Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 38 Visit Murdoch & Associates

Chapter 38 Visit Murdoch & Associates
During these busy days, Luo Yang also tried his best to collect information about the Jidao gangster and the hand peace meeting.

I don't know if Matthew is singing every night or what is going on. I can't get in touch. Luo Yang doesn't know what to do next.

So after class at the community college the next day, Luo Yang went straight to the Nelson Murdoch office and went directly to lawyer Ma.

This is also Luo Yang's first visit to Lawyer Ma's office.

According to the map, Luo Yang used the map to find the office building of Nelson Murdoch.

In the Nelson-Murdoch firm, three members of the firm are busy.

About four or five clients came to the firm.

Matthew's college friend, the slightly chubby Fergie, also known as Franklin "Fergie" Nelson, can be regarded as the busiest person in the firm. He is looking for information and receiving new clients at the same time.

Matthew Murdoch buried himself in the documents, thinking about something.I don't know whether he is considering the speech in court or thinking about the actions of the opponents and the meeting.

Another is Karen Page.She is a tall girl with no makeup and very beautiful. In this firm, although she is an intern and assistant, she also takes on one-third of the work. Karen is capable, although she is not a law student. But it can attract many clients for the firm.

Luo Yang stood outside the door, looking at the three busy people inside, and couldn't bear to disturb them.

Matthew finally heard Luo Yang's arrival. He pretended to hold his blind stick and walked out: "Luo Yang, come in."

Matthew introduced Luo Yang's identity and said he was a friend of his.Fergie greeted Karen and Royan, and continued to search for things in piles of legal documents.

Luo Yang didn't come close to Matthew, and said softly to Matthew at a distance of 1 meter: "Lawyer Ma, it's time for us to talk about the peace meeting."

Matthew nodded and asked Luo Yang to rest first.

They come, the security.After Luo Yang sat for a while, he couldn't stay idle, helping Karen to do things together, pouring water, copying things and so on.

Just when Luo Yang thought he would end his ordinary work, a beautiful woman in red appeared.

This woman standing on the sky and wearing a red slit dress is exactly Erica.

Matthew got up nervously: "Ai, why are you here?" His voice was very soft, so as not to let his companions hear.

Erica smiled: "I'm looking for Lawyer Murdoch." She didn't hide it, she just looked like she knew Matthew.

Karen stepped forward: "Hello, do you know our lawyer Matthew?"

"It's considered acquaintance." Erica bypassed Karen and walked towards Matthew.She put her hand directly on Lawyer Ma's shoulder.

Now, lawyer Ma is very embarrassed.Even Luo Yang could tell that the usually calm Daredevil Matthew was blushing.

The cool lawyer Ma has a secret relationship with Karen beside him, and Erica is his old love.Lawyer Ma, the blind man, was caught between the two, so he was naturally in a dilemma.

But this matter has nothing to do with Luo Yang, emotional matters, really can't interfere.

After Karen rolled Matthew's eyes several times, she said, "I'll go to the newspaper office of the "Daily Horn"." Then Karen left the office quickly.

Fergie spread her hands, her expression seemed to be asking: "What's wrong with her?" Fergie liked Karen, but he didn't know that Karen had feelings for Lawyer Ma.

Matthew shook his head helplessly: "I don't know either."

Erica fanned the flames from the side: "Matthew, the girl in your office is very beautiful."

Matthew shouted at Erica: "Stop talking nonsense."

hours later.Horizon base.

"There are already three addresses for the secret operations of the Hand and Society, and they are basically among these three."

Matthew pointed to the map on the wall and said this to the three teammates behind him.

The three teammates are Luo Yang, Erica and Peter Parker.

Erica took a look. All three locations looked familiar to her, but she thought the building in Queens was the most likely.

Matthew: "But you can't be sure. We don't even know where Hand and will put the sacrificial ceremony."

Luo Yang then said: "Then we are trying to find a way to spy on the information of these three strongholds these days."

"I'll see." Matthew said softly.

Matthew pondered for a while, then said: "Last time, I met Mrs. Gao, and she told me a very important piece of information."

"Can Madam Gao's information be trusted?" Luo Yang was dubious.

Matthew said affirmatively: "Shouhehui and Huaguo people are not a community of interests. When Mrs. Gao and Nobu Yoshioka met, they were also negotiating the asking price for drugs. The two sides had differences."

"So what useful information did Mrs. Gao give?" Luo Yang asked.

"Mrs. Gao mentioned the large number of members of the Hand and Society."

"We already knew that." Peter rested his head on his hands.

"What I didn't expect was that Mrs. Gao told me that there would be so many ninjas in Shuhe, it was just an illusion."

Peter was curious: "Illusion? What do you mean?"

"Actually, there are not that many ninjas in Shuhehui. Many ninjas are clones created by Shuhehui using their mysterious techniques." Daredevil said.

Luo Yang suddenly realized that this is how their huge numbers came about?
Peter laughed and said, "Compared to believing in avatars, I think it's more likely to be the Japanese holographic imaging technology."

Geek Peter thinks a lot too.

Luo Yang said: "It doesn't matter whether it's avatars or holographic images. In short, they are real and fake. We should formulate a combat strategy, how to distinguish between real and fake ninjas, so as to more effectively solve the combat power of Hand Hehui."

 The battle is coming~~
(End of this chapter)

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