Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 39 Layout Begins

Chapter 39 Layout Begins

Luo Yang's words sparked discussions among the people at the Horizon Base.

In the end, Luo Yang became the core of the entire team's operations.Luo Yang has the ability to kill in a wide range, which the other three heroes cannot do.

If there is a war with the hand and society, Luo Yang is responsible for attracting firepower and using [Frost Nova] to immobilize the ninja army.The avatars in the ninja army will not be affected by ordinary attacks, so after the ninja is fixed, the little spider immediately shoots a spider web to mark as many ninjas as possible. Only the ninja shot by the spider web is the real ninja.

After the marking is complete, others, whether it's Daredevil, Erica, or Frank, can take care of the ninjas.

The next day, Matthew asked the gladiator Melvin to customize a brand new battle suit for Royan.This suit is made of the same material as Daredevil's suit, which has high-strength protection and fits very well.

This combat suit does not come with a helmet, mainly because Melvin is too late to make it.But the combat suit protects all other vital parts of the body.Since the face cannot be covered with a helmet, Melvin provided Royan with a black visor that covered the neck, chin and muzzle, a bit like the Winter Soldier.Luo Yang thought it was much more handsome than the helmet.

The overall color of the battle suit is black with cool blue lines.There is also a LOGO designed by Luo Yang himself on the chest, a centrally symmetrical pattern - a hexagon with incoherent lines, and in the middle of the hexagon is a triangular circle with magic runes.

The logo of the purifier can be said to be the pattern that Luo Yang has always been thinking about. When the "tailor" master Melvin made this logo with alloy, Luo Yang played with it for a long time.

In addition to the combat uniform, Luo Yang also got two sharper short knives from Melvin to use as sidearms.Originally, he wanted to make the blade into the cuff of the battle suit, but time was tight and Melvin couldn't do it.

And Daredevil is planning to make a battle suit for the little spider, but Peter thinks that the pajama-like battle suit he is wearing is very good, so he just rejected Matthew's kindness. Royan thought, it seems that Peter, only Tonys The battle suit that Tucker will make for you in the future is suitable.

In the tense preparations, time passed quickly.Five days later, the four teammates from Horizon Base assembled, fully armed, and approached a Japanese-owned office building in the north of Manhattan.

Judging from recent intelligence, Yoshioka Nobu is most likely to place the sacrificial ceremony in this Japanese-owned building.Not only are there a large number of Japanese gangsters guarding the building, but Shinobu Yoshioka himself has entered and exited the building many times.

Everyone followed Daredevil, knocked down two gangsters from the side door of the building, and sneaked into the Japanese-owned building.

The interior of this Japanese-funded building has not yet been renovated, so it can be said to be empty.

Luo Yang asked: "Ye Mo, have you found where they are?"

"I can't hear their heartbeats. It's so weird." Daredevil is exploring, but depressed," Stick said, and the fighters of the Hand and the Society even hide their own heartbeats."

Erica held Daredevil on the shoulder: "Matthew, I believe you can."

Luo Yang thought that when his secret power improved and he was able to use the [Tasada] card, he would be able to obtain [Prophetic Power], which would give him a sensory ability as powerful as Daredevil!

Matthew was a little frustrated: "There is no sacrificial ceremony in this building. We may have come to the wrong place."

Luo Yang looked up, from the basement 1 floor here, you can look all the way to the top, the 30th floor.

Just within sight, on a floor on the 15th floor, on the outer wall of the railing of the floor, someone made eye-catching marks with spray.

Luo Yang said to the little spider: "Peter, take me up together, to the place with the mark."

And Erica and Matthew quickly went upstairs and rushed towards the marked place.

The little spider readily agreed, shot out a spider thread, and pulled Luo Yang to swing upwards.

It was the first time for Luo Yang to experience the flight of Spider-Man. He flew over more than a dozen floors at once, which felt extremely exciting.
Luo Yang found that in the depths of the 16th floor, there was a large piece of fine steel alloy wall, which seemed to protect the things behind the wall.So Daredevil couldn't sense what was behind the steel alloy wall at all.

Who should have made this mark?stick old man?
The four of Luo Yang assembled on the 16th floor, ready to break in!

Luo Yang said: "Since the secret of the hand and meeting is stored here, they must have left a door, otherwise they would not be able to enter it by themselves."

Matthew used his senses to search and found a breakthrough: "At the left corner, there is a trap door. We must find out where the trap is."

Royan and Peter head to the corner on the left.It looks very ordinary here, the walls are also made of fine steel alloy, the floor is covered with floor tiles, and the walls are all bare.

Daredevil Matthew came over, sensed the ground, and said, "Peter, there is a hole under the second floor tile next to your left foot." floor tiles.

Sure enough, the organ door slowly opened!It revealed the darkness inside!
The four teammates immediately dispersed and hid beside them.

Luo Yang activated the secret energy and entered the combat state.

Two Japanese gang members in suits poked their heads out with guns in hand to see who was coming outside.

Daredevil immediately struck and stunned the two gangsters!

The four of Luo Yang filed inside.

Everything inside shocked Luo Yang!

This place seems to be hell. Under the dim light, one can see a set of blood-collecting instruments connected with a person.There are at least 30 people detained here
Those who were "sacrificed" by blood sucking include not only white Europeans and Americans, but also Asians, Africans and Latin Americans, some ordinary civilians, and some homeless wanderers.The frenzied Hand Hehui randomly grabbed them, squeezed and sucked the blood of these people, and connected all the sucked blood with a coffin-like steel box.

Footsteps sounded.
Nobu Yoshioka steps out of the shadows in his samurai uniform, a long sword behind his back and a chain knife weapon in his hand.

His fierce eyes swept over Daredevil and Luo Yang.Then Yoshioka Shin slammed down the button on the wall.

The whole room gradually became brighter, and the fine steel alloy walls outside the room began to slowly retract upwards.

Luo Yang looked back, and there were already densely packed ninjas standing outside. At a glance, there were at least 100 of these ninjas!

A battle begins!
The four of Luo Yang faced so many ninjas!
According to the pre-determined strategy, Luo Yang immediately added ice protection to himself, and he and Erica entered the group of ninjas together!
Daredevil Matthew is in charge of holding Shin Yoshioka!Even for a strong player like him, it is impossible to deal with a boss-level expert like Yoshioka Shinobu in an instant.

Yoshioka Shin sneered: "You four annoying scumbags, all of you will die here today!"

Luo Yang was surrounded by at least 30 ninjas with knives!

At this moment, Luo Yang suddenly released [Frost Nova]!Centered on Luo Yang, the ice energy began to erupt!
After a burst of impact from [Frost Nova], less than half of the more than 30 ninjas were immobilized!Some ninja clones disappeared after being washed by frost nova, and some clones were not affected!

Only the body of a ninja can be immobilized by Frost Nova!
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(End of this chapter)

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