Chapter 89

Unless Hong can arrive in time.Save yourself from the illusion.

But if I try again for the last time, if it doesn't work, I just wait for Hong to come. If my life is in danger before Hong comes, I have to give up the mission and let the system take me away.

When my strength is strong enough to come to this world, I will come back by myself, but I have to let Zhao Qingcheng know that I can still come back.

Lu Ming made up his mind and refocused his attention on the predicament in front of him.

Lu Ming controlled the flying knife and turned its target to the line pipe connecting the speaker. Under the urging of spiritual power, the flying knife cut the line, just like cutting cowhide with a blunt knife.

Creaking, several flying knives cut the line connected to the speaker at the same time. A few minutes later, the line was cut off at the same time, and the sound waves from the speaker weakened a lot instantly, which made Lu Ming, who was a little confused, breathe a little.

Feeling no longer so urgent, Lu Ming relaxed his tense spirit a little and took a rest. If there is no other danger, then he will be able to resist this period of time.

Speaking of it, this ancient civilization relic is fairly safe, except for a huge virtual illusion.There is nothing else.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming was taken aback. Wait a minute, why did the ancient civilization ruins set up a virtual helmet with such a powerful power?
Moreover, normal people can't use it at all, and if they don't pay attention, they will be pulled into a spiritual illusion, and people with weaker mental power can't break free.

Therefore, this thing is not a device for normal cultivation or use, and it cannot be used against the enemy, so it can only be a new equipment added later.

So, what is the use of this newly added equipment?Can a person's soul be imprisoned?Then there is nothing left but the shell, and this shell is most beloved by the soul that has lost its body.

A body that has lost its soul cannot resist the invasion of the soul from the outside world, so this place is very likely that a soul that has lost its shell specially designed such a scene, so that the soul of the intruder can be imprisoned, so that it is convenient for him to seize the house.

So, after waiting for so long, why haven't I waited for the black hand behind the scenes to appear?

If there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, then when I fell into the virtual illusion just now, it was the best moment for him to attack, and now I have prepared myself.Even if the soul was injured just now, when it was taken away, it would definitely resist violently.

So the mastermind behind the scenes never took action, which kept Lu Ming vigilant.

Just as Lu Ming was using his mental power to cut the pipeline, finally, a tyrannical divine mind struck from behind Lu Ming. When Lu Ming felt the attack, he had already tried his best to dodge, but the attack came from behind. It is impossible to dodge the divine sense attack.

When that divine sense came into contact with Lu Ming, Lu Ming felt as if a sledgehammer was hammering his temple, and it seemed as if he was pushing his head open and stuffing things into it, making him dizzy.

Lu Ming knew that the seizure had begun.

There are not so many dazzling and colorful sound and light effects. This divine sense is a fatal blow from the very beginning. It has been devouring Lu Ming's soul and memory in Lu Ming's mind. Lu Ming's soul can't resist at all. It became several pieces.

Lu Ming couldn't help howling in pain, but part of his face was already showing a strange joy, and part of his body control had been controlled by this strange soul.

Lu Ming was in despair. Could it be that he was powerless to fight back?The gap between the two sides is so large.

No, no, even if I were to die, I would tear off a piece of flesh from your face.

Lu Ming mobilized the few spiritual powers in his mind that had not been suppressed, and quickly sketched out the optimized runes of the soul-shifting method. After the runes were constructed, Lu Ming did not stop. As a basic structure of the new runes, the text continues to be outlined.

Finally, when the mental power was about to be exhausted and the consciousness in his body was about to be swallowed up, Lu Ming had already heard the voice from the divine mind.
It was a sharp, chilling voice like a poisonous snake, and it uttered a series of elegant and mysterious strange languages, and the meaning of these languages ​​could be understood naturally as soon as the soul contacted it.

The strange spirit said frantically: "You lowly creature, it is your honor to contribute your body to the great Black Wind King."

Lu Ming spat, "Fuck your mother, if you want my body, I will let you break your teeth first."

Then he attacked the strange soul with the constructed super large rune.

When the runes came into contact with the strange spirit, it was as if a red-hot iron block was put into the snow. A large number of spirits were destroyed by the runes, and the strange spirit let out a shrill cry. However, after nearly one-third of the strange spirit was consumed, The runes are completely consumed.

Lu Ming was desperate, could he just run away?
The strange soul resented: "The attack just now was your last resort, right? Then I will accept your body."

Speaking of this, the strange soul attacked Lu Ming's remaining soul with all his soul.

Lu Ming said helplessly: "Qingcheng, it seems that my husband will only come to you next time."

Then he put the message he had prepared a long time ago and left to Zhao Qingcheng next to him, and then sneered: "You want to take my body too? The system."

The voice of the system appeared in Lu Ming's mind: "Hello, host."

Before Lu Ming could speak, the system automatically said: "It is detected that there is a strange soul attacking the system, and it will be erased."

Then an extremely powerful force emerged from nowhere in Lu Ming's mind, smashing the strange spirit directly into a pure spirit power.

Lu Ming was torn apart and devoured nearly half of his soul by a strange soul just now. With the help of this power, he recovered completely, even better than before.

After crushing the strange soul, the system continued: "Host, what do you need?"

Lu Ming said dully: "No, no more."

The system said: "Okay, if the host needs it, you can contact the system at any time."

Then, the system stops talking.

Lu Ming tried his best to absorb the power of the soul overflowing in his mind, and when Lu Ming absorbed the power of the soul, there was a violent roar from the side.

Lu Ming divided his consciousness and remained vigilant, while the rest of his mind continued to absorb the power of the soul with all his strength.

Boom, boom,
There was another roar from next door.

With a bang, a wall fell down, revealing a thin middle-aged man in black behind him, carrying a spear in his hand, exuding an aura that resembled a god, even stronger than the spirit just now.

The visitor is Earth No.1, Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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