Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 329 After the war

Chapter 329 After the war
Days after the Battle of New York. (Late April 2010.)
The Queen.A new base on the horizon.

Luo Yang was handling his company's business on the third floor of the base, while Emma, ​​Lingdie and Gambling were doing nothing. Gambling was sitting on the sofa playing with an electronic tablet, while Emma and Lingdie were resting aside.

While he was busy, a prompt popped up on the screen.

Screen prompt: [Tony Stark is calling. 】

"Come in."

The overall system of the Horizon Base was improved by Danny Rand and Royan at a large price, and the servers were also bought with the latest and most advanced ones, everything that should be available.

Mustache Man-Tony's face appeared on the communication screen.

"Roy, are you busy these days?"

"Of course I'm busy!"

"In three weeks, I'm going to hold a party at home and call all your friends over."

"What? Have a party?" Luo Yang frowned, "Are you still in the mood for a party?"

"That's right! Of course we also need to have some fun." He looked at Luo Yang, "Isn't it, Roy? Do you know any new beautiful girls who make movies? You can also bring them."

Tony started to let himself go again.Royan heard that the relationship between Tony and Miss Pepper Potts seems to be not very good.Because of his dangerous behavior, Pepper resented very much, and their relationship reached a freezing point.It can be said that the distance between the two began to grow farther and farther.
Luo Yang glanced at Emma who was sitting beside him, and avoided answering Tony's words: "We must be very busy next time!"

"Even if you are busy, you still need to relax."

"If I'm free, I'll definitely come."

Tony shrugged helplessly: "Okay. Also, I have asked Jarvis to send you the video material you need."

"I will screen and never release images that should not be put on the big screen." Luo Yang said, "I have already asked the senior editor in the company to start post-production."

Tony smiled and said, "I trust your production."

"Iron Man", a 3D documentary film.Before and after the film is released, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people in the world.

The main character is the real Tony Stark~ the man who is not only a playboy, a billionaire, a genius and a philanthropist, but also an Iron Man.

Girls go to theaters for Robert Downey Jr., oh no, Tony Stark!What attracts boys are those cool Mark N mechs and those battle scenes with real signs~
Tony is a guy who likes to be the center of attention. Of course he wants to do this in this movie.How could his own movie not be here? ? ?

In terms of benefits, after this Stark movie is released, it can further enhance the influence of the Stark Group.

Time came two weeks later.

Tony said that he meant to hold a party in 3 weeks. In fact, after only two and a half weeks, he couldn't bear it anymore and organized a party in his own mansion, and he didn't care about the participation of the Avengers members at all, just caring for himself Since playing high up.

Miss Pepper Potts found a work reason and left New York.Without the restraint of his girlfriend, Tony was even more unscrupulous, and played crazily with a group of supermodels in the party.

Or, this is the most different thing about Tony Stark, a superhero, from other heroes.In essence, he is still a bohemian man.

Hopefully, this is just temporary catharsis for Tony.Whether it is Steve or Luo Yang, I hope he can cheer up quickly.

After a busy day, Luo Yang came to the fifth floor of the Horizon Base.

This is the training area.

In the training area, there are various training rooms with different designs, designed according to the needs of different members of the mysterious defenders.

For example, the training room with a simple Chinese style is prepared for Tekken.

Japanese-style tatami training room, women will like it here.

There is also a training room with cold metal walls. Fighters who rely on energy will choose to conduct skill training here.

There is even a disco training room with the effect of a dance hall. I don't know who made the request, is it possible to practice dance-fight in it? ?
And Luo Yang chose a blue room.The ground here is relatively soft and comfortable, and the walls are just ordinary wallpaper.In the training room, there are several soft gray sofas.

This room is more like a place of rest.

Both he and Emma have experienced the sofa here, and it is indeed comfortable, comparable to a water bed.
After sitting on the ground, he calmed down, put aside distracting thoughts and entered the system interface——

After the battle of New York, Luo Yang accumulated as many as 8850 battle points.

8850 is enough for Luo Yang.After a New York battle, so many points have been accumulated, enough to open 88 expansion packs~~
And more importantly, the secret energy has exceeded 95!

The various values ​​of Luo Yang are as follows:.
[Strength: 130. 】

[Agility: 105. 】

[Wisdom: 97. 】

[Spirit: 95. 】

[Secret power: 97. 】
[Believer No. 7]: "Host, your secret power level has exceeded 95, and the templar template can be shared with other professional templates."

In other words, the Mages and Templar powers can be activated at the same time?

"The chief hero card chooses Ronin and Alarak."

[Believer No. 7]: "The setting is complete. The chief hero card - [Lucky Mage-Ronin], [Upgrade No.1-Alarak]. Available exclusive skills - [Frostfire Arrow], [Acano Barrier] ], 【Chaos Strike】【Deadly Charge】."

Luo Yang set Luo Ning, the winner of life, as a mage hero card, taking into account defense and offense, and strengthening speed (talent bonus: 50% increase in casting speed.) At the same time, it can achieve the three repairs of ice, fire, and arcane.The templar position chooses Alarak, who has the strongest output.

At the same time, the system also gives a reminder about the new expansion pack.

After waiting for a long time, the new expansion pack is finally online!

But this time Believer 7 gave very little information
There is only the title "Heaven and Hell".

heaven hell hell heaven
Like "Machina Frenzy", it is a title composed of two words.

I searched for memories, what kind of heaven and hell do they refer to?

In the first reaction, Luo Yang of course thought of the angels and demons of Diablo III!

Could it be that Tyrell and Diablo are coming! ?

What is the power system of angels and demons?Can it be compared with the strength of the current templar?
The system will naturally not answer these doubts. Only when the new expansion pack is launched can Luo Yang understand the strength of the new card.

Every time Hearthstone releases a new card, it will also tantalize, but it will not be kept secret~~
After sorting out the cards, Luo Yang entered the virtual training ground to try out new fighting forms.

Left magic, right psionic.

This is Luo Yang's main battle form next.

In melee combat, Luo Yang mainly relies on the psionic blade in his right hand to fight.But in general, long-range strikes are the main form of combat.Luo Yang's flame jets and ice rays can already kill most of the enemies. The psionic attack with his right hand usually directly hits the opponent's face with a [Chaos Strike].

In terms of skill matching, Fa Ye's magical skill [Flash] is particularly shining. This skill can give Luo Yang great mobility, and with various skills, the potential is unlimited.

In addition to [Flash], the mage template also brings a recovery skill - [Awakening] (recovering a large amount of secret energy in a short period of time), which is also very important.This skill greatly improves endurance.

 Friendship push book~~
  Dongfang Stardust's "Overwatch Invasion of American Manga" is being pushed~ If you like Overwatch, you can take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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