Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 391 Loki's negative emotions exploded!

Chapter 391 Loki's negative emotions exploded!

"If there is anything wrong with him, report to me directly." Thor turned his head to look at the golden armored guard and said solemnly.


The two guards wearing golden holy clothes bent down as much as possible to show their respect for the son of Odin.

Luo Yang added: "The sword of Theseus has been put away, he can't make any waves."

"That's right."

In the middle of Thor's speech, Loki's long series of curses rushed towards him and Royan——

"motherf**k, blacksh*t, thick class" (motherf**k, blacksh*t, holy)

Loki's fists bursting with foul language angrily smashed towards the closed net.

Tom!His hands were constantly eroded by energy on the closed net, but he didn't care!
"Loki! Long time no see!" Luo Yang walked towards Loki and waved his hand.

"You boy! What the hell about me."

"I remember you were very elegant when you were on Earth." Luo Yang smiled lightly, "Why do you look like a different person now? You are dressed so elegantly, but your words are so dirty that I can't respond."

Loki was even more angry, and could only use the language of the earth to swear non-stop, venting the rage that had nowhere to go.

"Tie baa, Ba Ga!" "Mei De!" "Gan Lin Niang!"

You know a lot of languages.
If he had a system to collect negative emotional points, then the emotional value of the former Prince of God Realm would be an exaggerated wealth
Luo Yang walked up to Loki and slowly raised his middle finger: "Fuck you, Loki."

After all, Luo Yang turned back to Thor and asked, "Wait a minute, aren't your mothers the same?"

Royan observed Thor's brow furrowed.
Thor was probably thinking, Roy, are you happy to ask Pi knowingly?

Thor's temper is not bad, he responded with a smile:
"Loki has always regarded my biological mother, Frigga, as his only mother."

"Really?? You seem to know everything, just like our father of the gods?" Loki retorted.

"Of course I know. I understand what you think, Loki." Thor's blue eyes stared at Loki.It seems like a piece of affection, thrown into the vast ocean.

"Only Frigga has a bit of divinity." Loki was not moved, but he roared even more angrily, "Odin, this old guy, never regarded me as a real Asgardian!"

After mentioning Odin, Loki became even more excited.

"Oh! Odin, the father of the gods, is the most hypocritical existence in the nine kingdoms. He is more hypocritical than anyone else, even inferior to Zeus, Hades, and Hermes!"

After pausing for two heartbeats, Thor opened his mouth and said: "You are rude to me and extremely disrespectful to the people of the earth. Now even our father has scolded you. Are you happy?"

"He's your father, not mine," Loki roared.

"However, I have always regarded you as my brother. Never changed." Thor said softly in his magnetic voice.

My brother abused me thousands of times, I treat my brother like first love!

Even Loki, under Thor's expression, gradually calmed down.

He just panted heavily, looking at Thor and Royan angrily.

After a while, Loki finally regained his composure.He stared at Luo Yang: "What are you doing here? Take a look at my pitiful appearance with my brother? Let's laugh at me, who used to be a prince, and how miserable I am now as a prisoner?"

"As you can see, Thor and I escorted the Olympians over here. By the way, let's chat with you." Luo Yang said indifferently, "Staying here alone, the god of tricks is probably going crazy .”

"Will I be crazy? I won't." Loki responded decisively.

He turned and walked to the table in his room: "Frigga brought me fruit and books, and my former friend also sent me chess pieces." Loki paused, then continued to laugh: "I Some eat and some play here. I enjoy it very much! I am very happy!"

He also deliberately accented the last few words—"Enjoyed! Happy!"

Whether Loki really enjoys it or not, it doesn't matter for the time being.Everyone present could hear that his words were all sarcasm for Thor.

Although Thor seems to be just a reckless man.But recklessness is just his hobby.

If he was really a brainless and ignorant prince, Odin would have deposed him long ago.

Thor: "Loki, you brought it on yourself."

"You are on Earth, causing a disaster. Countless people died because of the Battle of New York." Luo Yang said.

Loki looked confused: "???"

Luo Yang suddenly thought something was wrong, because of his intervention, Loki failed.
The reason why Loki was locked in the dungeon was mainly because he made such a big basket in Asgard before and summoned a bunch of Jotunheim's frost giants and Leviathans to Asgard.

Royan added: "It was Ronan the Accuser who later led the Chitauri army to invade. But you were the mastermind."

Loki was actually very proud, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "That's right. I am the planner. Without my plan, Ronan would not be able to destroy New York City."

New York City, New York, right?
"The problem is, Ronan didn't destroy New York." Luo Yang spread his hands.

"At least, you ants understand the power gap!" Loki couldn't restrain himself, "His legion can easily wipe out the Nine Kingdoms. None of us can match his power."

Thor became annoyed. "Who? The leader of the Chitauri?"

"Thanos." Luo Yang said calmly.

Thanos - the overlord of the world.The American manga translator is very talented, and directly translated such a common name as Thanos into Thanos.

Loki stared at the young Purifier, he was a little surprised: "Thanos the Mad Titan. How do you know it's him?"

Don't say that the time-travelers of Meiman know Thanos. After the release of Avengers 3, all the primary and middle school students know Thanos and Infinity Gloves like the back of their hands. Probably even Qin Ziyang, who used to like to play mahjong and brag downstairs, knows about Avengers and Mie Tyrant
"Thanos, isn't he famous enough in this universe?" Luo Yang asked back. "And I also know that what Thanos wants is nothing more than the cosmic cube of the earth."

Thor is not surprised, he sighed: "Loki, dealing with Thanos, will there be any good end?"

"I didn't have a choice at the time!"

Luo Yang smiled and said, "You didn't have a choice before, but now you just want to be a good person?"

Oh no. It seems to be a meme?
Loki doesn't know the stalk of "Infernal Affairs", although he said he likes to play Infernal Affairs.

He pondered for a moment, and responded, "If I could choose, I would not be at the mercy of Thanos. But I caused trouble in Borderlands, and those guys from the Obsidian Order saved me and Lorelei."

"Loki, since you think so, I think you still have some hope." Thor said softly.

"I don't need your sympathy, brother!"

Loki especially emphasized the word "Brother".

"There is one thing, I don't know if you understand." Luo Yang crossed his hands in front of him, "Thanos hid the Soul Gem in the scepter given to you."

Loki was a little surprised: "I sensed that the energy of the scepter is extraordinary. And then?"

"Ronan, a guy with a bone in his head, figured out the path of the scepter. He dug out the Soul Stone and took it for himself. But it didn't take long."

"The accusers were defeated by the earthlings in front of you." Thor still remembered.

"Yo, boy, you defeated Ronan the Accuser." Loki had a sly smile on his lips, "Did you use some trick again?"

It is completely positive, and there is really no trick.

"It's too complicated to say. Just imagine."

Loki's anger rose up. "Boy. When I come out, I will show you what real magic is."

"I've already learned about your real magic tricks." Royan responded.

"I have to go, Loki. Maybe my father will still want to talk to you. At that time. Anyway, you can handle it yourself." Thor stretched out his hand and pulled Royan away, otherwise Royan would have to fight with Luo in the dungeon The base bickered for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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