The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 16 The Source of Strength, Little Spider's Guess

Chapter 16 The Source of Strength, Little Spider's Guess
"Oh, sorry, I thought of something else." Li Yang smiled apologetically.

Peter waved his hands again and again to express his indifference: "It's okay, you can continue talking."

When Li Yang fell into the memories of the past, a sense of vicissitudes that did not match his age emerged on his face, as if he had transformed into an old man who had experienced countless winds and rains.

Of course, this is Li Yang's own business. Although Peter is extremely curious, it is inconvenient to ask more questions.

Li Yang: "Huajin, this important realm, can be subdivided into three levels."

"Of course, I'm only in the realm of Anjin now, so I can only briefly talk to you about Huajin."

Yes, although in his previous life Li Yang had gone through Huajin in martial arts and stepped half a step into the supreme realm of "breaking the void and seeing gods not bad", but the various incredible and magical changes in martial arts in this world made him Don't dare to apply the previous experience directly.

Peter nodded to show his understanding, and then quietly waited for Li Yang's explanation.

"The first level of kung fu of Huajin is to take the dark energy one step further, penetrate the whole body, regulate the internal organs, recognize clearly, grasp every organ inside and outside the body, and then exercise them, so that the whole body can reach the teeth, tongue, and nails in the end. , The four ends of the hair, the dark energy spreads all over the body, to the state where a feather cannot be added, and a fly cannot fall. , it’s not a problem to live past the age of 40.”

Li Yang's narration only involves the use of strength, so it can barely be used to explain Huajin.

"And going one step further, you will reach the mid-level Jinfu of Huajin—Dan Jin!"

Speaking of this, Li Yang paused for a while, thought for a while, and organized his language before continuing to speak:

"Dan Jin, introverted golden elixir, forms a circle everywhere. Hold the elixir and sit on the hips, so that the whole body's energy, blood, marrow, and plasma are concentrated a little bit, just like the first opening of the primordial, evolving into a small spot in the world, this level of kung fu To put it so mysteriously, in simple terms, it is to concentrate the energy of the whole body, concentrate it on the dantian, and then burst out, the closer you get, the stronger the explosive force, once you succeed in holding the pill, you can control the energy and blood with your mind Realm, physical ability breaks the limit of the human body."

"And the last layer, the last layer of Huajin, is Gangjin!"

"Gang Jin is a highly concentrated strength that can penetrate the body and strike outside. At this point, the whole body is full of strength, which can tear the air flow and turn it into Gang Qi. The strength is rare in the world."

After talking about the three training methods of Chinese martial arts, Li Yang was still unsatisfied, so he just continued talking.

"I have already told you what the three training methods are Mingjin, Darkjin, and Huajin. As for the three-step kung fu, they are bone-yielding, tendon-yielding, and marrow-yielding. Step kung fu, bones, tendons, and muscles are all easy to exercise, but bone marrow is the most difficult to exercise. Guoshu has broken through the previous two-step training method, and it is nothing more than a martial arts master. If you really want to use martial arts to achieve supernatural powers, you will be reborn. It is necessary to have the third step of changing marrow."

"Well, I agree with this point. It is easier to exercise muscles and bones, but bone marrow is the hematopoietic organ of the human body. It is unimaginable to train the bones to the point of being reborn." Peter nodded after hearing this, but after thinking about it, A doubt came to my mind.

"Then how can we exercise the bone marrow to achieve a reborn place? As far as I know, there has never been a way to do this kind of thing."

"Voice, exercise with sound."

Li Yang answered Peter's question, and then explained how to use sound to achieve the purpose of exercising bone marrow.

"Use the vibration of the voice to exercise, you have to pay attention, the voice I'm talking about is not from the mouth, but after the kung fu is practiced, you can control every bone, muscle, skin, and internal organs of your body at will. , together with regular slight tremors, all the vibrating sounds gather together to form a slight sound, like thunder rolling in the sky, this is the 'Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound'."

"Three realms, three kinds of training methods and three steps of kung fu, the trinity, and finally become a national martial artist."

"Okay, I've finished talking about the martial arts I practiced. If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Li Yang talked so much in one breath, and finally finished speaking. Now, he is quietly waiting for Peter's question.

"So what stage are you in now?"

"Well, let's not mention the realm for the time being. Regarding the cultivation of energy, I have just stepped into the dark energy, and I can only develop dark energy in my arms and back; in three steps, I have achieved a small achievement in the training of bones and muscles. It's just been involved."

"Guoshu is so amazing! So you still have a lot of room for improvement?" As expected, Li Yang's voice fell, and Peter fired at him with excitement.

"Uh, logically speaking, it is like this." After thinking for a while, Li Yang nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

"This, this is unbelievable!" Peter exclaimed when he got the answer, and then he sat back on the chair and muttered to himself: "This kind of thing is too unscientific, can it be said..."

As if thinking of something, Peter raised his head suddenly: "Then can I understand Guoshu as a special method for developing human genes?"

"Oh, what do you think, tell me." Li Yang became a little interested in Peter's words. He wanted to hear the opinion of a person who had never touched martial arts, and he was also a pure white American who was not of Chinese descent. .

"That's right." Peter said aloud with a little excitement: "In the scientific world, there has always been a theory that has prevailed, that is, the human gene lock theory."

"According to modern scientific research, the total number of genes in the human body is between [-] and [-], but less than [-]% of them function in the body, and most of them are sleeping in the human body, useless. "

"But are those genes really useless? Many scientists don't think so. In the history of human evolution, survival of the fittest is the law of nature."

"So they think that the sleeping genes in the human body are not out of nowhere, but they just seem to be locked, and they are firmly locked in the body, unable to play their role."

"And once the genetic lock can be broken, the infinite potential of the human body will be released."

After finishing speaking, Peter frowned and lowered his head to think for a long time before raising his head and speaking to Li Yang:
"Mutants! Theoretically speaking, they can be understood as a certain gene lock in the body is broken, releasing the potential of that gene, thus deriving various superpowers."

"It's just that this kind of genetic awakening cannot be controlled, so whether the awakening is good or bad depends entirely on God's will."

"Oh, what you said is quite good." Li Yang rubbed his chin and replied with great interest.

"Even me, it is also because of my genes that I have created this extraordinary ability!"

 Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday!Happy eating rice dumplings (﹡o﹡)
(End of this chapter)

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