Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 142 Puppet Silk

Chapter 142 The Puppet Qiansi

"here is?"

After Lin Chen entered the wrong stream, he came to a dark cave surrounded by ice. The scene inside was like the uncanny workmanship of nature, and the formation of each stone pillar was breathtaking.

Lin Chen's feet are full of small and sharp stone pillars. Fortunately, Lin Chen is a cultivator, so if an ordinary person falls off, he won't be pierced into a bottom hole?

The surrounding environment is very depressing, there is no wind and no light, and only the sound of water droplets on the stone pillars falling on the ground can be heard in the ears.

Lin Chen stabilized his figure, carefully stepped on the spikes under his feet, and continued to walk forward.


Suddenly, a spike in front of Lin Chen fell in front of his eyes, and soon turned into a pile of rubble after touching the ground.

Lin Chen stood still, closed his eyes, and wanted to use his spiritual sense to check his surroundings to prevent accidents from happening.

"what happened?"

Lin Chen opened his eyes and murmured in surprise, because his consciousness seemed to be sealed, no matter how he urged it, it would have no effect.

Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly checked the divine power in his body, and found that there was no abnormality in the divine power.

Although he couldn't use his consciousness, Lin Chen couldn't just stand still, and then Lin Chen continued to walk forward. After walking for a while, Lin Chen's feet finally stepped on the ground. Looking back, those spikes The density is extremely astonishing. It is no exaggeration to say that if you look at it from a distance, you may think it is a huge stone platform.

Then, Lin Chen continued to walk forward, but there was no exit in front of him, and all he could see and touch were cold stone walls.

Lin Chen stood in the dark cave, with his ears on the stone wall, and listened attentively with his eyes closed.

"There seems to be movement outside?"

Lin Chen heard the faint sound of wind outside the stone wall. Seeing this, Lin Chen directly mobilized the divine power in his body, and slammed on the stone wall.


Lin Chen hit the stone wall hard, and there was a huge echo, but the stone wall in front of him was not damaged at all, not even a small gravel was knocked down.

Feeling helpless, Lin Chen had no choice but to turn back to see if there were any other clues. He would never believe that this place was completely sealed off. Isn't it too strange that the wreckage has not been seen?

Suddenly, a scream came from behind Lin Chen. It sounded like he had fallen from a high altitude. Seeing this, Lin Chen quickly turned his head to look.

"False Thirteen! When I go out, I must lead someone to destroy all your fake families!!!"

After the man fell down, just as he stabilized his figure, he looked up and cursed.

"False Thirteen?"

When Lin Chen heard this name, the first thing he thought of was the skinny man hiding the fake home, and then Lin Chen walked towards the place where the man fell.

"It really pissed me off!"

The man was still cursing while checking whether he was hurt.


At this moment, the man noticed that someone was approaching him, and suddenly, his eyes full of vigilance were fixed on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen can now see the appearance of the visitor clearly. He is wearing a gray robe, and his bangs are so long that they almost cover half of his face. Both his hands and feet are hidden in the gray robe, giving him a kind of mental illness. a feeling of.

"How dare you take a step closer!?"

The robed man shouted loudly, revealing the gas all over his body.

"A master of the Shenzong period?"

Lin Chen was astonished in his heart, he didn't expect that even Shenzong Qi could not escape this catastrophe.

"No offense intended, I also accidentally fell here."

Lin Chen explained that he didn't want to face this kind of Shenzong master. He was already in a dead end. If another master of this level came, Lin Chen should really prepare the coffin.


When the man in the robe heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Lin Chen carefully: "Boy, which family do you belong to?"

"I have no sect or sect, just a single individual."

Lin Chen said truthfully, there are only a few people like hiding the family, if he shows his feet, wouldn't it make the other party more suspicious?
"Hmph! You still dare to lie to me?"

After the robed man finished speaking, Lin Chen turned pale with shock, because it was not the person in front of him who made the voice, but——

Behind Lin Chen!
Seeing this, Lin Chen turned his head sharply, only to see a man who looked exactly like the man in the robe looking at him coldly from behind.

"Puppet Qiansi!"

The robed man shouted loudly, and saw two same robed men attacking Lin Chen at the same time, countless silver threads shot out from their palms, each of which was hitting the dead spots on Lin Chen's body.

"not good!"

Lin Chen secretly said something was wrong, and then quickly dodged to the side. As a result, the silk thread seemed to have eyes, and followed Lin Chen closely.

"Do you still want to run?"

The robed man raised his hand slightly with a sneer, and then——


Lin Chen raised his head subconsciously, and saw a man in a robe above his head looking at him with a smirk, and then used the same silk thread.

This time, Lin Chen had no choice but to let the silk thread wrap himself around him.

The "binding" martial arts skills of masters in the Shenzong period were not something Lin Chen could handle in the early stages.

"Could it be a hidden family?"

After Lin Chen was tied up, he murmured in a low voice.

"My family? My family will not play with my puppet Qiansi!"

The robed man said with some disdain: "Now are you willing to tell me honestly, who are you?"

As soon as the man in the robe finished speaking, the other two people who were exactly like him turned into a ball of gas and penetrated into his robe.

Lin Chen didn't answer what the robed man said, and kept trying to break free from the silk threads that entangled him.

"Hmph, kid, my puppet Qiansi, the more you struggle, the tighter it will get entangled. You are just a master, so don't mess around."

What the robed man said directly chilled Lin Chen's heart.

"How about you also try my binding martial arts?"

Lin Chen looked up at the robed man, and then with a thought, a streak of purple gas shot out from Lin Chen's fingertips, approaching the robed man not far away.

"This is?"

The robed man seemed to be quite unfamiliar with this purple gas, and when it got closer and closer to him, the robed man had an expression of sudden realization.

"It turned out to be the gas of the underworld? Could it be possible." Before the man in the robe finished speaking, the purple net had already come to him, and then trapped him in the net.

"Are you from the underworld?"

The robed man didn't move, he looked at Lin Chen uncertainly and asked.

"I want you to take care of it?"

Lin Chen didn't bother to answer at all, even he himself didn't know where the gas from the underworld came from.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just a little curious." The robe said indifferently, and then he moved slightly, and the man in the robe in the purple net turned into a puppet wearing the same clothes as him.

Then, the gloomy voice of the robed man came from Lin Chen's ear: "Your purple grid is too weak, it's not enough to see at all."

The man in robes doesn't like the purple grid, and Lin Chen has already made mental preparations, but at the moment, Lin Chen has no choice but to be a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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