
Chapter 25 Epilogue

Chapter 25 Epilogue
One day not long after, just like a child's face, there was a downpour in the morning, and the sun began to shine again at noon.

In the afternoon sun, someone was lying comfortably on a rocking chair reading a book, and I squatted aside, watching the ants move boredly.We've always been as serious about calcium supplements as the rest of the country since someone got hurt at an advanced age.

Suddenly, I remembered a headless koan, and I stretched out my hand to push someone: "Hey." Someone turned a deaf ear, turned another page of the book, and read on by himself.

I thought for a while: "Long Feimo, can you explain, what is expediency?"I closed his book and repeated it tirelessly.

He glanced up at me, frowned slightly, and said annoyedly: "Yu Sangxiao, can you explain, what is divorce?" : "Each each other."

I touched my nose and said nothing.Well, who told me to make mistakes first.

He added another sentence: "Guan Mu is really right, every sentence makes sense." He nodded, as if admiring, "I will pay him more lawyer fees this year."

What are you so proud of? !I snorted, squinted at him, and said coldly, "Maybe it's my real thoughts?" He threw the book away: "Yu Sangxiao, do you want to test my patience?" Knock him: "Crazy you!"

It hurts!I burst into tears in pain.I haven't had a manicure in a long time, and I pinch him back hard.

Just as we were entangled, I heard a voice yelling: "Brother, Sang Xiao, where do you think it would be better to hang this painting? Ah—" The voice lasted for at least ten seconds , Only then did I make amends, "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, you go on, go on..." After a long distance, I heard him rambling, a little puzzled, "However, you come here in twos and threes for a while. , Is it because spring and summer have arrived very early this year?"

I froze for a moment, then laughed.Twos and threes?Thank goodness he figured it out!
My teacher should really take the blame.

I pushed Long Feimo away and stared at him.He still looked relaxed, and continued to sit on the rocking chair and read a book as if nothing had happened.

I suddenly thought of another thing: "Hello."

He leisurely turned another page of the book: "Huh?"

I squeezed to his side with ulterior motives: "Hey, guess a riddle, okay?" I thought for a while, and said word by word, "The moths attack the fire and the insects are gone, Xueyou has no children and beards, and occasionally he is left alone. Type three words." A small skill can still come in handy.It seems that my poetry class is not in vain.

"Huh?" He pretended to be stupid with a calm expression.

After another half a day, Quan gave an answer with an extremely perfunctory "hmmmm" three times.

I feel gloomy.We've been married for almost three years, and even such a sentence, which must be used in every episode of an idol drama, requires half a day, but still can't get it.Baby, your dear mother, I have failed too much in life!I got up and left with a dejected face and listlessness.

Just two steps away, I heard a voice from behind, neither high nor low: "Idiot! The back of the ring on your hand."

I faded away with some doubts. I’ve seen it before. It’s not a bunch of crooked bean sprout symbols. What’s so interesting.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, could it be——

I squeezed back and sat back, cautiously and half-flatteringly: "What's engraved?"

He closed his eyes, and it took him a long time to say one word at a time: "Bo, Si, Yu." He couldn't speak anymore.

I hate it, stomp my foot and leave.Long Feimo, Feng Shui turns around, just wait, there will always be times when you will be deflated!
As soon as I got up, my hand was covered by a big palm.

"The only memory my parents left me. I thought it would stay with me forever." He took my hand, his voice sounded as warm as his palm: "Sang Xiao, you are the most important thing in my life. The only and most beautiful prey caught."

(End of this chapter)

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