Chapter 657

More than a month passed quickly.

The time has come to the summer of 2015.

Thanos is still firmly carrying out his plan to destroy the universe (family planning).

During this period of time, Luo Yang did not wait for Thanos to appear.Following Athena's prompt, he collected all known scepter fragments.

The remaining scepter fragments are in the hands of the three.

The [Medusa Mask] held by Father Midnight, the [Lasso of Mantra] held by Wonder Woman Diana, and the [Eternal Flame].

It took a lot of work to get the remaining three scepter fragments.

Constantine and Luo Yang teamed up to fool Father Midnight and replaced the Medusa mask back.

Luo Yang exchanged some equipment for Azeroth and Sanctuary, coaxed Zhakang, and forced the Medusa mask back into his hands.

The Artifact Woman didn't say a word, and without hesitation, she took the initiative to hand over her most beloved artifact, the Lasso of Mantra, to Luo Yang.

Finally, with the assistance of Athena and Diana, Royan 'borrowed' the eternal fire from Apollo, the sun god.

Royan returns to Asgard with the Eternal Flame.

He fused the eternal flame in Apollo's hand with another part of the eternal flame in Odin's treasury.

When the true eternal fire reappeared in the world, it almost blew up the entire Odin treasure house.
After the fusion is complete, the Eternal Flame is sucked into the Demon Eye of Avalon.

In this way, Luo Yang finally took all known scepter fragments into Luo Yang's pocket!
Black Sky, Winter's Crate, Lance of Longinus, Demon Eye of Avalon, Ten Commandments, Twilight Sword, Obelisk, Chaos Blade, Crimson Gem, Medusa Mask, Lasso of Mantra, Eternal Flame !
With Luo Yang's persistence and hard work, he finally collected all the artifacts!
These artifacts, above history, belonged to the same person for the first time!
However, he can't summon Shenlong yet.

How to assemble these 12 fragments into the final artifact needs to be solved urgently.

Athena took the goddesses around her to form a goddess team and went to the library of the star court to find information about the [Death Scepter].

Three days after Royan returned to Asgard.

Rainbow bridge.

This place he is already very familiar with, the place where Odin died, is also the transmission point for Luo Yang to embark on wonderful journeys again and again
Once, he went to Vanaheim, Yalfheim and the kingdom of dark elves here.
Today, stepping on the Rainbow Bridge again is for another journey of exploration.

Royan joins forces with Thor.The two most powerful Avengers, once again gathered to lead the team on the journey.

After just three days of rest in Asgard, Heimdall found traces of the Dark Order in his vision.

Guardian Heimdall, who is working day and night, is most concerned about Thanos, Doctor Doom and the Dark Order.

But this time, it is a little strange that Thanos led the dark sect and appeared in the underworld of the nine kingdoms!

The Rangers led by Royan this time include McCree, Genji, Crossbones, Deadpool, Deathstroke, and John Constantine.

After the fall of the Red Skull, Crossbones, the former captain of the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Recently, this Rumlow, who was brainwashed by Wanda, became a crossbones loyal to the mysterious defender and Royan.

And Deathstroke came to Hyperion from the black world long ago and became a member of Hyperion's mercenaries.

As for Constantine, he has been playing in the red world for a while this month.

Today's special operation to the Hades, this Zha Kang who is well versed in the ways of hell, naturally joined in.

This mixed team can be called the Hell Rangers, or it can be called the [Storm Rangers].

Before setting off, Thor put on the improved Destroyer armor, armed with Mjolnir's hammer, and was fully armed.

As for Luo Yang, he was wearing a black Feather Armor and a blue cloak, but he did not wear a helmet.

The holy blade of purification is slung across the back, the arms are coiled and circled by the black sky, and the lasso of mantra and the deep ruby ​​are on the waist.

"What is certain is that Thanos is definitely going for the space gem." Thor slapped the sturdy Destroyer armor, while still pretending to be serious.

"Why do you say that?" Heimdall held the Rainbow Sword tightly and walked towards Thor and Royan.

"Heimdall, have you forgotten? The father of the gods once temporarily hid many artifacts in Hades to prevent them from being stolen." Thor looked down at the leg armor while speaking.

Luo Yang said: "I'm curious, how did he know that the space gem is in the Hades of the Nine Kingdoms?"

Thor shrugged: "Who knows? Maybe it's the link between the Infinity Stones?"

"Maybe." Heimdall said helplessly, "In addition to preventing Thanos from obtaining the space gem, I hope you can find the fragment of Odin's soul and let him return to Asgard."

Thor looked solemn: "This is also my long-cherished wish."

"I've already determined where they last appeared, and I can send you there directly." Heimdall shouted.

"Okay. Let's start." Luo Yang said calmly.

Thor nodded equally firmly.

As Heimdall inserted the giant sword into the hole, the Rainbow Bridge, the most mysterious time-space transmission device in the universe, began to work.

Wan Daoguangcai surrounded Luo Yang and his party.
Ten seconds later, Luo Yang brought the Storm Rangers to Hel in the Nine Kingdoms!
Heimdall sent everyone a hundred meters away from the point where the dark order appeared.

But the problem is that there are no enemies in sight now.

The underworld of the nine kingdoms is somewhat different from Hades' underworld, the red world, and the hell of the black world.
Its overall tone is black.

The ground looks like black basalt, of course, there are some slightly soft geology, but the color is also pitch black.

Between the rocky ground, there will be some sudden rivers and lakes.The water in it was turbid and black, with a little bit of diamond-like crystal light shining.These lakes and rivers are easily reminiscent of the Milky Way.

Surrounding, misty, extremely humid.Moreover, the humid air also carried a foul smell of private goods that was too thick to dispel.

Constantine glanced around and sighed helplessly, "Heimdall, did you make a mistake?"

"No, Heimdall never makes mistakes." Thor sighed, "My father's soul fragments are also stored in his eyes, guiding us."

Luo Yang took the Purifying Holy Blade from his back and held it tightly in his left hand.

Genji, Deadpool, Deathstroke, the three also drew their swords out of their sheaths at the same time, ready to fight!
"Huh? Why are you pulling out your knives??"

"Of course I imitated you! Boss!" Deadpool said in feigned surprise.

"I'm ready." Genji also responded indifferently.

Luo Yang shook his head, poured spiritual energy into the holy blade, and transformed his weapon into a blue high-energy lightsaber.

"Everyone, I just turned on a flashlight!"

 Finally finished coding this chapter, my hands are frozen
  Salted Fish Silver Wing is ready to continue fighting!

(End of this chapter)

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