Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 20 Ancestral Ginseng (Please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 20 Ancestral Ginseng (Please recommend, please collect)

Hong Qigong earnestly said: "Just punish him a little bit. If you hand him over to those women, you will kill him!"

Lu Ming sneered and said: "What a compassionate Hong Qigong, you only saw Liang Ziweng's life in danger, but you can see the consequences of those dozens of women's reputations being humiliated? Then according to what you said, those women will be killed in the future. What about my life?"

Hong Qigong was a little dazed and said, "Let Liang Ziweng compensate them with some silver."

"Hehe, can fame be bought with money? Do you know how many strange looks those women who have been humiliated will receive when they return home? Do you know! Do you know how many women will suffer in the future because of enduring Don’t you want to kill yourself if you don’t see these eyes?”

Hong Qigong was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Lu Ming said again: "You also saw the eyes of those women today. When you observe their eyes carefully tomorrow, you will know whether what I did was right or wrong."

Hong Qigong didn't say a word, did he do something wrong before?Is it really wrong to let the bad guys reform themselves?
Hong Qigong, who originally wanted to dissuade Lu Ming and make him correct his wrong behavior, fell into deep thought.

After venting with Hong Qigong, Lu Ming's mood improved a lot, and he went to practice his inner strength on the bed with peace of mind.

The next day, Hong Qigong, who had been sitting blankly all night, woke Lu Ming up early.Lu Ming looked at Hong Qigong speechlessly, and finally he did not turn Hong Qigong's eyes away. He led Hong Qigong to the house where Liang Ziweng was being held. There were two guards guarding the house. Seeing Lu Ming coming, they all saluted.

Lu Ming opened the door and went in, and found Liang Ziweng lying on the ground, his eyes glazed over, motionless, Lu Ming went over and kicked him, Liang Ziweng turned his head, glanced at Lu Ming, and ignored him.

Lu Ming took a closer look, Liang Ziweng's lower body was covered with blood, Lu Ming's crotch was cold, and he knew why Liang Ziweng was deeply shocked.Seeing that Liang Ziweng was not dead, Hong Qigong was overjoyed, but the doubts in his heart were still unsolved.

Why didn't those women kill Liang Ziweng?Lu Ming was also full of doubts.

So Lu Ming took Hong Qigong to the place where the group of women lived, and saw that the group of women had all got up, and they all saluted when Lu Ming came over.

Hong Qigong took a closer look, and found that the indelible resentment in the eyes of the group of women was no longer there.The eyes of the women who were able to go home were full of anticipation and joy of going home, and the eyes of those women who decided to follow Lu Ming were also very calm, without the sadness and resentment of yesterday.

Hong Qigong couldn't understand what happened, so he had to leave lazily, trying to figure out what he did wrong.

As the sun rose, Lu Ming brought his guards and a group of women to a nearby city, and asked the local county magistrate to send all these women home. The local magistrate knew that the prince was here in person, so he naturally tried his best to handle what Lu Ming arranged. Things, in order to leave a good impression on Lu Ming's heart.

Seeing that the county magistrate was so knowledgeable, Lu Ming simply left the money distributed to the families of the many maids to the county magistrate, and let the county magistrate distribute it to everyone.At the same time, he told the county magistrate that he could come to Zhongdu to look for him after it was done.

The county magistrate was naturally overjoyed and readily agreed.

Just when Lu Ming was about to take Bao Xiruo back to Dadu with the guards and maids, the county magistrate told Lu Ming the legend that has been circulating in Changbai Mountain.

"My lord should know that there are three treasures in Changbai Mountain. The first treasure is ginseng. According to legend, there is an old ginseng plant in Changbai Mountain. back to life.

But it is difficult for ordinary people to see it. Legend has it that this ancestral ginseng has been cultivated to become a spirit, and can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and move with the help of earth veins.Therefore, from ancient times to the present, no one has ever obtained it.

However, recently there was a ginseng visitor who accidentally fell from a cliff while collecting ginseng. Who knows that he did not fall to his death. Instead, after he fell to the ground, he found a ginseng cave under his body. There were several ginseng tendrils at the entrance After the man took it, he was able to sit up at that time. After returning to the county, he went to the doctor. The doctor found that his body was only slightly fractured, and his whole body was full of energy.

Since then, the story has spread.

Everyone wanted to ask this person where the cave was, but that person was afraid of being silenced if he told it, so he didn't dare to tell, so his subordinates took him to the mansion for protection. "

Lu Ming asked anxiously, "Where is he? Quickly bring him to call me."

After a while, the county magistrate brought a middle-aged man.

Lu Ming found that this middle-aged participant has plenty of blood all over his body. If he can still be 20 years younger, he must be a martial arts prodigy. However, with the current state of the middle-aged participant, even if he does not practice martial arts, he can live to be over a hundred years old. .

Lu Ming asked the middle-aged visitor: "Are you willing to take me to the place where you fell off the cliff? Don't worry, as long as you take me there, I can satisfy your reasonable request."

The middle-aged visitor said: "My lord, is what you said true?"

The county magistrate next to him shouted: "Bold, the prince is the mouth of a thousand gold, since I promised you, would you still go back on it?"

Lu Ming glanced at the county magistrate with a half-smile, then turned his head, and promised the middle-aged visitor: "Don't worry, since the king has said it, it will definitely come true."

The middle-aged visitor knelt down excitedly and said, "My lord, I just ask my lord to let my son do things with my lord. I hope my lord will allow me."

"Working by my king's side? You have to know that people around this king have special skills. Even if I force him to be by my side, this king will not pay attention to him all the time. If he is squeezed out by his colleagues, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. You should change your request."

The middle-aged ginseng knelt on the ground and said excitedly: "My lord, my son also has special skills. My son is born with supernatural powers, but the only shortcoming is that he eats too much, so I go to the mountains to collect ginseng to subsidize the family."

Lu Ming said happily: "If your son is really born with supernatural power as you said, then your son will be my personal bodyguard from now on."

The middle-aged visitor thanked excitedly: "Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord."

On the second day, Lu Ming let Bao Xiruo and the maids.After staying in the city for another day, he himself entered Changbai Mountain with twenty guards and the middle-aged visitor.

Entering Changbai Mountain, there are dense forests and overgrown bushes in the mountain. Everyone can only walk along the path trampled by wild animals. After walking in the dense forest for nearly half a day, the middle-aged visitor pointed to a rift in front of him and said: "I was just fell from here."

Seeing that he finally found it, Lu Ming ordered the guards to tie the rope to the big tree above, and throw the other end down the rift, and each of them brought another piece of rope with them to prevent the rope from being long enough to reach the bottom of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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