Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 88 Illusion (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 88 Illusion (please recommend, please collect)

There are no patterns or words on the glass door, it is completely transparent.

However, the dark world on the opposite side made Lu Ming feel a little nervous.

Because no one knows if there are any monsters hidden in the darkness. After all, it is a relic of an ancient civilization, so you can't be too careful.

Lu Ming took out the flash bomb in the backpack, unplugged it, opened the door, and threw the flash bomb into the back of the door.

Two seconds later, the flashbang exploded with a burst of intense white light, completely illuminating the world behind the door.

Lu Ming squinted his eyes, observing the world behind the door with the light of the flash bomb.

Behind the door is also a silver hall, which is almost exactly the same as the hall where Lu Ming is. The only difference is that there is no sculpture in the center of the hall behind the door.

Lu Ming looked at the two identical halls and fell into deep thought.

Why there are two identical halls, and whether there are any traps, Lu Ming doesn't know, but Lu Ming has to continue to explore this place.

Open the glass door.Holding the spear tightly in his hand, Lu Ming cautiously walked into the world behind the glass door.

Just after Lu Ming stepped into this hall, the lights in the hall behind him went out instantly, and at the same time, the lights in this hall turned on.

The dazzling light shot into Lu Ming's eyes, causing Lu Ming to close his eyes involuntarily, but then Lu Ming quickly opened his eyes.

After opening his eyes, Lu Ming was stunned. Where was the hall just now?

It turned out that the moment Lu Ming opened his eyes, the surrounding scenery changed. What was originally a silver-white hall turned into a small room in an instant. Lu Ming couldn't help trembling when he saw the familiar decorations in the small room. , I am back?
I was sitting on the sofa in casual clothes, and on the TV in front of me, five young League of Legends players were standing on the podium, wearing the national flag, watching the rising national flag, with the accompaniment of the national anthem, their lips squirmed slightly.

Lu Ming couldn't help being surprised and said, "I'm back?"

Lu Ming quickly grabbed the mobile phone next to him, opened the contacts, dialed the number he had dialed countless times in his dream, and the call was connected.

A voice that Lu Ming had recalled countless times came from the phone, "Hello, Xiao Ming?"

Lu Ming choked up his voice and said, "Mom, it's me."

The other side of the phone said: "Xiao Ming, why are you crying? Did you feel wronged at work? Be good, why don't you quit this job and come home, I will ask your uncle to find you a new job in his hometown .”

Lu Ming suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "It's okay, I'm fine, I just miss you very much suddenly, so I'll give you a call."

Lu Ming's mother said, "Is it really all right? Xiao Ming, if you have anything to say, just say it, and let's find a solution together."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "It's okay, Mom, it's really okay, okay, I'll hang up first, and I'll call you in a few days."

Then Lu Ming hung up the phone directly.

Lu Ming looked at the phone in his hand,
Lu Ming wondered, did he really return to the previous world?Said that Lu Ming wanted to find out his mental power, but found that his mental power was gone.

Lu Ming was shocked, and then checked the energy in his body, and found that there was no energy left in his body.

Lu Ming fell into doubt. Could it be that all these things he experienced were his own dreams?

Lu Ming couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it. Could it be that the people he met in other worlds were all fake?
Bao Xiruo, Zi Nu, Zhao Qingcheng, are they all fake?
Lu Ming panicked, thinking of the last straw, he kept shouting, "System, system!"

A voice sounded in Lu Ming's mind: "Host, I'm here."

Hearing the somewhat familiar voice from the system, Lu Ming finally felt relieved. It seemed that what he had experienced was not an illusion.

Lu Ming asked the system: "System, what's going on with me? Do you know?"

The system said: "The host was pulled into a virtual illusion, and everything he saw was generated based on the subconscious mind of the host."

Lu Ming asked curiously, "How did I get pulled into the illusion?"

The system said: "The silver hall that the host entered just now is an enlarged version of the virtual helmet. The lights go off and on, and when the host is in a trance, it pulls the host into a virtual illusion."

Lu Ming understood. It seemed that his consciousness was only in the illusion, and his body was still outside. No, he had to return to his body as soon as possible.

Lu Ming said to himself: "I don't know if I should thank you, but it reminded me of the past.

But fantasy is illusory after all, even if all dreams are realized in the illusory world, it is still not real.

So, I will continue to struggle in the real world, and then I will really return to Earth and take over my mother, so goodbye. "

With that said, Lu Ming picked up the apple-peeling knife on the table, and plunged it directly into his heart. Since the whole world was created because of him, killing himself is the best way to exit the illusion.

The knife pierced his heart, Lu Ming's consciousness gradually blurred, and the whole world began to collapse. Wherever he looked, pieces fell like broken mirrors.

Then Lu Ming's consciousness fell into darkness.

When Lu Ming's consciousness returned to his body from the virtual world, Lu Ming's consciousness or soul felt a warm feeling.

The body is the protective umbrella of the soul, and it is also the breeding room of the soul. The soul cannot be separated from the body. Even if the cultivation base reaches a very high level, it can ignore the harsh external environment, and the body is still the best thing to protect the soul.

After Lu Ming's consciousness returned to his body, he controlled his eyes to open slowly. Everything in front of him was completely different from what Lu Ming saw before.

The previous silver walls were completely gone, replaced by a dense array of horn-shaped equipment, emitting circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye.

Lu Ming's consciousness just returned to his body was a little fuzzy again. Lu Ming quickly controlled the throwing knife in his pocket and stabbed at the surrounding speakers.

The flying knife pierced the horn, making the sound of gold and iron, and the horn-shaped device was not damaged at all.

Lu Ming was shocked. You must know that the power of his mental power is only a little weaker than that of a planetary first-level warrior. He didn't expect to leave no trace on this horn-shaped device.

Lu Ming was anxious, no, he couldn't procrastinate any longer. If he procrastinated, his consciousness would fall into a virtual illusion again.

I just committed suicide in the environment, which has already caused some damage to my soul. If I fall into the virtual illusion again, if no one comes to save me, I may stay in the virtual illusion for the rest of my life.

What should I do myself?

(End of this chapter)

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