The system asked me to be a teacher

Chapter 113 Stuck in the first match of the parent meeting

Chapter 113 Stuck in the first match of the parent meeting

"This is Teacher Kong, right? Hello, hello!"

"Hello, may I ask who you are..." Although Confucius and Mencius asked Long Acai, they looked at Long Aotian.

Perhaps he had already guessed what Confucius and Mencius meant, Long Acai did not answer, but looked at his son in the same way.

When his gaze met Kong Meng's, Long Aotian hesitated for a moment, and still said in a low voice: "This is... my father!"

"Hey, good son!" Long Acai's voice was extremely excited, and after he finished speaking, his eyes instantly turned red.

Because of marital problems, the son has never admitted the relationship between the two for so many years. Unexpectedly...

Looking at Kong Meng, Long Acai was full of gratitude: "Thank you, Teacher Kong, thank you!"

"It's okay!" Kong Meng's voice was very flat.

From the words of other students, Kong Meng knew a little bit about the conflicting relationship between Long Aotian and his father.

It's just that no matter what, this is the father and son's own business, and he can only do this.

"Why don't you advance to the classroom, it should be full of people."

"Okay, okay!" Long Acai naturally agreed.

After all the parents were seated, Confucius and Mencius stood on the podium, bowed to everyone first, and then said:
"Hello everyone, I believe you all know who I am, but according to the regulations, I'm still allowed to introduce myself.

My name is Kong Meng, and I am your child's current class teacher and their Chinese teacher. "

clap clap clap...

The applause sounded very warm.

"Mr. Kong, why didn't you continue the introduction?" Seeing that he was silent, a parent couldn't help asking.

Kong Meng was taken aback: "Huh? I'm done with the introduction!"

"Impossible, I heard from my child that in addition to being his Chinese teacher, you are also their math teacher, English teacher, physics teacher, chemistry teacher, biology teacher, music teacher, physical education teacher..."

clap clap clap...

The applause broke out again, this time even more enthusiastically than before.

Kongmeng couldn't help sweating again, and he quickly explained: "Everyone misunderstood, because there is a lack of teachers, I just temporarily substitute for them, but don't worry, after this monthly exam, I promise to match other teachers as soon as possible... ..."

clap clap clap...

Unexpectedly, Confucius and Mencius' explanation not only did not stop the applause, but intensified it.

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

Another parent said: "Mr. Kong, please don't explain. In fact, we know the situation of Class 1 (Senior Grade [-]) better than anyone else, and we also understand everything you have done for them.

Originally, I didn't plan to come to this parents' meeting, but after thinking twice, I still came.

You don't know, I stayed up late yesterday and worked overtime until 3 am to free up time. "

"That's right, because of this, I also turned down the entertainment with a big client, and the economic loss was as high as one million."

"You two don't know your blessings, you can still stay up late, or lose some money at most, do you know what's going on with me?

The superior leader came to inspect the unit today, and I sneaked out without even saying hello. My future career has been completely ruined. "


Listening to what the parents said, Confucius and Mencius finally realized how difficult it is for these people to gather here.

He bowed again: "Thank you everyone. In fact, if you really have something to do, just let the child talk about it. It's nothing."

"Haha, Teacher Kong misunderstood. We said this to tell you that it is obviously more important for children to be promising than those lost."

"Yeah, I used to push back and not want to come. It's not that I don't care about him, but I know that even if I come, our kid will still be unable to support the wall.

If you have this time, you might as well be more busy with yourself, so that you can earn more in the future and make him lose.

But it's different now, as long as my son is really a prodigal son, even if he goes bankrupt now, I don't have to worry about pension issues. "

"Just like you, even if I don't come here today, at most I will turn the deputy director into the director. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative, the salary is the same. It's really good only if the children are good!"

Confucius and Mencius: "..."

Well, the truth is all your fault!

His plan for this parent meeting was to give parents a brief report on the current situation of the students, especially their progress from truancy to tirelessness, at the beginning.

It's also good to let them know that their children are self-motivated, not the kind of mud that can't support the wall.

Although there are suspicions of self-selling and boasting in doing so, from a psychological point of view, it is a two-way affirmation. It not only gives parents confidence, but also makes students work harder, which is a win-win situation.

But looking at the situation, it seems that there is no need to say it.

It’s just that it’s still too early for the school’s unification conference. If we don’t talk about this, Confucius and Mencius don’t know what to say, and they are not only trapped in self-entanglement.

At this time, a voice at the door said: "Hi everyone, may I come in?"

It's Xie Meixuan!

Confucius and Mencius were overjoyed: "Mr. Xie, come quickly!"

Then he said to the parents: "Let me introduce to you, this is the math teacher of our class, Mr. Xie is a top student at Shuimu University!"

"Thank you teacher!"

Unexpectedly, compared with the attitude towards Confucius and Mencius, the parents looked at Xie Meixuan much colder, and even her good looks that caused frequent screams among the students seemed to have lost their effect.

Only when Confucius and Mencius mentioned Shuimu University at the end did the parents look a little better.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward...

Kong Meng hurriedly continued to introduce: "Don't look at Teacher Xie as young, but her teaching level is no less than that of any experienced senior teacher. When she first came..."

Confucius and Mencius told Xie Meixuan just 5 minutes to prepare for the lesson, and he said the vivid things about biology. The parents were moved, and Xie Meixuan's expression finally changed.

Witnessing this scene, Kong Meng's eyes jumped, and it was the first time he found that these parents were really realistic.

If I didn't have a system, and used my hard work to forcefully bring back the atmosphere of Class 1 ([-]) in high school, I guess it would be impossible to meet them, let alone being praised by them.

Facing the changes in the expressions of the parents, Xie Meixuan just smiled lightly: "It's Teacher Kong who praised me. When it comes to lecturing, I can't flatter him. In fact, Teacher Kong not only teaches well, but also has a different way of educating students.

Parents must know the situation before Class 1 of Senior Secondary School. You know the current situation better, but I think most people don’t know the details, right?
Aren't you wondering how Teacher Kong called all the students back within two days?

I just don’t want to know, how did your children change from abandoning school and being tired of studying to working hard? "

Speaking of this, the parents immediately became interested.

To be honest, the reason why these parents are willing to take the time to come here today is because they have received a report from the school on the situation of Class 1 ([-]) of senior high school, and the second is that they are also aware of the changes in their children these days.

But they really don't know exactly how Confucius and Mencius did it.

Everyone thought that Confucius and Mencius should adopt a high-pressure policy similar to that of Deng Yun, but now hearing what Xie Meixuan said, is there something hidden?
Xie Meixuan was also polite, and directly explained everything about Confucius and Mencius from the Zhiyuan interview to the parent meeting.

A small number of schools knew about these things, but most of them didn't know about them. In addition, their children rarely communicated with themselves on weekdays, so they really heard of many things for the first time.

When Xie Meixuan told about Kong Mengli's three strange questions and entered Zhiyuan strongly, the eyes of the parents began to shine.

When I heard that Confucius and Mencius actually used the form of serial novels to force the most mischievous Long Aotian to read, I felt even more amusing.

Later, he conquered Zheng Miao with songs, Fang Zhenyuan with martial arts, Li Sihua with medical skills, and Bai Yang with hacking techniques. His heart was swaying.

It turned out that Mr. Kong in front of him was not only brilliant in management, but also incredibly versatile.

Due to personal reasons, parents had to spend huge sums of money last year to send their children to the so-called "Student Master" class.

Later, although they did not transfer their children to other classes or send them abroad like other parents, it does not mean that they agree with this kind of stocking model. Some people are already regretting their impulse at that time.

Now their views have completely changed, and they even secretly admire their own wisdom.

Yes, they have such an idea precisely because of Confucius and Mencius.

Although there are all kinds of talents in the information society and excellent teachers emerge in endlessly, they can guarantee that there will never be another person in this world who is better than Confucius and Mencius.

As long as your children can continue to learn from Confucius and Mencius, let alone 100 million, even 1000 million is worth the money!
(End of this chapter)

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