Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 328 Barbecue Dinner!

Chapter 328 Barbecue Dinner!

The owner of the Turkish kebab shop was cleaning the door of his shop with a broom
A group of muscular men in tight suits, as well as sexy heroines such as Lingdie and Widow, led by Tony wearing Mark 7, came in a mighty way and stopped at the entrance of the barbecue restaurant.

Among them are the famous American team, the Purifier, Thor and so on.
The boss was stunned.This is simply a second scare.
The chaos has just ended, what are you guys doing here?Although I hid just now, there was nothing I could do. I didn't have a weapon in my hand!

"I heard that the barbecue here is very good." Tony walked straight into the shop, and the soles of the Mark 7's feet made a rattling sound on the floor tiles.

"Boss, we... are very hungry." Luo Yang, who was wearing a mask, pointed to the hero behind him.

"Oh." The boss responded now.
The owner of the barbecue shop hurriedly greeted the hero: "Come in!! There is a long table in the middle, there is absolutely room for you!" He turned around and shouted at his waiter: "Ask Ali Khan to start the barbecue! Grill as much as you have left !"

"Thank you." Captain Rogers smiled.

"This is what it should be! Today's meal, I will provide it to you for free!" The owner of the barbecue shop approached Tony and Captain America and said.

"No, no, we will really pay the money," Captain Rogers said quickly.

Although the Turkish boss was quite frightened, he had a clear mind and understood that these guys in strange clothes were definitely the saviors of New York. He not only asked the back kitchen to prepare a barbecue feast for these dozen people, but also provided them with free food. supply!
After discussing with Luo Yang, Tony still planned to ask Jarvis to remit the meal fee to the owner of the restaurant after eating.

The main reason is that Thor is so delicious, I feel really sorry not to give some money!
Everyone came to the side of the big table, kicked away the broken glass at their feet, brushed off the dust, and then sat down one by one.

The Avengers led by Tony Stark and the mysterious defenders led by Royan were seated in two groups.

Tony, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, Wolverine, Banner, and Thor sit on the left, Royan, Emma, ​​Psylocke, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Gambit, and Peter Parker sit on the right.

Lingdie originally sat beside the purifier, but she stepped back lightly, allowing Emma to sit next to Luo Yang.Luo Yang also helped Emma to sit down very gentlemanly.

Dr. Banner is carried in by Wolverine and Captain America.He was knocked unconscious by Ronan's hammer, and he woke up after a while, and his mind is not clear enough now.Wearing a new shirt and jeans from Tony Stark, he looked the most special of the bunch.

As for the Big Three, Tony, Steve and Thor did not sit together.Between Steve and Tony was Natasha Romanov.

Thor, the Asgardian, was the last to sit in the corner.

Everyone has just experienced a long battle, and they can finally sit down and eat something, which is very satisfying.

"Everyone, just eat, don't worry, you don't need to pay for it." After the snack was served, Tony Stark waved his hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark!" Peter Parker heaved a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't going to pay." Lingdie frowned, "There are several big bosses here."

She was probably referring to Tony, Royan, and Iron Fist-Danny Rand.

Not long after, two large bowls of barbecue rolls were delivered
Captain America raised the barbecue roll in his hand: "Thank you for your hard work today!"

"The captain is working hard! The captain is working hard!"

A group of heroes hurriedly responded.

"It's really exhausting!" Thor said excitedly with a big mouthful of barbecue in his mouth.

Luo Yang: "Thor, eat slowly! The back kitchen has no time to make barbecue rolls."

"It's really delicious!" Thor finished chewing the meat in his mouth, and looked at the heroes around him, "Why don't you eat it?"

Except for Thor and Danny Iron Fist, everyone else didn't like the taste of the kebab here.Even Tony regretted it, took two bites and spit it out.

It didn't take long for Dr. Bruce Banner to regain his sanity, and he even lost his appetite. He just drank some water and couldn't eat the barbecue at all.

Who the hell said that the food in this barbecue restaurant is delicious? ? ?

"Thor, it's nothing. I'll take you to Chinese food next time." Luo Yang raised his hand and knocked on the table.

Tony smiled and said, "Thor, there are still too many delicacies on earth that you haven't eaten!"

Thor: "Okay! After I bring Loki back to Asgard, I will come back. I will also bring Jane with me!"

Steve: "It's okay if you bring Hogan and Sif."

As the bosses of the Avengers, Steve and Tony hope that Toldo will spend some time on Earth. Who doesn't like this powerful teammate?

The heroes each started chatting, and Steve leaned closer to Royan and asked, "I have a question, I heard about your battle with the Accuser. How did you defeat that alien leader."

"I'm curious too, Roy," Tony said, taking a sip of his Coke. "That guy is almost invincible."

Thor said from the other side of the table: "The accuser is the madman of the Kree Empire, a war madman."

Before Royan opened his mouth, Tony added: "Captain, I have to add that Hulk, I, Thor, and Roy dealt with him together, and were directly overturned by the accuser. When I wake up, just watch Until Roy beat the accusers. The guy got away in disgrace."

Everyone quieted down, expecting Luo Yang to speak.

"Do you remember the gemstone on the Accuser's weapon?" Luo Yang said indifferently, "That gemstone has enormous energy."

He paused, then said, "I overcharged the power of the gem on the Accuser's weapon. He couldn't bear the power of the gem himself."

Tony nodded: "Understood, very interesting. Roy."

"Thor said it was the Soul Stone," Steve patted Royan on the shoulder and smiled, "Fortunately, we were able to defeat the accuser."

In fact, he used his big move and confronted Ronan head-on before completely defeating Ronan.

In addition to defeating Ronan, Loki, who came to Earth as a vanguard before, was also defeated by Royan.

Thanos first sent the evil god Loki, and then Ronan the accuser.The final outcome is that Loki will be taken away by Thor, and Ronan will linger and retreat.

I don't know how Thanos is feeling now?It is conceivable that Thanos, holding the Infinity Gauntlet, will start collecting Infinity Stones more eagerly.

Thor got his wish, and the Cosmic Cube will be brought back to Asgard for preservation.As for the mind stone, it will stay on Earth for the time being.

Nick Fury assures that the Mind Stone will be kept in a very safe and private location.S.H.I.E.L.D. will not move it, and it is impossible for other forces to get their hands on the Mind Stone.

The Mind Stone, plus the Time Stone kept in Karma Taj, on Earth, there are still two Infinity Stones.

After everyone had a full meal, some of the heroes left one after another. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Uncle Wolf, and Dr. Banner were summoned away by Nick Fury, and the mysterious defenders also returned to the base.

In the end, only Tony, Peter, Royan and the captain were left.

"Tony, Roy, and children. Nick Fury said that there are still dangerous elements in New York City who are armed with Chitauri weapons. The main locations are in the east and south of Manhattan. You may have to work harder."

"It's no problem, captain, these young people don't have to worry." Luo Yang nodded.

"But don't shoot too hard, the ones holding the weapons are not aliens, just ordinary people."

Peter: "Captain, you know I'm only going to bind them with spider silk."

Luo Yang: "Understood, we all have our own measure."

This should also be the last task of the Battle of New York.Luo Yang knew very well that the impact of the Chitauri Legion's invasion would continue to ferment.These weapons are likely to trigger unexpected events.

All the fighters left the shop, and the Turkish boss began to ask his men to pack up the tableware, and admired the photos he had secretly taken just now
 Ask for a recommendation ticket! !Monthly ticket~~thank you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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