Chapter 55
The Geneva Hotel in the Bronx.

When Luo Yang arrived here, he saw three police cars on the outside, with red and blue lights flashing, standing guard outside the hotel.

Outside one of the police cars, a young police detective and his assistant stood outside the Geneva Hotel, silently watching the interior of the hotel.

Luo Yang knew this detective, he was Demps Wood.

Dempsey is a police detective in the New York City Police Department. He is a guy with a very sense of justice. He became a second-level detective in the police department at a young age. Only the police can take care of it.

The reason why he became a second-level detective is also related to his frequent detection of crimes.For a lot of time, he relied on the help of heroic friends, such as Daredevil, to successfully solve the case.

Because of the vigilante's actions at night, Luo Yang also got to know this detective.And the relationship between Dempsey and several superheroes such as Daredevil is good.

Dempsey is a brown-haired, blue-eyed white man with a slender build.His hair was darker than Royan's golden-brown hair.His facial features are sharp and angular, with a heroic spirit.

Luo Yang approached quietly, tightened his mask, and greeted Dempsey.

"Good evening, Inspector. How are you here?"

"Purifier, you're here too?" Dempsey was a little surprised by his appearance.

Then Dempsey and Royan introduced the situation of the Geneva Hotel:

"According to the hotel guest who reported 911 just now, seven or eight unknown people appeared in the hotel, and the targets were the two young people living in the hotel."

"—The residents noticed that these people were holding guns and were constantly looking for and chasing them. Their behavior was very dangerous, so they immediately called the police and wanted to ask the police to intervene."

Luo Yang asked: "Then why didn't you take action here?"

Dempsey spread his hands helplessly: "This hotel is really too big, and the people on both sides of them are well-trained. My people went up, but they didn't find it. The hotel can only tell the guests that they are all in the room and don't leave. "

Luo Yang patted Dempsey on the shoulder: "Let me try it."

Dempsey Wood was a little worried: "The strength of both of them is unknown, are you sure you want to go?"

Luo Yang waved his hand, disappeared in a flash, appeared a few meters away, and entered the elevator of the building.

At the same time, Luo Yang dialed the phone and asked the girl, "Where are you now?"

Anna replied: "I am hiding in the cleaning room on the left side of the 17th floor! My friend is dead"

While hanging up the phone, Luo Yang pressed down on the 17th floor in the elevator.

However!The elevator stopped on the 10th floor, and I don't know why. This made Luo Yang feel a little bad.

So Luo Yang wanted to forcefully open the elevator door.
God damn it, because of a temporary malfunction, the hotel elevator door was locked and couldn't be opened at all.

Luo Yang drew out the Tang Dao from behind, and used his anger to increase the power of this weapon!
The power of this Tang Dao increased to the maximum in an instant, and then Luo Yang fired two [Cleave] in a row!
An X-shaped deep imprint was cut out of the elevator door!

After cutting through the elevator door, he kicked a big hole with his feet so that he could get out.

Then Luo Yang speeded up and ran to the stairs upstairs, and at the same time added a layer of ice armor to himself to avoid sudden danger.

Just running to the 12th floor, when Luo Yang showed his head, three or four pistols were pointed at his head.

"Wait, wait, this is not the enemy, don't shoot." A gentle voice.

The pistols were put down immediately, and at the same time, Agent Coulson stepped down.

This is also drunk, and after a long time, these perverts chasing girls are the men of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Coulson smiled and said to Luo Yang, "Mr. Luo, hello."

Phil Coulson was surprised to see Luo Yang's eyes widen, and added: "Sorry, maybe I should call you a purifier."

"It's okay to call me Luo."

Coulson was not in a hurry at all, he babbled: "Purifier, your name seems too advanced."

advanced?Luo Yang thought to himself that even though he was just a novice now, he would always grow up in the future, so he wouldn't just change his name at a different level?

Coulson chuckled softly: "I think the title of mystic is more suitable for you."

Hmm. Mystic casts Frostbolt, Mystic unleashes the soul.

It seems even more inconsistent.Or the purifier has its own characteristics.

But Royan has only recently realized that Archimonde is called the polluter, and the purifier sounds like the mirror image of Archimonde.

"I didn't come up with the name. And I'm just a passerby, Agent Coulson." Luo Yang said indifferently.

Coulson: "No, no, Mr. Luo, since you appeared in New York City, you have become an important part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. plan."

Luo Yang gradually adapted to the rhythm of the conversation with S.H.I.E.L.D.: "What important link? I'm just a community college student."

Coulson smiled and said, "Also, haven't you gotten very close to Stark recently?"

"what happened?"

"Mr. Stark will also be part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. program in the future."

"He's going to be your advisor, isn't he. And I'm not that interested in a S.H.I.E.L.D. job."

When Luo Yang and Coulson were bickering, they suddenly realized, didn't I come to save people?

Luo Yang asked: "Agent Coulson, you don't seem to come to chat with me, do you?"

Coulson stopped Royan who was about to leave: "I said that you are an important part of S.H.I.E.L.D., not nonsense. Your ability amazed us. Whether it was at night or in the battle with the hand and the meeting."

The eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D. are everywhere, but they can’t find the Hydra within the system. It should be said that their good eyesight is only effective for external and mysterious forces, and it is useless when observing S.H.I.E.L.D. itself.

Luo Yang responded: "But I'm not interested in being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. now. Being your agent will kill me."

"I can guess this, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is not that easy to be, but our director will talk to you about his bold plan."

The bold plan should be the Avengers plan.However, Luo Yang knew in his heart that his current strength was stronger than the two agents, and he was not at the same level as the future Iron Man and Thor, and he still had a lot of room for growth!
Luo Yang understood it clearly, and then asked about today's events: "Agent Coulson, you are here to arrest people today, aren't you? And you killed one of them just now?"

Anna Marie mentioned just now: [I am hiding in the cleaning room on the left side of the 17th floor!My friend is dead]

S.H.I.E.L.D. you guys are really rough too.Luo Yang really wanted to blow up these agents in front of him, and then hurried to find out.

Unexpectedly, Coulson looked at the purifier in surprise: "There are mutants in this building. We are trying to find a way to protect the mutants who are in danger, but we haven't found any trace of them yet."

Luo Yang sneered, "Are you sure it's protection?"

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(End of this chapter)

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