Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 10 Reborn America's Road to Riches

Chapter 10 Reborn America's Road to Riches

Two days later.

In his daily life, Luo Yang worked as a Chinese tutor for 3 jobs at the same time. He has already made a lot of money, and quickly saved a surplus of 3600 US dollars.

Luo Yang is also very relieved that he doesn't need to know any rich local tycoons, have great cooking skills, and don't need to push a dining cart, in order to be self-reliant and earn the money he needs for life.

When he plans to save 6000 US dollars, he will open a 30-pack card pack and collect some new fragment materials and cards.

Today is the day to help Calvin with tutoring.At Luo Yang's home, Luo Yang's "student" Calvin finished listening to the explanation, closed the thick Chinese textbooks, and thought about the Chinese context.He has been completely confused by the word "meaning", what is the meaning, what is the meaning, he is confused.

Luo Yang said with a smile: "If you are dealing with Chinese and you don't understand the sentence, you can send me a message and I will analyze it for you."

After the two chatted, Calvin handed Luo Yang 500 US dollars in supplementary tuition, and said casually: "By the way, Luo, do you know what my father's company does?"

Luo Yang replied with a smile: "I know, your family's company is a cultural company and has cooperation with Hollywood."

The blond and blue-eyed handsome Calvin is actually two years older than Luo Yang.During this period of time, Luo Yang has learned a lot about him.

Calvin smiled and said, "That's right, my father asked me to master more languages ​​and learn about high-quality movies and TV series from various countries. Fortunately, in the future, he will give me a decent job in the company, so I have to learn Chinese or something."

Then Luo Yang asked curiously: "By the way, Carl, can I submit the script to your father's company?"

"Yes," Calvin's eyes lit up, "The script idea you wrote, sign it, and I will give it to my father for review. If it is good, I promise to give you the highest reward!"

Luo Yang was overjoyed: "Okay, then I will write a first draft of the script idea as soon as possible and send it to your mailbox."

That night, Luo Yang thought hard, and he really wanted to seize this good opportunity.

If you rely on your previous life's understanding of the original world's excellent movies, you can definitely taste some sweetness in Hollywood at the beginning of the 21st century.This is definitely more powerful than being a Chinese tutor. A well-known screenwriter is not tired of work, and he can also get a lot of money in return, which can be used to improve Luo Yang's own ability!
Now Luo Yang, a young man living on subsistence allowances, doesn’t even have a notebook or an ipad, so he has to go to an “Internet cafe” in New York to write a script outline.

In a small Internet cafe here in Brooklyn, although Sparrow is small, it has all internal organs. Its services are divided into games, Internet access, computer repair, upgrade, printing, burning, scanning, etc. It not only has computers with Internet access, but also provides hardware and software. computer repair services.In fact, in the United States, the income of many Internet cafes from non-Internet services is much higher than purely charged fees for Internet access.

Many domestic Internet cafes in my country mainly provide Internet access and entertainment.Many Internet cafes will also sell some food and beverages by the way. In developed cities, you can enjoy coffee, hot tea, desserts and other catering services.But Internet cafes will not take care of copy shops and computer repair services, which are provided by copy shops on the street.

Therefore, it can be said that the Internet cafes in the United States and the Internet cafes in Huaguo can be regarded as two concepts, and the Internet cafes in the United States can be called Internet centers.

First of all, Luo Yang entered the Internet cafe and carefully studied the movies and novels in this world on the Internet.

It's 2008 now.Luo Yang felt that there were many movies in his memory that did not appear in this world.

The cultural entertainment in this world is very different from the original Earth, because this is the real Marvel Universe.

Not to mention the long-term, since World War II, Hydra and Captain America have affected the whole world.Continuing on, the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the hiding of Hydra underground have had a profound impact on the world, and naturally produced many butterfly effects.

Luo Yang found that many directors did not succeed, some were underappreciated, and some missed the path of directing.There are also movies that did not appear in this world because of reasons such as scripts, ideas, and actors.

For example, here Disney Studios is not as prosperous as it was in the original world.Walt Disney founded Disney Animation Company, which also has classic IPs such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and also founded Disney Parks, but Disney Pictures is not strong enough to eat Lucasfilm, and of course it is even less likely to eat it. In this world, the nonexistent Marvel Studios.

Luo Yang has many choices. He can create a script outline from a movie that has never appeared before, and he can also choose a blockbuster movie after 08.Even Luo Yang can choose a certain web article he once loved, or create a new script by himself.

After careful consideration, Luo Yang finally decided to use "Inception of Dreams" as a stepping stone to win the appreciation of the cultural company.

Luo Yang borrowed the wonderful and imaginative story structure of "Inception", and fine-tuned and simplified the characters and story leaders of the whole story, making "Inception" less brain-intensive and unique. personal style.

After at least two days of hard work, Luo Yang finished writing the outline of the script. After the revision, Luo Yang, who was quite satisfied, signed his name and sent it to Calvin.

After the outline was created, Luo Yang continued to search for keywords such as Star Wars, Blizzard, and Warcraft.

Consistent with what Luo Yang knew before, in this world, "Star Wars" is still extremely popular.Luo Yang remembered that whether it was Spiderman, Phoenix Girl, or Li Qianhuan, they were all fans of STARWARS.

The little spider mentioned "Empire Strikes Back" in the airport battle of "American Team 3", the US team's manual in "American Team 2" says STARWARS, and Qin Gray and Li Qianhuan and the others, in "Apocalypse" Watched "Return of the Jedi".Why does Luo Yang remember so well?Because he was a Star Wars fan in his previous life.

After checking the relevant information of Star Wars, Luo Yang suddenly remembered that it was 2008, and "Star Wars 7" hadn't been released yet!If he becomes a screenwriter in the future, he must find someone like JJ Abrams, and he must not make Star Wars 7 a remake of the old routine of "A New Hope"!Although when Star Wars 7 came out, it was very cool to watch.But when you watch it for the second time, you can find that there are too many tributes and nostalgic elements in Star Wars 7.

(Don't always find the protagonist in the desert, and don't always blow up a giant death star at the end.)

Luo Yang searched for another keyword: Blizzard.

There is no Blizzard company in this world. The status of "World of Warcraft" seems to be replaced by a game called "Titan Age".This work, which combines the DND elements of "Warcraft" and the epic sense of future technology of "Interstellar", has conquered the world.If there is time, Luo Yang also hopes to enter this game and find out.

Luo Yang looked at the company that produced "Titan Age", it was actually WestWOOD?Ximu, who once produced "Red Alert"!This surprised Luo Yang, and it can be regarded as a counterattack of feelings.

(Please recommend tickets for the new book! Thank you! By the way, the book has entered the signing process today, so please rest assured to collect it.)
(End of this chapter)

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