The strong man of national art in the United States

Chapter 157: A Guest from Beyond the Sky

Chapter 157: A Guest from Beyond the Sky


With a violent shout, Li Yang embraced the baby with one hand, and bombarded the ground with his palm, the majestic gushing force left a deep palm print on the ground, and then with the counter-shock force, Li Yang jumped up!

Without stopping for a moment, the large chunks of muscles were suddenly knotted like fine gold, giving people a sense of invincibility.Power, under the vigorous operation of Li Yang's will, continuously poured into the limbs and bones.

Stab it!

Amidst the thunderous sound of air crackling, Li Yang suddenly erupted with overwhelming power, leaving two deep pits on the spot with his feet. , across a distance of a hundred meters in an instant like an arrow!
At this moment, after hearing Li Yang's warning, the expressions of the rest of the group changed drastically. Frightened, they tried their best to stay away from the grass that was about to become a crater.

five seconds...eight seconds...ten
Boom! ! !
The thunder is about to explode, the thunder roars!
When the meteorite fell to the ground, even Li Yang, who was already 300 meters away, still felt the earth shaking and the sky falling apart!
The whole world is trembling!
The flames that soared into the sky were fleeting, like a flash in the pan, but accompanied by violent tremors, the air crushed by the meteorite suddenly sent a tsunami-like shock wave to the surroundings, and the surging air flow was like a tenth-level hurricane. The surrounding trees that were as thick as a person's waist were uprooted, and the intertwined roots lifted up large swaths of soil, stones and weeds, all of which were involved in the violent air current, shooting at Scott and others like bullets moving at high speed. Shoot all over the sky!

hoo hoo ~ hoo hoo ~
The gust of wind whizzed by, even though Li Yang, who was hiding far away, still felt a sharp pain from being cut by a knife, he quickly turned around, protecting the baby on his chest to prevent the baby from being hurt by the blowing wind.

The violent airflow lasted for nearly a full minute. When the strong wind subsided, Li Yang put the baby and Lemon down from his arms, and told her to stand where they were and not to move, and then approached the place where the meteorite fell.

If you look around, you can see that the large expanses of grass seem to have been swept away by dozens of machine guns. Large and small rocks accumulate a lot of violent energy in the turbulent air waves, and then explode in an instant!

The stones deeply embedded in the grass showed the rage at that moment!

"Harry! Peter! Scott! How are you?"

As Li Yang approached the center, he anxiously called everyone's names over and over again, expecting a response.

That moment just now was really too thrilling. Who would have expected that many experts predicted that the meteor would fall in the open sea, but one would fall behind halfway, and luckily, it happened to land in the camp where they watched the meteor shower!

Li Yang knows that the Marvel world is a world with a high risk factor, but such a natural disaster is too appalling!
If he couldn't dodge in time just now, even ten Li Yangs would have been blasted to pieces!

With anxiety and uneasiness, Li Yang took the trouble to call everyone's names loudly.Finally, when there was no answer for nearly a minute, Katie and Bobby appeared in front of him intact.

"Katie, Bobby, it's great that you two are fine!" Li Yang couldn't help exclaiming with joy in his heart.

"It was really thrilling just now, like the end of the world!" Katie said palely, clutching her chest with lingering fear.

"Thanks to Katie's supernatural ability, otherwise I'm afraid I'll really die!" Bobby also paled, obviously he was deeply impressed by the scene of the earth-shattering that day just now.

Unlike Li Yang hiding 300 meters away, Katie and Bobby can be said to be in the middle of the explosion point, feeling the power of natural disasters that can destroy everything and bury everything in the world at close range!

After Li Yang warned, Katie and Bobby were the slowest to escape.Katie is because of her crazy eating tonight, eating too much, which caused her to escape quickly.As for Bobby, it was because he used too much ability before, and he was a little weak for a while.

Fortunately, Katie's mutant ability is extremely special, not only saving herself, but also saving Bobby's life by the way.

"Look for other people first, someone may be injured and needs medical treatment." After a short conversation and after confirming the safety of the two, Li Yang continued to search for other people without stopping.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yang found Peter and Harry.

At the same time when Li Yang issued the warning, Peter's [Spider Sensing] frantically warned. After feeling the devastating crisis, he grabbed Harry who closed his eyes and made a wish very carefully, and turned around and ran wildly.

Thanks to the blessing of the spider attribute, his super strength and agility allowed him to take Harry to a distance of 200 meters, which was the furthest apart from Li Yang.

As for why he didn't respond to Li Yang's call immediately, it was entirely because he was dazed by the strong roar.

"Farke!!!" Harry, who was ashamed and disheveled, immediately jumped up and cursed after recovering a little.

"Are the brains of those damn experts filled with shit? Such an accident would happen!

This is total murder!

Just wait, I will send you a lawyer's letter one by one, and send you all to prison! "

Seeing this, Li Yanghuo and Peter tried to persuade him again and again: "Calm down, you are still alive, but you are in a bit of a mess, but you are not injured at all, are you?
Let's talk about those experts whose IQs are underpaid in the future, the most important thing now is to find other people.

Scott and the others haven't found it yet! "

After some persuasion, Harry also woke up from his anger, and then began to look for Scott and others.

After another hard search, they finally found all the remaining four people.

First, Scott, Orolo and Orfila were found by Katie.The three of Scott withdrew quickly, and Orfila cast an energy shield, so they were not damaged by the violent shock wave.

It's just..., a large amount of soil kicked up by the strong wind happened to gather into a pile, and then fell to the ground, just burying the three people!
There is also Piot who has a body of steel. The shock wave that is regarded as a disaster for ordinary people did not cause any harm to him.But unfortunately, he was hit on the back of the head by a big tree uprooted by the hurricane, and he fell into a faint immediately!

More than ten minutes later, Piot woke up rubbing the back of his head, and now all the staff were assembled.

"Luckily, no one was hurt."

Li Yang sighed, looking at the huge meteorite crater with a diameter of 30 meters, he couldn't help feeling rejoicing - under such a natural disaster-level attack, even the Hulk would lose most of his life if he was present, and they all The ten people didn't even have any skin injuries, it was truly blessed by Goddess Luck!
"Would you like to go down and have a look?" Harry suggested, pointing to the crater.

 Thank you book friends for your monthly pass! (^o^)
(End of this chapter)

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