The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 132 Coach Qian's Difficulty

Chapter 132 Coach Qian's Difficulty
There are many forms of long jump, common ones are rapid long jump and triple jump.

Compared with these two forms of long jump, standing long jump can be regarded as the least technical content.

Confucius and Mencius looked at the fruit of power again.

The power fruit is a bit like green apricot, and its surface looks like the lines of the biceps of a bodybuilder, giving people a sense of explosion with extreme strength.

While the three were not paying attention, he quickly stuffed the power fruit into his mouth.

The faint fragrance aroused the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, and the heat flowed down the throat and went straight to the limbs. Confucius felt that every cell in his body seemed to come alive.

Standing in front of the jumping line, Kong Meng took a deep breath, raised his hands first, and then borrowed force from one hem, his legs tensed at the same time, and he flew out with a whoosh.

next to.

Su Ye was still persuading Fang Zhenyuan: "Brother Fang, please believe me, you are really talented in sprinting, it would be a pity if you give up easily based on your personal preferences.

Don't look at Mr. Kong's experience in sprinting, but theory is theory, he has to play in person, not to mention the 11-second mark for the 12-meter mark, if you can score [-] seconds, it is considered a talent... Uh..."

His throat seemed to be choked by someone suddenly, and his eyes widened: "How is it possible?"

It turned out that while he was speaking, there was a bang, as if a heavy stone had hit the ground, and Confucius and Mencius were far away.

3 meters 88? ? ?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" When Su Ye measured the specific achievements of Confucius and Mencius, he was stunned.

Although he is not a long jump athlete, this does not prevent him from knowing the sport.

The standing long jump world record is 3 meters, which was created by an American player named Yuri more than 47 years ago.

Since there were no major competitions on the standing long jump in the world, this record has not been refreshed frequently, but Kong Meng's 3 meters is still the top level in the world.

Su ye wasn't even sure if those black sprinters, who were known for their explosive power, could reach the level of 3 meters.

After all, for long jump, every point of increase in distance requires ten times or even a hundred times of effort.


Looking at his own results, Kong Meng was not very satisfied, because it was the first time he had mastered such a powerful force, and he was a little unbalanced at the moment of take-off. If he did it again, he was confident that he would gain another 5 centimeters.

And from this point, it was completely exposed that the gap between his physical fitness and a talented athlete like Su Ye, you must know that [Power Fruit] provided him with 5 times the strength!
5 times the strength is only 3 meters 88, if it is replaced by Su ye, it is definitely not too easy to break through 4 meters.

"Brother Su, do you still think I'm that kind of talented player?" Seeing that Su Ye was still in a daze, Fang Zhenyuan asked with a smile.

Suye shook his head: "I suddenly realized that your body is so trash!"

"Uh..." Fang Zhenyuan sweated a lot. Although there is no harm if there is no comparison, your attitude has changed too quickly, right?

But in the next moment, he became full of sympathy for Su Ye, because the other party's next sentence was: "But you are a trash at most, and I am a real disability!"

In addition to four large open-air stadiums, Shanghai Sports School also has two indoor stadiums.

Su ye's sprint team was in one of the indoor stadiums.

"Hey guys, look who I brought you here."

It has to be said that Su ye's mental quality is excellent. In the past 5 minutes, he has recovered from the blow just now to his current livelyness.

On the side of the runway, seven or eight young people were doing muscle stretching. They were taken aback for a moment when they heard what Su ye said, but when they saw Kong Meng, they immediately became lively.

"You are... Teacher Kong?"

"It's really Teacher Kong, why do you have the time to come to Shanghai?"

"Mr. Kong, my 100 meters have been bottlenecked for more than half a year, can you help me check?"

"I said, what are you all in a hurry for? Don't you ask one by one? If you scare Teacher Kong away, who will be responsible?"


Seeing the crowd that surrounded him in an instant, Confucius and Mencius couldn't help sweating profusely!
Although from Su ye's mouth, he was already mentally prepared, but these guys were too enthusiastic, right?
He was about to speak, when he suddenly let out a cold snort: "What are you doing? Do you still want to train? If you don't want to practice everything, get out of here!"

Everyone froze when they heard the words, and then remembered that Coach Qian seemed to be still by his side.

With a whoosh, a group of people came and walked faster, and returned to their respective positions almost in the blink of an eye, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Confucius and Mencius finally saw the person who spoke just now. He was a fat middle-aged man with dark skin and a pair of cold and stern eyes.

Under his gaze, everyone couldn't help but speed up their movements by two points, fearing that he would catch them and vent their anger.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Kong Meng looked at Su Ye helplessly, and was about to step aside when Coach Qian suddenly said, "You are Kong Meng?"

Confucius and Mencius: "'s me!"

"I heard from Su Ye that the progress he has made is all because of your guidance?"

"It doesn't count. I just said a few words casually. The main reason is that Su Ye has a high understanding and trains hard."

"Hmph, you are self-aware."

"Uh..." Seeing the other party's tone getting more and more aggressive, Kong Meng didn't know how to answer.

But for this situation, he can still understand.

After all, Coach Qian was instructing these students to train just now, but as soon as he appeared, these students all rushed over. To put it bluntly, this is a naked mess!
Thinking of this, he said with a smile: "In terms of sprint coaching, of course I can't compare with Coach Qian. In this way, you guys are busy first, and I have something to do, so don't bother me."

After speaking, he turned around and was about to take Fang Zhenyuan and Long Aotian away.


Unexpectedly, when Confucius and Mencius backed down, Coach Qian refused to give up, and he snorted coldly: "I know that although your words sound nice, you must be dissatisfied in your heart.

That being the case, I will give you a chance to see if you have the ability to turn decay into magic. "

Confucius and Mencius: "???"

"Why, don't you dare?"

Kong Meng frowned: "Coach Qian, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Don't you understand?" Coach Qian sneered, "Mr. Kong, we smart people don't talk dark words. What is your purpose for coming here today? You know it in your heart. I know it better than you. You just want to prove that you are stronger than me." ?

Zhang Xie, stand up! "

A 1.8-meter man walked out of the crowd. It was Su Ye's teammate that Kong Meng had met before, the former sprinter of the Shanghai Sports School!
Coach Qian looked at this honest and honest man and said, "Didn't you want this teacher Kong to guide you? The opportunity is right in front of you, so what are you doing?"

"This..." Zhang Xie looked at Confucius and Mencius in embarrassment, and then at Coach Qian: "I... Coach, don't be angry, I just said that, and I can't take it seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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