Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 658 Against the Dark Order

Chapter 658 Against the Dark Order
Even if the fog is thick, the pursuit of Thanos must continue.

Luo Yang raised the shining holy blade of purification over his head, and Thor summoned thunder and lightning from the underworld, causing white lightning to wrap around Mjolnir's hammer.

The two lights went ahead, followed by all members of the Hell Rangers.

After walking for a while, the front gradually changed
The ground became rough.

The entrance to a canyon, revealed through mist.

Luo Yang turned on the power of the prophet, searching for the breath and traces of the members of the dark sect inside Tianchao
With the rapid enhancement of senses, the faint sound in the canyon was also easily captured.

Clearing away the fog, Luo Yang probed into the entrance of the canyon, and illuminated the interior of the canyon with the long blue weapon knife!

The fog still hangs here
The blue light of the holy blade in his hand, the white light of Thor's whole body thunder and lightning, and the hellfire summoned by Constantine could not penetrate these fogs.

However, the light released by the members of the Hell Rangers hit the fog, creating a psychedelic stage effect.

Entering the canyon, the rancid smell outside gradually dissipated.This also gave Luo Yang the feeling of stepping into a secret realm.

After a few minutes of brisk walking in the canyon.
Luo Yang waved his hand to stop the people around him.

"and many more."

Two seconds later—

Three silver-blue laser beams pierced through the fog!
Luo Yang raised his hand and used spiritual energy to freeze the three impact rays!

Those three rays slowly crawled forward like snakes in the air, but they could only move less than half a centimeter per second!

Royan clenched his fists
Swish!Three laser shocks dissipated in the air!
At the end of the line of sight, Proxima Centauri, holding a spear of blue light, stood, looking directly at Royan and Thor.

Her voice came from 300 meters away—"You are here, Purifier."

A vigorous figure jumped down from a high place and came to a protruding stone platform at a height of 70 meters in the canyon.

"The Purifier of Sin, the Shadow Knight blessed by Ice and Fire, the Conqueror of Hell, the Terminator of Destruction, and the Commander of the Storm Fleet." General Deathblade said contemptuously, "Meet you again."

Fog lingered around the two of them, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Luo Yang jumped up from the ground suddenly and came into the air!

After condensing and purifying the psionic energy, he suddenly fell towards the ground!

A storm with a range magnified ten times descends!

The purification power exploded, sweeping away all the mist within a radius of 500 meters! !

The reality of the surroundings is revealed.
This place can be described as the Valley of Death. On both sides of the canyon and the edge of the cliff, there are all kinds of bones.

But among them, most of them are skeleton warriors wearing battle armor and holding weapons.

In front of Luo Yang, in addition to Deathblade and Proxima Centauri, there was also a formation of Obsidian warriors, and hundreds of vanguard soldiers!
"Heimdall is very powerful. But he is far from Odin. The only thing Lord Thanos is afraid of is Odin. But unfortunately, the great father of the gods has been killed by Ares." Death Blade He smiled, "You guys are late."

After saying that, Death Blade quickly jumped from the original place to the side of Proxima Centauri.

At the same time, those mad dog-like vanguards rushed towards Luo Yang and the others! !
Luo Yang casually swept away the seven or eight vanguard guards in front of him with a psychic storm.
Then he lunged forward and rushed towards General Deathblade!

Deathblade turned around and noticed Luo Yang's fierce attack!

He wisely continued to run away, not daring to confront Luo Yang with the Soul Death Blade.
Dark Night Proxima Centauri shoots deadly silver lasers like crazy!Rays of light passed by Luo Yang's side! !

Luo Yang dodged left and right, relying on his extreme sensory ability to dodge her shots, or lightly catch the beam with the holy blade!

After a flash, Luo Yang flicked his hand and sprinkled a wave of icy thorns!
swish swish—

A dense formation of ice sharp thorns stabbed at the two generals of the dark sect!
General Deathblade and Proxima Dark Night brandished their weapons and tried their best to block them, but they were finally stabbed! !
The two generals of Obsidian were pierced with at least three ice thorns all over their bodies!

Luo Yang flicked the fingers of his left hand lightly. The icy thorns exploded, severely injuring the two of them! !

The most severely injured was Proxima Centauri, her arm was directly blown away!
From the shadows, another figure appeared.
Holding a hot weapon of unknown civilization technology, the superstar shot a series of white rays at Luo Yang.
The three of the generals of Obsidian will deal with Luo Yang alone!

Strange white rays pass by
Luo Yang easily dodged sideways!

Wherever the ray passes, it will be wiped out!

While shooting, the superstar exerted its mental power to explore Luo Yang's consciousness! !

Luo Yang, who has experienced countless battles of consciousness, has no fear of this level of mind control ability.

The superstar soon discovered that her mental attack was completely ineffective against Luo Yang. Her mental body was seamless and drillable, as if facing a giant steel gate! !
"Summon Illidan Stormrage."

After one second, Dan Zong emerged from the shadow of fel energy. Appeared behind the superstar!

He condensed out the Blade of Azzinoth with both hands, and then swung it with greater force!

The superstar raised his weapon to block.
The weapon in his hand was directly broken by the Blade of Azzinoth!

The weapon exploded and blasted the egg boss and the superstar at the same time.

smoke rises
With a bang, Illidan rushed to the superstar again like a ghost!

Knife up and down.

A decisive and sharp cut hit the superstar's waist!
The body of the superstar stopped moving.
Mr. Dan's slash almost cut the entire waist of the superstar!

The corners of Supergiant's mouth twitched, blue blood seeping out.

Her cloak cap fell down, revealing a coquettish and beautiful blue face.

Illidan pushed lightly with the egg knife, and the superstar fell forward, and his whole body fell to the ground.

Dark blue blood gushed out from the wound on his waist and seeped into the black ground of Hades.

Another one of the five generals of Obsidian, the superstar, just died.

Poor thunderbolt, there is no sound when the earth is extinguished.

Originally, a supergiant star is the most luminous star in the star spectrum, and it can also be regarded as one of the most powerful periods of a star's life (lasting more than 1000 million years.)
But when the superstar dies, it is as if there is nothing, let alone emit any light.

She fell down, just like those vanguard soldiers, except for the injured Proxima Centauri who cast some sympathetic gazes, almost no one paid attention.

Among the Dark Order, the status of a superstar has always been awkward.

You can't be high or low.In terms of ability, ability is not cool enough.In terms of force, it is almost countdown.There is no exclusive weapon, and there is no title conferred by Thanos. (Ebony Maw is the top strategist, General Deathblade is the executive leader of the Dark Order, and Proxima Centauri is known as the most powerful.)
Superstars have only so-so mind control abilities.

Not appearing in the setting of "Avengers 3: Infinity War", which already proves the marginality of this character.

 In the new work of Marvel comics, in the story line with the dark order as the protagonist, the superstar was eliminated and replaced by the beautiful young lady black swan cultivated by Dum.It seems that the officials are not very optimistic about the superstar, a powerless role that no one cares about.

(End of this chapter)

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