The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 200 Example of Confucius and Mencius' Talk Show

Chapter 200 Example of Confucius and Mencius' Talk Show
Confucius and Mencius didn't know that the preserved egg on the opposite side had so many thoughts in a flash.

In fact, "Yue Xiu Yue Happiness" is just a casual adaptation of a file called "The More Straightforward" in his previous life.

The only thing that satisfied him was that his adaptation did not affect the meaning of the original work.

Skipping the title, Confucius and Mencius looked at the following text:
"Hi everyone, I'm Zheng Wanqing, now please allow me to sincerely thank some of the audience for their warm applause, and another part of the audience for their silent support...

I am very happy to be able to stand on the stage of "Slanting Wind and Rain Showing Bright Face" today. In order to express my passionate and surging mood, I invite everyone to dinner now!
Eat western food, real western food!
McDonald's, KFC, Von Storov driver...

Uh... No, now that the economy is in crisis, we have to support national industries and not eat Western food.

Foreign goods must be boycotted!

Then eat the quintessence of Chinese cuisine, listen up, I invite you to eat - steamed lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, stewed salted duck, sauced chicken and bacon, pine flower belly ...

Ahem... Just kidding, there is one thing that you may not be aware of. In fact, talk shows are not easy to talk about.

Think about it, those who sell shoes have shoe holders, those who sell socks have sock holders, and even Zhao Rongrong is almost used as a rice holder.

It's definitely better to have a support than no support, just take it off, take it off...

Uh...sorry, it's a talk show stage, the most elegant place, so...hahahaha, you get the idea.

Let's talk about a real thing, something that happened to a lawyer.

It is said that a person has committed a crime. He heard from others that he could be sentenced to more than ten years in prison, or even the death penalty.

So, the man said to the lawyer, please, talk to the judge carefully, and I must be sentenced to ten years, and I will thank you well.

This lawyer is very good. After the first trial, this man was really sentenced to ten years.

Ten years later, when this person came out, the first thing he did was to find a lawyer and express his gratitude.

The lawyer said to him, do you know how much effort I have put into this case?
For my sake, the judge only sentenced you to ten years, and he was planning to acquit you...


A manuscript, full of tens of thousands of words, made the corners of Confucius and Mencius's mouth twitch.

Nima, is this a talk show?

I can't blame Confucius and Mencius for swearing, it was actually written by this line...

You go directly to say how good old-fashioned stand-up comedy is, why lead the trend and be in line with international standards?

"Mr. Kong, is this line not good?" Seeing Kong Meng's expression, Pi Dan's heart sank.

Kong Meng sighed: "Brother Dan, it's not that your words are bad, but I don't think you need to print them out at all."

"Why?" Preserved egg obviously didn't understand what Confucius and Mencius said.

Confucius and Mencius thought about it, and felt that his tone should be as tactful as possible: "The air quality is so bad these days, but you type so much paper. This is obviously creating a problem for the country's environmental protection work!"

preserved egg:"……"

His face immediately turned red: "Mr. Kong, what do you mean? Is my manuscript that bad?"

You can't blame Preserved Egg for being angry. In order to help Zheng Wanqing finish the draft, he stayed up all night for two full nights.

Every word, every sentence, every paragraph has been carefully crafted.

Preserved eggs could even hear Zheng Wanqing's speech on stage, and the knowing smiles and warm applause from the audience.

He admitted that due to capacity issues, there are still many loopholes and flaws in this talk show draft.

But if there are loopholes, you can point them out, and if there are flaws, I can correct them. How can I not be so useless!

"Uh..." Kong Meng didn't expect the preserved eggs to react so strongly.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Brother Egg, if I'm not mistaken, the baggage and jokes in your speech are all copied from traditional cross talk, right?"

"I..." Pidan really wanted to say no, but these stalks were too obvious, especially the part of the dish that was well-known, as long as you listened to the cross talk for a few days, you could recite it fluently.

"I am combining traditional culture with Western essence. Only in this way will the imported talk show not be unacceptable, and it will be possible to gain a firm foothold in the hearts of the audience and have opportunities for further development."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He shook his head: "With all due respect, if you really do it like this, it is absolutely impossible for a talk show to gain a foothold. Its only result is to drown in the Pacific Ocean."

preserved egg:"……"

"Mr. Kong, is it too arbitrary for you to say that?"

"This is not arbitrary, let me ask you, why did you introduce talk shows?

It is because this way of expression can be closely integrated with reality and has more vitality than traditional cross talk.

In today's automation and informationization, even cross talk, an art form that has been passed down for many years, is basically certain to die.

As a result, not only do you not want to innovate, but you insist on getting closer to traditional cross talk.

This is like a person who can't swim and insists on crossing the Drake Passage. If you don't drown, who will drown? "

"You..." Pi Dan took a deep breath, and forcefully suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, "Mr. Kong, you open your mouth to keep pace with the times, and keep your mouth shut to bring forth the new, but this kind of philosophy is not something you can just say casually with your mouth.

How about you give me a few examples so that I can study hard too? "

After speaking, he stared at Confucius and Mencius closely.

Although the other party has demonstrated his extraordinary understanding of this art form by changing the name of Zheng Wanqing's talk show.

But understanding is one thing, and being able to actually write something that catches the eye is another.

Take myself as an example, he has been studying abroad in the past few years, and he has heard and seen a lot of this kind of unique performances, which is why he was entrusted with important tasks by Zheng Wanqing.

But when he actually went to practice on his own, he realized that being able to listen does not mean being able to write, and being able to write does not mean being good at writing.

It is too difficult to maintain the vitality of the style of foreign talk shows, while taking into account the aesthetics of Chinese people on such artistic elements, and fully integrating them with fashion and reality.

Confucius and Mencius were also lost in thought at this time, not because he didn't know how to give examples, but because he had heard and seen too many jokes, and he didn't know which one to choose for a while.

Shaking his head, Kong Meng turned on the phone and opened the news page of the browser.

The top one is about a 40-year-old, mature female white-collar worker who wants to find a partner. As a result, there are about 241 boys within a year, but she still can't find true love.

Although the story points out the reality that many men are "short and poor", the main point of the article is that it is because of the pickiness and high standards of charming women that they have been stunned until now.

After reading this message, Kong Meng's eyes lit up, and he began to type:

"Women, you must know how to cherish your youth!
A 20-year-old woman is like a cherry, good-looking is not necessarily delicious; a 30-year-old woman is like an apple, both good-looking and delicious; a 40-year-old woman is like a pineapple, delicious but not necessarily good-looking; Are you... fruit? "

preserved egg:"???"

Even though he claimed to be well-informed, he couldn't help but say two words at this moment: Fuck!

No way, this passage is too incisive and amazing.

The most important thing is that it took less than 5 minutes for Confucius and Mencius to browse the news, conceive and write the whole process!

In 5 minutes, a high-level joke that is both humorous and close to reality was successfully released.

Thanks to myself, I have been complaining to Zheng Wanqing, saying that what she wants, the idea of ​​both quality and quantity and fast speed is impossible to achieve.

The results of it?Facing reality!
Just as he was sighing, he saw Confucius and Mencius moving his fingers again:

"As for why there are so many older leftover women? Is it all because the men next door are blind?
Although this society is full of men, outstanding male gods are still in high demand, and they belong to the absolute category of more monks and less meat.

Therefore, for the sake of your own lifelong happiness, I advise everyone to take the initiative, it is better to take the initiative.

Many girls are wandering in the society, more or less they will meet the boy they like, but why can't they get together in the end?
Is it that the other party doesn't like you?Not necessarily, more often I have no courage.

At the age of 20, we are young and beautiful, but we have neither heart nor courage; at the age of 30, we have heart, but we still have no courage; at the age of 40, we have heart and courage, but when we look back—there is no such thing as a thief up!

How scary is A World Without Thieves?
Men chasing women, interlayer mountains, women chasing men, interlayer gauze, so, come on! "

preserved egg:"……"

(End of this chapter)

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