Chapter 158

Although he just went through a life-and-death crisis, Harry has completely come out of despair and panic now, and he is even more curious about the culprit that caused this crisis.

In this world, no matter how high the status is and how much wealth there is, such a spectacle of heaven and earth is still something that can be met but not sought after!

Everyone is also extraordinary. Although they have just experienced a life-and-death crisis, they have returned to normal now.Similarly, like Harry, they naturally had a lot of interest in this meteorite that fell here.

"Of course I have to take a look, otherwise the embarrassment just now was in vain!"

Li Yang echoed his approval, causing everyone to smile knowingly.

"Then we have to hurry up. Although this location is remote, there are not a few people on the outskirts of the forest park. I'm afraid these people must come and take a look.

Moreover, the shock caused by the falling meteorite just now is probably above level seven.Although the scope is not large, the authorities must have detected this shock wave. Coupled with some people calling the police, it will not be long before a large number of police arrive. ’ Scott reminded.

In order to watch this rather rare meteor shower, a lot of people gathered at this excellent location in Forest Park tonight.But Scott and the others have special identities, so everyone's viewing position is much deeper into the forest park to avoid unnecessary troubles.

"I still want to take this meteorite back to the laboratory to study it, but now it seems that the chance is not great!" Harry sighed regretfully.

"You can't take the big ones, but it's okay to take away some small meteorites." Li Yang patted Harry on the shoulder and comforted him.

Although I haven't actually measured it, Li Yang can vaguely see the approximate appearance of the meteorite under the bright moonlight—the dark red and rough appearance, which is left by the high-speed friction with the atmosphere during the crash from outer space. Mark of.

Although most of it is spent in the battle with the atmosphere, the rest is still amazing.Not to mention the part embedded in the soil, even the part exposed to the air is half the size of a room.

Even if it is calculated based on the density of ordinary stones, the weight of its exposed parts is more than two hundred tons.If the part embedded in the soil is added, it is an astonishing number!

Wanting to transport the meteorite out silently before the government officials arrived is undoubtedly a dream!
Harry secretly had a lot of calculations in his heart, but in the end he had no choice but to give up this idea.

"Then let's hurry up, otherwise it will be another trouble when the government people come."

Although Harry himself is not afraid of the government coming to his door, and he played the role of a victim from the beginning to the end in the meteorite fall incident, but it is always an unhappy thing to think of having to argue with these people for a long time.

After unanimous agreement was reached on the matter of exploring the meteorite, Li Yang and the others did not delay any longer and walked directly into the huge crater.

The violent shock caused by the falling meteorite has passed, but the residual heat due to the violent friction with the atmosphere has not subsided.The crater with a diameter of up to 30 meters is like a furnace burning with blazing flames. The super high temperature burns everything, crystallizes the soil, and continuously distorts the air.

Regarding this point, although it is an insurmountable sky for ordinary people, it is only a small problem in the face of Li Yang and his group.

After thinking for a while, Li Yang and others sent Bobby, relying on his mutant ability to suppress the scorching heat, and forcibly opened an ice passage from the edge of the crater to the abdomen!
In this way, in less than a minute, Li Yang and his party easily arrived in front of the central meteorite.

"Don't touch it, it will burn you!" Li Yang scolded in a cold voice, and quickly pulled back the baby who was very curious and wanted to reach out to touch the meteorite.

This is not just to scare the baby, but Li Yang still puts the situation lightly.If standing on the edge of the crater is a desert under the [-]-degree sun, then standing in front of the meteorite is like being in the mouth of a steel melting furnace-if you are not careful, you will be doomed!

After some gentle warnings, he finally dispelled the baby's idea of ​​touching the meteorite. Li Yang, like everyone else, began to carefully observe the meteorite from the sky - the dark red color has been restrained, but the surroundings are constantly distorted by the high temperature. The airflow still reveals its dangerous nature.

Taking five steps back, the meteorite exposed on the outside of the soil has an abnormally rough skin, and irregular small holes of various sizes are densely distributed on it, disturbing the surrounding airflow like a living creature breathing.

Hey, why is this meteorite a bit like an egg?

Just after Li Yang had such a weird idea in his heart, in the next second, inexplicable changes began to happen!
Like a baby bird breaking its shell, irregular gaps suddenly cracked on the surface of the huge meteorite, and the tops spread throughout the entire body like a spider web!

Once such a strange change was discovered, everyone's expressions changed, and they retreated quickly to distance themselves from the meteorite.

After retreating ten meters away, everyone stopped, you looked at me, I looked at you, chatting about each other's surprise and anxiety.

"Look at it first!"

Even if there is an alien hidden inside, everyone has enough confidence to crush it to ashes!
Vaguely, tension and excitement permeated among the crowd.

The change of the meteorite was not affected by the behavior of Li Yang and others. After the cracks really spread all over the body, there was a moment of silence, and the new change happened again under the expectant eyes of Li Yang and others!

A piece of the meteorite peeled off, and the weight of tens of kilograms fell to the ground, making a low and dull sound.


It was as if a floodgate had been opened, and since the first fragment fell off and fell to the ground, the entire meteorite collapsed in just a few seconds!

Meteorite fragments of different sizes are unevenly distributed around, exposing the core.

Change, so far.

In the next few minutes, Li Yang and the others felt the furnace-like high temperature gradually recede, replaced by a warm night breeze.

"Go and see, maybe it will be a cute alien baby!" Peter said jokingly, but this is also what other people think, and it has reached this point. If you don't go and see for yourself, you will inevitably stay. Pity.

After careful consideration, Li Yang first properly placed the baby under a crooked tree a hundred meters away, and then slowly approached the meteorite with everyone.

The distance of 30 meters took nearly 1 minute to walk.During this period, Li Yang maintained a high level of vigilance, and if there was a slight change, he would immediately withdraw and leave.

But until everyone moved to the meteorite, nothing unusual happened, which also let everyone quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

Under the sparse moonlight, what came into view was a rough and uneven cross section of the meteorite, with a puddle of viscous black liquid on it, with droplets jumping and splashing from time to time, and then reunited.Looking at it as a whole, it is slowly moving outward.

But judging from its speed, I am afraid it is not as good as one-tenth of the speed of the tortoise.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unclear about what this strange liquid was.

"Does anyone know what this is?

Alien?But he doesn't even have a human figure.

Or is it just a puddle of mud, but with some special attributes? "Harry observed the wriggling black liquid with great interest, and then asked everyone.

Everyone couldn't answer. It was not the first time for the person present to see this situation, let alone explain it. He couldn't even tell whether it was a living body or a non-living body.

For a moment, everyone could only silently watch its slow movement.


But how could it be hidden in the meteorite?

Li Yang opened and closed his lips twice, but finally chose to keep silent.

The first is that he is not sure if it is venom, which is different from his memory.The second is that he didn't have a reasonable explanation as to why he knew the details of the viscous black liquid.

At this time, the courageous Piot couldn't stand the weird atmosphere, and with his invincible steel body as a support, he tentatively stretched out a finger, and then poked at the slowly wriggling black liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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