"Why, is there any problem?" Li Yang asked with a smile.

"No, no problem, let's start." Peter keenly sensed that the smile on Li Yang's face now belonged to the kind of superficial smile, so he quickly caught his words:

"So, which one should I start with? Weightlifting?"

While speaking, Peter made a standard weightlifting posture.


"Li, is this training method really useful? Also, are you sure it's really appropriate to do this!", a little distracted, Peter was immediately shot out by a steel ball with a diameter of one centimeter and hit his thigh. Immediately, he screamed in pain, and quickly restrained his energy, concentrating on the rain of steel balls, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

On the side, Li Yang was sitting on a chair leisurely tasting tea.

"Tsk tsk." Li Yang shook his head, secretly thinking that the tea he brewed just now tastes not authentic.It must have been tricked, this is not the best Huangshan Maofeng at all.Damn the old Wang next door, don't even think about taking away a wood carving from him in the future!
"Why, do you think there is something wrong with my method?" After Li Yang sighed, he put down his teacup and asked Peter.

"Oh, there is more than a problem," Peter's speech became broken because he had to dodge the oncoming steel ball.

"First of all, why did you use iron chains to lock my hands and feet and frame me within a range of two meters?"

"Secondly, where did you get this armor, why is it so heavy?"

"That's all. What I don't understand the most is why! Why did you use the ball machine to shoot me with steel balls!"

Peter shouted depressedly, and then looked at the leisurely Li Yang in puzzlement.

But at this moment of distraction, several steel balls hit Peter's body in an instant, causing him to cry out in pain, and quickly turned his eyes to deal with the heavy rain of steel balls.

In the first training, Li Yang did not use those conventional methods to Peter, but found another way, adopting a method that Peter had never heard of.

There are four chains each as thick as a baby's arm, each of which locks Peter's hands and feet so that he can only move and turn within a two-meter radius.

As for the armor, it was specially cast by Li Yang, a flexible and detachable armor similar to the Mingguang armor worn by the generals of the ancient Celestial Dynasty.The difference is that Li Yang's armor covers the whole body and is extremely heavy, but its physical defense effect is almost zero. It is made of a metal element unique to this world, and its size is no different from ordinary armor, but Its weight has reached three tons.

As far as this armor is concerned, if Li Yang wears it, it may be a little inconvenient to move around, but Peter can still flexibly dodge the steel balls shot at high speed after wearing it, which makes him lament the extraordinary ability of Peter as a spider.

As for the steel ball, it is cast from ordinary refined steel.It's just that Li Yang used two modified ping-pong balls to eject the ball, which made it powerful. If ordinary people were hit, they would fall to the ground and howl incessantly.

"Peter, why don't you understand my good intentions!" Li Yang put his right hand on his chest, pretending to be sad, and then said: "Since you don't understand, then I will explain it clearly to you."

"First of all, why are you chained? It's not because your 'spider sense' is too strong, and your control over it is too weak now. Once you encounter the slightest danger, it will immediately take you with you." Your body escapes, with no regard for whether you can meet it head-on."

"For example, I suddenly punched you before. In fact, it was easy for you to receive that punch. So I want to restrict you and let you gradually master the control of the 'spider sensor'."

Li Yang changed his posture, and said again: "As for the armor, it is to suppress your strength, so that your use of strength will gradually become stronger, reaching the state of lifting weight as if it were light."

"The last steel ball is naturally to increase the difficulty of your training, otherwise the effect of training will not be obvious!"

"In short, make sense of everything, stop whining, and focus."

Li Yang raised his wrist to look at the time again, showed a smile, and said:
"It's getting late, so let's finish the first training after another hour of training!"

 When I woke up today, the three-day holiday of the Dragon Boat Festival has passed (ˇ_ˇ:)
  I sincerely wish you all a happy holiday and a better state for the rest of your life (﹡o﹡)
  Thank you very much for your support, very happy.

  Finally, I'm here again, don't think I'm annoying. (><)
  Please recommend!Please recommend!Please recommend!
  Ask for collection!Ask for collection!Ask for collection!
  Say important things three times y(˙.) yeah~
  Will there be any rewards? 6∵
  Hee hee, looking forward to the arrival of this day.

(End of this chapter)

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