Traveling through the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 19 9-fingered beggar (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 19 Nine-fingered Beggar (please recommend, please collect)

After finishing speaking, Lu Ming let out a long roar: "Since you also use fists and palms, how about my fists and palms?"

So Lu Ming turned his hand into a claw, and flew towards Liang Ziweng.

Seeing that Lu Ming was approaching ferociously, Liang Ziweng lowered his waist and held his breath. Using his internal force, he also lifted up a claw, and the two claws met. Lu Ming spit out the internal force in the claw, and directly broke Liang Ziweng's hand, then grabbed his arm and moved upwards. Pick it up and drop it to the ground.

It turned out that Liang Ziweng hadn't connected with Lu Ming's internal force just now, so he didn't know Lu Ming's deep internal force, and he wanted to defeat Lu Ming by relying on internal force, but he didn't expect that Lu Ming's internal force was far deeper than him, and it fell into Lu Ming's arms.

Lu Ming asked the guards to torture Liang Ziweng, asking him where the prescription was hidden, and walked into the house by himself.

As soon as he entered the room, Lu Ming was shocked. There were dozens of naked young girls in the room, hiding in the corner of the room in fear, trembling all over.

Lu Ming sentenced Liang Ziweng to death in his heart.

He asked the guards to find many women's clothes from other rooms and took them to this room. He said to the group of women: "Don't be afraid, everyone. I'm here to rescue you. Liang Ziweng has been arrested. Here are some Put on all your clothes first, and after putting on your clothes, I will take you home."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the house.

Went to Liang Ziweng for interrogation.

As soon as he walked to the room where Liang Ziweng was being interrogated, he heard Liang Ziweng yelling forcefully: "You are robbery, I want to go to the government to sue you, and want to know where my treasure is hidden? Bah! You are dreaming.

Lu Ming was furious when he heard the words, and went into the house, and saw that Liang Ziweng was tied up all over, with one arm twisted irregularly.His whole body was covered with ragged clothes and bloodstains, but he had a fierce smile on his face, and his eyes were full of unruly.

There were two guards standing in front of him, holding whips, but there was nothing they could do about Liang Ziweng.

Seeing Lu Ming coming in, Liang Ziweng narrowed his eyes and stopped talking.

Lu Ming took out a dagger from his pocket, drew it out of its sheath, and swung it at Liang Ziweng's twisted arm.

With a sound of "Puff", one of Liang Ziweng's fingers fell to the ground. Liang Ziweng's face was distorted, but he said nothing, his eyes were full of sneering, "Is this all you can do?"

Lu Ming laughed back angrily, raised his leg and kicked Liang Ziweng's dantian, Liang Ziweng's face turned pale instantly.

Lu Ming put his mouth next to Liang Ziweng's ear and said, "Since you would rather die than submit, then I will change the method. You say, if I feed you a pack of aphrodisiacs for ten people, and then have sex with ten people." sows together, what do you think will happen?"

Liang Ziweng trembled all over, resentfully said: "You are really vicious."

Then he explained the location of his treasure.

According to Liang Ziweng's confession, Lu Ming found a secret room in his study. On the bookshelf in the secret room were several volumes of prescriptions and a book of inner strength cultivation methods.There is also a volume of identification methods of various herbs, as well as methods of picking and preservation.

There are several boxes of well-kept old wild ginseng on the ground.In the corner of the secret room, Lu Ming found the medicinal snake cultivated by Liang Ziweng. Lu Ming was overjoyed. He told the guards to take good care of it. Lu Ming planned to take the blood of the medicinal snake when he broke through.

Lu Ming asked the guards to pack up these things, and then walked towards the big room.

When I came outside the house, I found a few women peeping at the door and found Lu Ming coming.Quickly retracted his head in.

After Lu Ming went in, he found that all the women had already put on their clothes.

Lu Ming comforted: "Everyone, Liang Ziweng has been arrested by me, you are free now, you can go home now, and I will give you a little money each."

Many women burst into tears when they heard the words, and their voices could move the sun and the moon.

After a long time, the crying slowly stopped.

Seeing that the girls had calmed down, Lu Ming asked the guards to bring over a box of silver, distributed a small piece of silver to each of them, and asked them to go home.

Just after everyone received the money, a woman cried bitterly: "Our bodies have been defiled by him, where else can we go?"

Immediately, there was a large group of echoing cries.

Lu Ming felt a big headache and said helplessly, "That's how it is. I'll give you a sum of money to your family, and I'll treat it as your prostitution money. How about you come to my house and be my maid?"

The girls were taken aback when they heard the words, and then they all knelt down to Lu Ming, crying and thanking: "Thank you for your mercy, my lord."

Lu Ming hurriedly got them all up, and then asked the guards to count the number of people who didn't want to go home. Those who wanted to go home, when they arrived in the county, Lu Ming would arrange for the government to send them home. Those who didn't want to go home, asked for the address of their home , Each family sent five taels of silver.

After the statistics were completed, it was not too late, so Lu Ming arranged for everyone to rest and set off early tomorrow morning.

At night, a woman knocked on Lu Ming's door.

Lu Ming asked, "What's the matter, girl?"

The woman said: "My lord, I don't know if that villain Liang Ziweng is still useful to you? If not, I implore you to hand over that villain Liang Ziweng to us."

Although Lu Ming couldn't bear the blood on the hands of these blooming girls, Liang Ziweng's behavior was simply a grievance, and if he didn't let these girls break the spell in his heart, he might leave a shadow in his heart in the future.

So Lu Ming said: "Okay, I'll leave it to you to deal with, but you have to remember that the past is already in the past, and there are still many beautiful things waiting for you in the future."

The woman kowtowed and said, "Thank you, sir."

Then he retreated, and saw that the direction he was going was the place where Liang Ziweng was being held.

Lu Ming sighed, and returned to the house helplessly, but he couldn't calm down to practice his inner strength.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the room, "Why are you sighing, brother?"

Lu Ming walked to the table, poured a cup of tea, and with internal force in his hand, threw the cup to the beam.

"Since you're here, let's have a cup of tea!"

The man on the beam reached out to catch the teacup, and then floated down.

Walking to the table, he drank the tea in one gulp, then exclaimed: "Good tea."

The visitor was dressed in clean beggar clothes. Looking carefully, there seemed to be a section missing on the little finger of his left hand.

Lu Ming smiled slightly, "I don't know why the nine-fingered beggar came here?"

The person who came, that is Hong Qigong laughed and said: "Originally I heard about Liang Ziweng's evil deeds, so I wanted to get rid of him, but I didn't expect Xiongtai to come first, so I can't intervene."

Lu Ming laughed and said, "Then why did the beggar show up?"

Hong Qi just said, "At first I didn't want to show up, but after seeing your punishment of Liang Ziweng, I wanted to come out and ask you, don't you think the punishment for him is too much?"


Lu Ming sneered and said, "I don't know how the god beggar thinks it's better to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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