Divine Treasure Chest System

Chapter 141 An Accident Happened

Chapter 141 An Accident Happened
Lin Chen also calculated the clouds flowing in the sky, and found that they are also a cycle, and the cycle speed is very fast, one cycle in 3 minutes.

In other words, the stop time for the cloud to reach a straight line is only about one second, so if it fails to catch up by this second, it will have to wait for three minutes.

The straight-line time formed by the sun shining on the reflective light source is at most about 15 minutes. If Lin Chen and the others miss it five times, they will have to wait for 24 hours.

"Right now, jump!"

Lin Chen estimated the time, and it was only about two seconds. If he jumped at this time, he would be able to meet the straight line connection point at that second.

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Tai Qian jumped directly into the creek, and soon, his figure completely disappeared on the creek.

"In 3 minutes, you go down first, I'm last!"

Lin Chen said that there is a reason why he was the last one to go down. Every 3 minutes, although the sun can still form a straight line with the reflective light source, the longer the time passes, the straight line will begin to shift slightly, so it is definitely better to go down first. There are many insurances for going down later.

"OK then."

Yan Huyue naturally knew why Lin Chen said this, and Cang Yong also told her the reason, telling her to be the first batch, so as not to waste too much time, if the calculation is not accurate, she must wait until the next day.

3 minutes is fleeting.

"be ready!"

Lin Chen looked up at the clouds in the sky, and kept calculating in his heart: "Jump!"

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Yan Huyue jumped into the stream without any hesitation: "Lin Chen, hurry up!"

Yan Huyue wanted to say something, but her voice stopped abruptly.

Standing by the stream, Lin Chen saw that the light began to shift a little again, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in his heart, always feeling that something was going to happen.

After 3 minutes, I don't know if Lin Chen is the crow's mouth, when his body has jumped into the creek, suddenly!


Lin Chen was shocked, because the light was no longer in a straight line with the stream and the clouds, and the light was completely dimmed in the fraction of a second when Lin Chen fell into the stream.

Lin Chen turned his head sharply, only to see a few leaves floating in the sky, just covering the reflective light of the creek.

Lin Chen looked at the surface of the stream under his feet in despair, and then he sank into it.

Not long after Lin Chen went down, a figure walked out of the bushes, with a sinister smile on his face, and then he withdrew his divine power, and his whole body returned to normal again, even if someone walked by him, they might not notice it to him.

In the extremely cold place, Yan Huyue and Tai Qianjing were concentrating on looking up at the top. This is a barren land, there is no sun or moon in the sky, the whole place is pitch black, if it were not for Yan Huyue and Tai Qianjing The lighting tools were prepared in advance, fearing that the two would not be able to find each other even if they were close at hand.

"Why isn't Lin Chen here yet?"

Yan Huyue was extremely anxious at this moment, in the pitch-black sky, she didn't see half a person, and the time had already exceeded 3 minutes.

"Did he not find a good position, and then..."

"I bother!"

Before Taiqian finished his shocking words, Yan Huyue scolded very displeasedly: "Can you think of something better, you pig? Couldn't it be Lin Chen waiting for the next 3 minutes?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm sorry!" Tai Qian slapped his mouth again and again in shock, and he also realized that he had said something wrong: "Don't worry about me, haha."

Taiqian laughed a few times in shock and did not speak any more.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and soon, the next three minutes came.

"Lin Chen will definitely come down!"

Yan Huyue comforted herself and said, this is already the fourth 3 minutes, if it doesn't come down this time, then Lin Chen will only have one last chance.

"Yeah yeah!"

Tai Qianjing hurriedly added that if he said something wrong again, he would definitely be scolded to death by Yan Huyue.


Yan Huyue yelled excitedly, because she had already seen a person come down.


After Yan Huyue saw the person's whereabouts, she quickly ran over with a flashlight.

"What about people?"

As a result, when Yan Huyue went there, she found that no one came down at all, and the surroundings were quiet.

"Hey, pigman, did you see someone coming down just now?"

Yan Huyue wondered if she was blind, so she asked Tai Qianjing who was behind her, and Tai Qianjing stepped forward and nodded vigorously: "Yes, I saw it."

Tai Qianjing was also very speechless, she just said a wrong sentence, and was called a pig by Yan Huyue for no reason.

"Strange, could it be that the other party is not Lin Chen?"

Yan Huyue guessed that if someone did come down, and it was Lin Chen again, there was no reason for him to hide from her and Tai Qian.

Another 3 minutes later.

At this time, Yan Huyue's heart was in her throat. If Lin Chen didn't come down this time, then Lin Chen might have an accident. Whether he met an enemy there or made a mistake in judgment, in short, something must have happened to Lin Chen .

However, the first kind of Yan Huyue still believes that Lin Chen can solve it by himself, but if the second kind...
Yan Huyue didn't dare to continue thinking.

"It's over!"

Suddenly, Tai Qianjing opened his mouth and exclaimed: "The last 3 minutes have passed, it seems that something really happened to him!"

In fact, Tai Qianjing was also very worried about Lin Chen, but the meaning he expressed completely changed in Yan Huyue's ears.

"I want your crow's mouth!"

Yan Huyue stretched out her hand at this time, wanting to slap Tai Qianjing's face, but she held back in the end.

"Shall we go first?"

Tai Qianjing suggested that if we continue to wait, let alone whether Lin Chen will appear, even if he appears, it will be 24 hours later. Instead of continuing to delay here, it is better for the two of them to go to the extremely cold place to explore the way first. .

"If you want to go, go! Anyway, I have to wait for Lin Chen."

Yan Huyue said a little stubbornly, with an attitude that she would not leave until Lin Chen arrived.

Tai Qianjing is also very helpless. He can't stay in the extremely cold place for too long. Even if he has the ice building's anti-cold poison, it can't last for too long. He has already felt the chill outside his body. If the chill penetrates into his body , it would be difficult to get out of the extremely cold place.

"You should go! The Bitter Cold Flower is yours alone."

Yan Huyue said angrily that Dr. Yan was completely different from when she was in Lin Chen's ward that day. The latter was more like a professional and calm doctor, while the former was like a little girl who had never experienced anything in the world.

"Forget it, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. That person's name is Lin Chen, right? He saved my life, so I'll be here today to protect his woman!"

After Tai Qianjing finished speaking, Yan Huyue's face flushed slightly, although she really wanted to deny that she was not Lin Chen's woman, but for some reason, she didn't say so.

Just like that, Yan Huyue stood in the extremely cold place for several hours, with her head raised all the time, no matter how sore her neck was, she didn't notice it at all, and kept waiting for Lin Chen to appear.

"Lin Chen, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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