Chapter 56
Coulson looked embarrassed: "Of course, my men and I didn't kill any innocent people.

Coulson greeted his subordinates again: "Mei, tell me about the situation just now."

A Chinese female agent stepped forward. She had a pretty face, but she was at least 40 years old. She was definitely a beauty when she was young.

Melinda May seemed to have suffered a slight shoulder injury, and walked forward with her shoulders: "Just now, another group of lunatics who wanted to catch mutants injured the boy among the two mutants. Unknown. The girl should still be hiding in this hotel. We must not only protect the girl, but also prevent the boy's body from falling into their hands."

Coulson added: "Also pay attention to clearing the venue, so as not to cause casualties to hotel guests."

It turns out there is still a force!
Such a long time of nonsense, which has put the girl in danger!

Luo Yang immediately ran upstairs: "I know where she is!"

Coulson and five or six of his subordinates immediately followed up without missing a single one.

Luo Yang and a group of people from S.H.I.E.L.D. came to the 17th floor and found the cleaning room on the left side of the 17th floor of the hotel.

The door of the cleaning room was opened, and the ground inside was covered with blood. The body of a young boy was hidden behind a pile of buckets. The picture was quite terrifying.

The young boy was shot twice in the chest and bled to death.

Melinda spoke: "He is [Mowen], he is a mutant who was stimulated by the acquired X gene. He has the ability to touch opponents and make them paralyzed and disgusted."

Luo Yang asked: "Will you take his body back to study?"

Coulson: "I'm definitely taking him back, I can only hope our scientists don't mess with his body."

Luo Yang looked at Coulson with contempt, and Coulson could only shrug his shoulders: "You should understand the consequences of this boy's body falling into their hands."

"Tell me, those guys who want to catch mutants, who are they?"

While studying the clues on the ground, Coulson responded, "An organization that calls itself the [Reconstruction Society]."


Reconstruction organization?This Reconstruction Society actually targets mutants. I wonder who is behind this organization?
Before he had time to think, Coulson had already used his years of experience as an agent to direct the operation.

First, he asked two agents to guard the stairs, and then used the footprint detection simulator to study the direction of the mutant girl.

After studying for a long time, Coulson, who was looking back and forth, said: "She is going up, let's go to the 18th floor, and continue to search on the 19th floor!"

Luo Yang asked: "How did you judge?"

"There are only footprints facing upwards, let's move quickly."

A group of people quickly came to the 19th floor.

However, when all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were busy, Luo Yang, who was standing in the corridor, saw a girl in a dark brown uniform crawling through the window. She was crawling in the corridor outside the hotel, avoiding Chase!

Royan patted Coulson on the shoulder and kept pointing outside, but these serious S.H.I.E.L.D. agents didn't see this scene at all.
Luo Yang didn't care so much, he opened the window and climbed out.Coulson was taken aback by his actions, and he shouted softly: "Mr. Luo, come back quickly!!"

Luo Yang climbed out of the window, this is the 19th floor.

The whistling air blows past the ears.For ordinary people, standing on the outer edge of the high-rise hotel, the legs are already weak.

Luo Yang stepped onto the corridor outside the hotel and shouted to Anna Marie: "Be careful!"

Luo Yang's cry made the girl stagger and almost fell.

She stared at his movements with horror on her face.

Luo Yang noticed that her hair was brown, while the front fringe was white.

The brunette girl asked, "Are you 7758-257?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Anna responded: "Those who chased me were on the 20th floor just now! They may find them soon!"

At this time, some gunshots have been heard, and it should be that SHIELD and those so-called Reconstructionists have started fighting again!

Luo Yang shouted to the brunette girl: "Jump down with me, don't worry, I will let you land safely!"

However, Anna Marie didn't trust Luo Yang, she kept shaking her head, denying Luo Yang's proposal.

During the stalemate, people from the Reconstruction Society found Luo Yang and the brunette girl!

They poked their heads out of the window and pointed their guns at the brunette: "Mutants! Come in now!"

Anna Marie was in a dilemma. From her expression, it could be seen that she didn't know how to deal with it.

Luo Yang could only get closer to Anna step by step, and hold her steady: "Don't move!" What he worried most was that Anna would jump off in an instant.

A rope with a hook flew from not far away, hooking the gunman who threatened Anna at once!
The gunman was noose and flung out.


The gunman shouted hoarsely, but still could not avoid the fate of falling from the 19th floor to his death.

Luo Yang took a closer look, and the person who made the shot was Felicia!She leaned half of her body out of the window, her soft figure and excellent strength allowed her to use the rope easily!
After retracting the hook, Felicia continued to throw out the rope, scaring the other gunman so much that he could only hide in.

The black cat Felicia is not a vase either, and she is ruthless in dealing with her opponents.

At this moment, a man who looked like the leader of the Reconstruction Society suddenly came out of the window and shot Luo Yang!
A bullet hit Luo Yang's head, and Luo Yang felt a strong impact hitting his head!
The ice shield blocked the impact of the submachine gun bullets!

Luo Yang immediately flashed in Anna's direction!
The leader continued to shoot at Luo Yang, and Anna was so frightened that she lost her balance and fell down!

At the last moment, Luo Yang made a timely move and put [Slow Falling Technique] on her!
Let her land safely!
(End of this chapter)

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