Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 11 The thrill of opening 30 packs in a row! (Repair)

Chapter 11 The thrill of opening 30 packs in a row! (Repair)

Out of curiosity, Luo Yang continued to borrow the Internet to inquire about information about the Osborne Group and the Stark Group.

Based on the information and news on the webpage, we can know that Osborne Group and Stark Group, the two Marvel universe companies named after their creators, are top companies in their respective fields.

The Osborne Group is a military enterprise, and it is also a high-end biotechnology enterprise. It has absolute dominance in biological gene technology. Norman Osborne, the chairman of the Osborne Group, is himself a biological researcher. A scientist in the field, and the role he plays in most of Marvel's works is the Green Goblin.And his son Harry Osborne, 17 years old, is still studying in a high school in New York.

Luo Yang also understood that Little Green Goblin Harry Osborn and the future Spiderman Peter Parker should be classmates.

(As for the translation of Green Goblin-Green_Goblin, I have always felt very confused: it should be Green Goblin or Green Goblin, Green Goblin.)
The Stark Group, a high-tech military enterprise, is now under the management of the genius Tony Stark. It is already the most powerful arms supplier, and it is in the rising period of the entire enterprise, and its reputation in the entire United States Also getting louder.According to the information obtained by Royan, Tony Stark hasn't started any unmanned testing grounds in the Middle East (Afghanistan). I'm afraid it will be some time before Tony transforms into Iron Man.

After checking the information of Osborn and Stark, Luo Yang printed out all the important parts of these materials and put them in his bag.

Just a week later, Yuandian Culture Company, whose father Calvin was the CEO, sent a reply, inviting Luo Yang to meet at the company. They appreciated the script idea of ​​"Inception of Dream City" very much!
Can it be bad? It was the work of Nolan. Luo Yang didn't feel complacent, but lowered his profile, went to Yuandian Culture Company, and had an interview with Calvin's father, Emmons Calvin.

Luo Yang quickly drew up a contract with Yuandian Culture Company with a high commission, and became a creative screenwriter of this company. He still has very comfortable working hours, as long as he is at home.

However, the traveler himself knew that in the Marvel Universe, what he wanted to be was a superhero, and he didn't come to conquer the entertainment industry in this world.

Although blonde girls with long legs and big boobs are also very attractive, one must not forget one's original intention!If you want to have fun in this world, then it is not the years of being a superhero in Marvel, but a journey to rebirth America.
This path of screenwriting has taken the first step, and it can be regarded as earning a good and stable income.

Not long after, Origin Company bought the copyright of the script of "Inception" and gave Luo Yang the first remuneration fee, a total of 15000 US dollars. Luo Yang also used the first money to buy a new one. Laptop in configuration.

Then Luo Yang suddenly found that he had more than 10000 US dollars in surplus funds!

Luo Yang was so excited that he returned home and opened the believer system, and transferred 6000 US dollars from his bank card into the system!

System recharge is always the most convenient. Both cash and network can be recharged.Even believer No. 7 mentioned that even gold, silver and jewelry can be exchanged
30 card packs.Luo Yang was gearing up, ready to open the card pack.

30 crisp unpacking sounds in a row!Ten consecutive draws are nothing, the more card packs you draw, the better!When Luo Yang played TCG in the past, he always opened four boxes of four boxes, and each box contained at least 16 packs!There are even rich bags. . . . .

Luo Yang summed up the harvest this time, which should have exceeded expectations.

Obtained 2 hero cards (orange cards): Zul X1.Kael'thas X1.

Obtained 6 skill cards (purple cards): (extra exclusive to two hero cards)
Mage Skill Card: [Frost Nova]

Mage Skill Card: [Slow Fall]

Warrior Skill Card: [Shield Slam]

Hunter Skill Card: [Arcane Shot]

Insect Swarm Skill Card: [Sharp Shell]

Insect Swarm Skill Card: [Elementary Toxin]

Extra: Kael'thas exclusive skill card: [High-level Flame Storm] [Phoenix Nirvana]

The fifth hero card that Royan has is the Necromancer - Zul.

But become a dark necromancer?Luo Yang didn't have much interest.However, this card is very precious, it is a rare professional card, and it is worth keeping for collectible Luo Yang.

And the sixth orange card, Prince Kai? !
Luo Yang was naturally extremely excited at first, and then took a closer look at Kael'thas' card introduction.


Legendary Cards - Hero Cards
Kael'thas. Sunstrider

Plane: Azeroth (Warcraft)

Title: Sun King
Sex: Male
Race: Blood Elf (High Elf)

Occupation: Mage

Identity: King of the Blood Elves, member of the Kirin Tor Council
Subsidiary Talent: Increase the damage of fire spells by 35% (unable to use spells other than fire and arcane)
Exclusive skill card: [Advanced Flame Storm] [Phoenix Nirvana]


Kael'thas, who used to be a member of the high elves, was the leader of the blood elves and the guardian of the blood elves' ancient heritage. In order to satisfy the magic thirst of himself and his people, he successively took refuge in Illidan and Kiel Jiadan, in the end, the thirst for magic was like a drug addiction, which also made himself and his subordinates embark on a road of no return.His sadness is also comparable to the Lich King Arthas with a similar name.

Then Luo Yang took a closer look. Prince Kael'thas's card talents actually have negative effects? !Can't use ice spells?

This also made Luo Yang dizzy.

In this way, the hero card Kael'thas became a card suitable for use under special circumstances.

After reading the legendary hero orange card, Luo Yang glanced at the skill card again.

Among the skill cards, [Frost Nova] is a surprise. This is a very useful area-of-effect skill. It explodes frost energy centered on the caster and can immobilize the enemy.

And [Slow Falling Technique], as its name suggests, this skill can make Luo Yang fall from a high place without worrying about the lives of himself and his teammates.The heroes of Marvel will have various landing skills, as well as show off their physical fitness and flying skills in a fancy way.And the slow falling technique that Luo Yang can master can only be regarded as a life-saving skill.

As for the redundant skill cards of warrior hunters, Luo Yang was used to them.

According to the rules introduced by the system: after the hero is drawn, the exclusive skill card will be unlocked from the card pool and directly handed over to the host's card library, so Luo Yang also obtained the Kael'thas exclusive card: [high-level Flame Storm] and [Phoenix Nirvana].

But what does the swarm skill card mean? ! ! [Sharp Shell] and [Primary Toxin]?
Does the believer system also provide Zerg job transfer? ? ? ?
Luo Yang was almost drunk, although he was very curious, but Luo Yang didn't want to transform into a Hydralisk and a puppy!

Because his current main focus is on ice skills, Luo Yang kept the chief hero card as Khadgar.The hero card Kael'thas can be used in the training ground.If you want to replace the hero card, you have to wait for a while to take effect, which is not very helpful for combat.

Then Luo Yang began to evaluate the overall attributes of the body.

[Strength: 92. 】

[Agility: 80. 】

【Wisdom: 89. (+10)]

[Spirit: 77. (+10)]

[Secret power: 23. 】

Judging from personal data, through training and actual combat, the secret power has begun to increase, and a road to the magic master has been paved!In addition, all data fine-tuning is within Luo Yang's expectations.

(A new book asks for a recommendation ticket! Thanks!)
 It was updated on August 8 to remove the card synthesis rules. This rule is very cumbersome and prone to bugs, and it is not very friendly to readers who have not played the game.

(End of this chapter)

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