The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 131 The Ultimate Standing Long Jump

Chapter 131 The Ultimate Standing Long Jump

Before Kong Meng could react, he was dragged into the sports school campus by Su Ye.

He couldn't help smiling bitterly: "I just came here to see Bai Yang, I can't stay here for long."

Then he pointed to Long Aotian: "He still has a game to participate in this afternoon."

Su Ye looked at Long Aotian and Fang Zhenyuan with a smile and said, "Are these all your students?"

Seeing that Kongmeng nodded, he greeted the two of them and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't delay you for too long. The main reason is that other teammates on our team want to meet you. If they know that I saw you coming but didn't let you If you come in, you will definitely not let me go."

Kong Meng asked puzzledly, "Your teammates? What are they doing seeing me?"

"Of course I asked you for advice on sprinting skills." Su Ye said proudly, "You don't know, ever since they knew that I overtook Zhang Xie because of your advice, they dreamed of meeting you.

If it wasn't for the fact that everyone has been training too much recently, they might have gone straight to Zhongzhou to find you. "

Fang Zhenyuan, who was listening to the two talking next to him, couldn't help but ask, "Why, are you running fast?"

Speaking of this, Su Ye raised his head arrogantly: "Of course, I am now the number one sprinter in our sports school!"

Looking at the vigorous Su Ye, Kong Meng couldn't help but think of the conflict between the young man and his teammates the last time he saw him.

It seems that he has completely changed himself and truly integrated into the sprint team of Shanghai Sports School.

Thinking of this, Confucius and Mencius couldn't help being happy for him.

Although the pursuit of higher, faster and stronger sports, no matter training or competition, it is inseparable from the help and support of teammates. Even if you are alone, no matter how talented you are, it is difficult to go in the long run.

Just as he was talking, Su Ye suddenly stared at Fang Zhenyuan: "Little brother, I think you have a pretty good figure!"

Fang Zhenyuan immediately jumped two steps away when he heard the words, and said with a vigilant face: "What do you want to do? To tell you the truth, I don't want to be gay."

Su ye: "..."

He said with a black face: "I like Miss Taozi, and I'm not interested in a guy like you who secretes male hormones."

"That's it, scare me, then you..."

"I said you have a good figure because I think you, like me, should have the talent for sprinting."

"Really?" Fang Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment, this was the first time he heard this.

Speaking of this, Su Ye suddenly became interested: "By the way, what is your standing long jump result?"

Fang Zhenyuan shook his head: "It's been a long time since I tested it, and I don't know it very well myself."

"Then try it, you come with me."

As he said that, he pulled Fang Zhenyuan back, and walked to the playground regardless.

Standing on the plastic track, he first drew a line, and then said a few points about the standing long jump, before saying, "Try it."

The essentials of the standing long jump that Su ye mentioned was a little skill he learned from the sports school, which would allow Fang Zhenyuan to better display his strength.

Who knows that Fang Zhenyuan didn't move, but said rather deeply: "Brother Su, I'm a little nervous, why don't you give me a demonstration first?"

Su ye naturally guessed Fang Zhenyuan's careful thought, but he just smiled lightly, and then walked to the starting line, and without knowing how hard he was, he flew out with a swipe.

When he landed again, he was already a full room away from the three of Confucius and Mencius, and the three of them took a deep breath.

After making a mark, Su Ye took out a soft ruler to measure, and then shook his head regretfully: "It's only 3 meters 26. I haven't practiced for a long time, and I have regressed."

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He is a sweat, because he has paid attention to this project, Kongmeng is very clear about what 3 meters 26 means.

You must know that the sports specialty students in most provinces of the country have a full score of 2 meters in the standing long jump test.

What is a perfect score?That's what most people can't do.

Just imagine, there are so many sports talents in the country who are almost useless in training, and they can't jump 2 meters, but Su Ye only jumps lightly...

No wonder this guy's speed in the first 30 meters is so fast. This explosive power can be called a human-shaped supercar.

Different from Kongmeng's shock, Fang Zhenyuan was very eager to try. He came to the jumping line in three or two steps, took a deep breath, and suddenly exerted force towards the front...

Three seconds later, Fang Zhenyuan came back dejectedly: "I'm sorry, I lost!"

Suye looked at him in shock: "Brother is awesome! You can practice sprinting with me. With your talent, you have a bright future."

Fang Zhenyuan was stunned: "I can't even jump 3 meters 1, what future do I have?"

Su ye: "..."

He really wanted to complain, you have no future at 3 meters, so what am I?
That's right, although Fang Zhenyuan's jump was not as far as Su ye's, don't forget that Su ye is a professional sports school student, and every day besides training is competition.

But Fang Zhenyuan, apart from taking classes with Confucius and Mencius, this guy just went back to practice boxing, not to mention professional training, even the essentials of the standing long jump were extremely unfamiliar.

Su ye had every reason to believe that as long as the other party came to the sports school to practice for a year or so, let alone 3 meters, 26 meters would not be a big problem.

You know, the first time he tried jumping before entering the sports school, he was only a pitiful 2 meters...

He said his thoughts, he thought that Fang Zhenyuan would readily agree, but the other party shook his head directly:
"Sorry, my hobby is to learn Kung Fu from Teacher Kong. As for sprinting, let's forget it! Running back and forth between the two lines is meaningless."

Su ye: "..."

He wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Fang Zhenyuan: "Brother Su, I know what you mean, but everyone has their own ambitions, no matter what you do, you must first like it, right?
Just like Teacher Kong, with his ability, he is more than enough to be your coach, right?Not only that, he also knows medical skills and can write songs...

But why did he insist on being an ordinary teacher in Zhiyuan instead of doing these more lucrative jobs? "

"This..." Although Fang Zhenyuan felt that Fang Zhenyuan was trying to make sense, Su ye seemed unable to refute it.

Suddenly, he had an idea: "Mr. Kong, I wonder how far you can jump in the standing jump?"

"Ah?" Kong Meng was stunned. He didn't expect Suye to ask such a question.

Fang Zhenyuan also looked over when he heard the words: "That's right, Teacher Kong, how far can you jump?"

Long Aotian booed directly: "Hey, what do you two want to do? Are you questioning Teacher Kong's ability?

Teacher Kong, show them one and let them see what it means that a mountain is taller than a mountain. "

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

He immediately understood the intention of the three of them.

In the past, no matter who or what I taught, I could always show the absolute strength to overwhelm the students, otherwise it would be impossible to make the troubled teenagers in class 1 of the second year of high school docile.

It's just that those are either music or medical skills, which only need to be memorized. Even Shaolin boxing is mostly routines.

But the long jump is not enough. It tests people's talent and hard work.

Kongmeng's health is not bad, but it depends on who he is, anyway, he is far from being able to compare with these two monsters!
Just as he was about to tell the truth, suddenly his heart moved.

In the past, Confucius and Mencius could only honestly admit that he was not good enough, but now it is different, his system has just been upgraded.

As soon as he thought of it, he reached out to open the system panel, clicked to enter [knowledge base], and entered the word long jump.

A line of words flashed on the screen instantly: [Long Jump Skills], beam repair 300.

After thinking about it for a while, he opened the system mall again, and first saw the 【Fruit of Power】.

[Power Fruit], after taking it, the body strength is instantly increased by 5 times, the duration is 3 minutes, and the bundle repair is 800.

Looking at these two skills, Confucius and Mencius fell into deep thought again.

Obviously, if he is only teaching students long jump skills, he can just buy [Long Jump Skills].

But if you go to battle in person, you must use it in conjunction with [Power Fruit].

After a brief hesitation, Confucius and Mencius decided to try it himself.

It's not that he has to be competitive, but that he wants to try the effects of these things in the upgraded system.

Last time, because of Wu Qing's request, he directly used up the 3000 bundles of repairs given by the system, resulting in the inability to use these small props for a long time. He was depressed for a long time because of this.

As his mind moved with his thoughts, all the knowledge about long jump instantly appeared in Kongmeng's mind, and a fruit appeared in the palm of his hand where the other three people couldn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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