Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 390 God's Domain Dungeon

Chapter 390 God's Domain Dungeon
The day the battle ended—

Royan and Thor, leading all the members of the expedition, returned to Asgard from the kingdom of the elves of light.

When we left Alfheim, although it was night in the kingdom of elves, in Asgard, the morning star had just risen.

Listening to Thor's introduction, Royan learned an interesting fact: In addition to reincarnation, the day and night of Asgard also depend on Odin's mood.

When Odin's emotions entered into melancholy, pain, and sorrow, the night of Asgard would slowly descend along with the emotions of the god king.

This is the same as making a movie.

The scenes full of emotions are all during the day; while the scenes of sad parting or lingering in-depth communication are switched to night.

The warm and warm morning light fell on the extremely gorgeous golden buildings of God's Domain.

Among the many buildings, the Golden Palace is the most eye-catching.

The exterior of the Golden Palace is composed of countless muddy gold cylinders of gradual length, arranged in the order of low-high-low according to the golden ratio, similar to the regular mathematical function curve (y=1/x^2).Of course, the Odin Golden Palace is also very similar to the side of a suspension bridge such as the Golden Gate Bridge.

Odin's golden palace shone brightly in the morning light.

On the front of the Golden Palace, there is a colorful sky road leading to the main body of the Rainbow Bridge guarded by Heimdall.

And around the Golden Palace, those cool buildings that break through the imagination are also very interesting.

Coming here for the second time, Luo Yang was still dazzled.

These buildings are comparable to the various buildings of the protoss in the interstellar world.

(It is even a little doubtful that the design of these Asgard buildings borrowed from the Protoss buildings of StarCraft?)
Looking at the past, in the vicinity of the Golden Palace, there are semi-cylinders that are constantly floating and rotating, there are rotating sphere buildings similar to the main body of the Rainbow Bridge, there are pointed pyramids shining with golden light, and there are polyhedrons built against the law of gravity , sphere, cuboid, deformed cylinder, and some buildings, like the tip of a knife, like a hammer, like a shell, all kinds of dazzling buildings.

The place Luo Yang and his party are going to go first is the soul purification center.A bullet-shaped building in a body of water.

Thor carried the wounded Steve, accompanied by Royan, Sif, and Winter Soldier, and rushed to the soul purification center together.

Before, the elves had provided treatment for the US team, helping him to eliminate the suffocation of the magic of the abyss monsters and get rid of the danger of life.But the US team is still in a coma and has not yet fully awakened.

After returning to Asgard, Thor proposed to send the US team to the soul purification center as soon as possible.

Soul purification. Luo Yang is a little puzzled. Like Captain America, the incarnation of Marxism-Leninism + XXX ideology, a man who struggles for the freedom of all mankind all his life, where does he need to rinse his soul?

Stepping into the purification center, Luo Yang figured it out, this is just the senior sanatorium of God's Domain.

In the soul purification center, the most important equipment is the soul forging furnace. In "Thor 2", Jane Foster was lying on this thing, and Asgard's technicians tested her whole body.

The super academic Jane Foster discovered the essence of the Soul Forge and characterized it as a quantum field generator.

Perhaps, many mysterious technologies and black magic in Asgard and other seven countries can be explained by the earth's technological theory.

The so-called science fiction, technology and fantasy exist at the same time.Fantasy can break through technology, but technology also embraces all fantasy.

Similarly, Steve was also placed on a soul forge by Thor for a full inspection.

After the US team settled down, Bucky the Winter Soldier and Goddess Sif asked to stay with the US team at the same time.

The Winter Soldier is an old friend of the US team, and the US team is injured, so he must be with him all day.But Goddess Sif's request made Thor a little embarrassed. "Sif, there are technicians here, and Steve's friends are with me"

Sif responded decisively: "No. I'm free anyway, so I'll stay here."

"The Queen of God will be unhappy if she finds out." Thor suggested as a friend.For him, the Goddess of War, Sif, is more like a good friend than a justifiable future wife.

"The Queen of God won't know. The person who likes to gossip the most has been locked in the dungeon."

The gossiping friend Sif was referring to was Loki.

And next, Royan and Thor are going to visit Loki.

Thor reluctantly agreed: "Okay. Steve is awake, let me know as soon as possible."

The Dark Iron Dungeon near the Golden Palace.

Royan and Thor escorted Theseus, who had a broken arm, to the Black Iron Dungeon.

Walking down the stairs from the dark dungeon corridor, at the end, there is a little golden light.

The interior of the prison where prisoners from the nine countries were held was as bright as day.Asgard's lighting technology is quite similar to the low-pressure arc lamp, which is the "fluorescent lamp" of the earth.

It was the lights of the prison room that illuminated the entire dungeon.

Each Asgard dungeon cell is also equipped with a closed net.This layer of net made of the fusion of energy and iron cuts off the energy exchange inside and outside the prison. (But the fuck can't block the sound. The so-called plot arrangement -_-.)
At the same time, as long as the prisoner touches the closed net, the energy of the existence will be triggered.The exposed skin of the prisoner will be scorched by the high temperature energy.

The first cell in the dungeon belonged exclusively to the former prince of Asgard, Rocky Lawfison.

At least, here, he can still enjoy a single room.

The main reason is to prevent the ex-prince from wrestling with other prisoners.In that case, the face of the imperial family of Shenyu will be lost.

Loki had already noticed the footsteps before Thor and Royan arrived.

Loki, who was bored, stood up excitedly and stood in front of the closed net.

He brushed his long, greasy black hair back, revealing his shiny forehead and his precarious hairline not far from the top.After finishing his hairstyle, Loki did not forget to straighten his shiny black robe.

For him, here is really boring.It's kind of fun to watch the new inmates and tease the young guards.

Through this almost transparent closed net, Loki stared at the guys who came to the dungeon.

Of the two leaders, one is indeed his derisive older brother.
Wearing a red cape like a clown, holding a stupid hammer in his hand, the only thing worthy of praise is his thick muscles.But Loki wondered if Thor's brain was all muscles?
This stupid and reckless guy keeps saying that he cares about himself. But he fell in love with a stupid earth woman, and even made labor and capital imprisoned here.
The one next to him in black shouldn't be a good bird either.Gray cloak, black armor.There is a hexagonal bright mark on the chest, which flickers on and off with breathing.This young man has fair skin and a delicate face. His short golden brown hair is raised upwards, and he seems to have used the earth's styling water. He's really good at acting.
and many more!

Why is this guy so familiar!

Isn't that nasty kid? ?Purifier in black!
Actually here, in the dungeon of Asgard, I saw this boy in black——Loki, one of the most annoying and hated earthlings in his thousand-year life
Thor and Royan, no matter which one, made him extremely emotional.

Loki clenched his fists, staring at Luo Yang with vicious eyes.

Thor deliberately ignored Loki's existence.He scanned the dungeon and shouted: "Put this guy in the second dungeon."

The guards immediately carried out Thor's order and pushed Theseus, the dying man with a broken arm, into the cell opposite Loki.

Theseus was pale and expressionless.

After he was pushed into the single cell, he sat cross-legged on the ground with one hand propped up.

He lost his weapon, his arm, and even his freedom.

Now Theseus has completely lost the momentum and tone of the hero in Greek mythology.You know, Theseus is definitely the winner of cheating in Greek mythology.In order to save his beloved girl, he bravely faced the Minotaur Minotaur, not only successfully beheaded him, but also relied on the girl's tricks to return successfully from the Minotaur's labyrinth with a ball of string.

(End of this chapter)

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