The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 114 The next chapter, personal achievement ranking!

Chapter 114 The next link, personal score ranking!

In this parent meeting, the class teacher Kong Meng and all the parents of the students had a detailed discussion on the students' educational methods and learning experience.

The two sides are democratic, civilized, harmonious, free, equal, fair, dedicated, honest, and friendly, and the atmosphere of the meeting reached a climax in a joyous atmosphere.

The content of this meeting is rich, the form is unique, the idea is novel, and the influence is far-reaching, all of which have epoch-making significance...

cough cough...

Well, let's not talk about it.

By the time Xie Meixuan finished talking about Confucius and Mencius, an hour had passed.

Seeing all the parents asking themselves questions with curiosity, admiration, and admiration, Confucius and Mencius were a little embarrassed.

He actually wanted to say something, everyone, this is a learning exchange meeting for teachers and parents, everyone can speak freely, and there is no need to add "Dear Mr. Kong, hello" in front of every sentence, which makes me very uncomfortable as a young man .

But fortunately, all this can finally end immediately.

Kong Meng smiled and said, "It's almost time. Now, please move to the big conference room. The school will announce the results of the monthly exam and distribute scholarships at the same time."

Regarding the results of this monthly exam, the school has been keeping secrets, not to mention students and parents, even teachers like Confucius and Mencius don't know.

Take the students in class 1 of senior high school as an example. One of the students who knows their grades now is Wang Tong.

There is no way, this guy's score is really against the sky, if he doesn't announce it in advance, it may be difficult to convince the public when the money is distributed.

The other is Long Aotian, and he only has Chinese language, and he doesn't know anything else (except the average grade).

Grade 1 ([-]) class is still good, and the other classes are better at keeping secrets. The teachers only know who has entered the top three in all subjects and single subjects.

And this is mainly due to the early distribution of the teacher's bonus, otherwise the school will definitely keep these rankings secret.

The reason why Zhiyuan did this was only one purpose, which was to save all possible emotions for the parent meeting.

Because the theoretical research of pedagogy and educational psychology shows that if a large-scale exam wants to achieve the most shocking effect, in addition to the importance of the exam itself (the college entrance examination), it is to be announced in the presence of teachers, students, and parents.

In this way, students with excellent grades can better enjoy the surprises and glory they deserve, and then enhance their learning attitude, and improve their sense of responsibility and mission.

Students who are behind in grades will also fully understand their own shortcomings in the flowers and applause of other children's children, so as to change their minds and work hard.

Sure enough, after hearing what Confucius and Mencius said, all the parents couldn't help being shocked.

Although I have seen the changes of my child in the past period of time with my own eyes, and I have learned about the unique and creative education and teaching methods of Teacher Kong in front of me, and I even know the various honors that Class 1 (Class [-]) has won.

But all of this is false. If you want to see the final result, you have to use the results to speak.

Indeed, even if Class 1 (1) of Senior High gets all the collective No.[-]s this time, so what?

That is collective, not individual.

And the collective thing is always the most bluffing.

Take some big cities, such as Shanghai, which announced five years ago that the per capita annual income in their city was as high as 80.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately aroused the envy and jealousy of the people all over the country, feeling that Shanghai is full of gold and everyone is a rich man.

Many people couldn't bear it any longer and went to work alone, but they didn't realize it until they arrived:

In Nima, there are a lot of people with an annual salary of [-] yuan, and there are even more people with an annual salary of [-] yuan.

The figure of annual income of 80 was pulled up by the grandson (zei) who earns [-] billion a month.

A city is like this, a class is even more conceivable.

Don’t you see that in any class with the highest average score in the grade, should the last-to-last score be single digits or single digits, and I will lose if I score more.

The conference room was still the conference room from yesterday, but compared to the empty back row yesterday, all the seats are now full of people.

Because they came early, the parents of Grade 1 ([-]) class all occupied the front row, and those classes who came late may only be squeezed to the back like everyone else.

"Mr. Kong, sit down first!" Long Aotian's father, Long Acai, was very polite.

Although Confucius and Mencius only asked two questions indifferently just now, he already felt that his son's attitude towards him was much better.

Kong Meng said with a smile: "Mr. Long is polite, you sit too."

"No, no, Teacher Kong should sit first, please!"

Seeing that Long Ah Cai was very persistent in this aspect, Kong Meng had no choice but to sit down first.

It wasn't until Confucius and Mencius sat down that Long Acai sat next to him.

Long Aotian waited for Confucius, Mencius and his father to sit down before sitting down.

But the location he chose was on the other side of Confucius and Mencius, just separated from Long Acai.

Seeing this, Long Acai was a little embarrassed, but soon returned to normal.

He said to Kong Meng: "Mr. Kong, I never knew that Aotian did so many things in school, and really caused you trouble."

Long Acai refers to the matter between Long Aotian and Luo Hao.

To tell the truth, the behavior of these two people is actually wrong, but Confucius and Mencius firmly stand on Long Aotian's position.

Kong Meng said: "Mr. Long, you are being polite. Xiaolong is actually very sensible, and he is also very smart. At most, he is usually playful.

As a teacher, I have the same guardianship responsibility for him as you do. This responsibility should not only urge him to forge ahead seriously, but also help him protect his due rights and interests. "

Long Acai couldn't help giving a thumbs up when he heard the words: "You can say this sentence, you are definitely a role model among teachers, Aotian will ask you to take care of me in the future!"

"What kind of care is to promote each other and make progress together. In fact, I have learned a lot from Xiaolong."

"Teacher Kong is too modest."

The two were talking happily, when suddenly a voice next to them said:

"Hey, isn't this Boss Long? I thought you would secretly sit in the last row, but I didn't expect you to dare to sit in the front. Who gave you the courage?"

"Ma Biao, it's my freedom to sit wherever I sit, can you control me?" Seeing his enemy again, Long Acai was naturally very angry.

"Haha, of course I don't care where you sit, I just kindly remind you that according to the process of the Zhiyuan Middle School Parents' Association, in addition to announcing student grades, the most important thing is to commend outstanding students.

I was worried that you could only watch other people accepting awards while sitting here, so I had to kindly remind you because of your greedy eyes. "

"Cut, nerves!" Long Acai disdainfully said, "It's not like you don't know what I do. Do you really think that I don't care about this bonus?"

"Yeah, our Boss Long certainly doesn't care about that small amount of money, but if the money is earned by the child with his own hard work, it will be different.

Don't be someone who has dreamed of it, but has to admit it because he will never get it! "



"Mister, hello, I'm Kong Meng, the head teacher of Class 1 ([-]) of senior high school, may I ask who you are?"

Confucius and Mencius noticed immediately, this sturdy and vulgar local rich man with a big gold chain hanging around his neck.

There is a little girl standing behind the rich man.

The little girl is fifteen or sixteen years old. She is not particularly good-looking, but she is extremely quiet. She has a unique literary and artistic atmosphere, which is described by a common saying as "there is a poetic and literary spirit in her belly"!
In fact, Kongmeng can vaguely feel this kind of aura in Long Aotian, but Xiaolong is usually more lively and mischievous, and the boy's unique flow can easily cover up this aura.

"Oh, so it's Teacher Kong. This is my daughter Ma Ruoxi. She's in Class Nine now. I'm her father."

"It turned out to be Mr. Ma. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Kong Meng was still very polite.

Unexpectedly, Ma Biao did not accept Kong Meng's words, but gave him a strange look: "Haven't you heard of my daughter?"

Confucius and Mencius: "What???"

With a surprised expression, what Confucius and Mencius thought was:

Who is your daughter, should I have heard of it?

 Fuck, it should be 114, the chapter name is wrong, and the VIP seems to be unable to change
(End of this chapter)

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