Chapter 13

As I said, there will be no next time.

Next time, I won't let you go.

As soon as I stood still at the dinner party, I began to regret it.I didn't expect the boss who was rumored to be on a business trip to attend in person, let alone A Fei, who is known as the 172-generation descendant of the gossip family, to make up for it.

This was originally a charity dinner hosted by the Long Group, and my public identity was just an unknown reporter who was ordered by my boss to interview.

Things go wrong because of the talkative Guan Mu.

As soon as he saw me, he shouted excitedly: "Sang Xiao, long time no see!" There was so much noise, I bent my lips in response.Still refusing to give up, he squeezed all the way in front of me: "How are you doing recently?"

I nodded, looked at a modest lady beside him who pursed her lips and smiled, and then I raised my eyebrows: "School beauty?" Without waiting for his answer, I blinked again, and asked softly, "Turn back?"

With the extraordinary wisdom of Mr. Guan, I know he can understand.

Sure enough, he nodded generously, and then smiled at me wickedly: "How should I introduce you to each other?" He turned to the girl, "The ex-girlfriend who abandoned me and married someone else, Yu Sangxiao." Turning to me, "My ex-ex and current girlfriend, Shao Juanjuan."

The girl blushed at first, and gave him a slightly white look, then smiled at me, obviously Guan Mu had mentioned me to her.I also laughed all the way, until a voice beside me who was ignorant of current affairs and paled in shock cut in: "Sang Xiao, I have been working with you for so long, why don't I know when you got married?!" Then I remembered A frightening fact - the head of the agency's spy station is by my side.

Before I could figure out how to answer, an even more ignorant, smiling and mocking voice sounded from another direction: "Perhaps, it would be better for you to ask the person standing on the stage."

I turned around and saw Fei Ge, who was rarely at home since he was a boarding student in college, and he was looking at me with a smile on his face.I put away the joy of seeing him for the first time, and gave him a blank look. This weirdo really spared no effort to betray his family.

Then my eyes turned to another place, and I saw that Long Feimo was standing at a corner of the stage talking to Qin Shan after finishing his brief speech.

I heard a gasp clearly next to my ear.I closed my eyes and prepared to face A Fei's questioning. At this time, Guan Mu, who had been smiling and watching, began to add fuel to the flames: "If you don't make good use of such effective human resources as Mrs. Long, your magazine is really reckless."

As soon as he finished speaking, A Fei's figure disappeared.I closed my eyes again, preparing to go back tonight and start collecting recruitment information in the cracks of various newspapers.

Guan Mu shrugged as if nothing had happened, looked behind me with a smile, and suddenly raised his hand: "Fei Mo!" Long Feimo walked over following the sound, with his usual faint smile on his lips: "What are you talking about so lively?"

Guan Mu glanced at me, and half-truthfully said, "I'm about to reveal to my sister-in-law the anecdote about your college days. If you, Mr. Long, give back to the society more tonight, I can consider letting you go."

Long Feimo raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?" The smile lines on his lips gradually deepened, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you," he glanced at me, and said lightly, "My wife has always been invulnerable, isn't she, Sang Xiao?" He looked at me with a slight mockery in his eyes.

I lowered my eyes and didn't speak.

After a while, I stood in the bathroom and let out a long breath.

I underestimated Ah Fei's communication ability too much. She definitely has the talent to create a new faction of gossip, and she is in her own class, because after less than a quarter of an hour, I was inexplicably led to the VIP table and accepted some The greetings from the wives who have never met before and the compliments to Long Feimo.

While I had to squeeze out a smile to deal with it, I looked at Long Feimo's business not far away and looked on coldly, convinced that it didn't come from him.

A fat lady wearing a dazzling carat diamond in her hand was eloquent from beginning to end. According to her, her real estate agent and Long's have always cooperated well, and she repeatedly told me that I would convey it to Long Feimo when I went back. Greetings from the couple.It was so easy to get rid of her all-pervasive siege, so I got here as if I was running away.

I finally realized that UBO once complained that the market conditions are as thin as paper and only see benefits.

After a long time, I moistened my face and turned around to go out. At this moment, the door opened and a person walked in.It turned out to be Sang Tong who was still graceful.

She looked at me: "Long time no see, Sang Xiao."

I startled.Indeed, it’s been a long time since I last saw her. The last memory I have of her is at the small wedding banquet between me and Long Feimo, where only the family members of both parties attended. At that time, she had cold eyes and a straight back. From now on, I just I heard about her recent situation from Sang Mei and You Bo.Xiu Wai Hui Zhong Ruo Sang Tong has always had many suitors, but she seems to enjoy working with her love and has no time for others.

Grandpa is right, Sang Tong is most like the Yu family.

She turned around, locked the door neatly, walked up to me, and said directly, "I came here on a special trip to find you today."

I looked at her, and she looked a little haggard despite being capable. Her delicately made-up face still couldn't hide the faint dark circles around her eyes.She stared at me: "You haven't been back for a long time." I smiled lightly: "Yes." From the day I got married, I rarely contacted my family.

I have always deeply missed everything in the past.

As I said earlier, I am a narrow-minded and caring person.

I stared at Sang Tong, and I understood that she would never make a special trip to tell me about the family.Sure enough, she turned cold: "Sang Xiao, you don't know what happened at home?"

I was not moved at all, and smiled lightly: "Family? You seem to have forgotten that I have nothing to say about everything about the Yu family." I looked directly at her, "Including my own marriage, isn't it?"

She looked at me fixedly, as if she hadn't expected such a sharp answer.

After being silent for a long while, she actually smiled, and said infinitely sarcastically, "Unexpectedly, I would be wrong." Her smile gradually faded, and her eyes were thought-provoking, "In order to marry you, Long Feimo promised his uncle that he would make a loan for the Yu family. Guaranteed, I thought that he still has at least a little sincerity towards you." She raised her eyebrows coldly, "I didn't expect, Sang Xiao," her lips and tone were extremely mocking, "From the beginning to the end , you are just a wedding dress in vain."

I seemed to have captured some information and smiled slightly. This is Sang Tong. Even in the most unfavorable situation, she has the means to maintain the most favorable position and posture.

I still haven't spoken.

She turned around, looked at the spotless mirror in the bathroom, and said in a flat tone, "The highest amount of Yu's loan has expired, and so far, the bank still refuses to extend it." She was silent for a moment, "Dragon The Yu family is secretly acquiring the Yu family in an all-round way, and the Long family has acquired the largest debts of the Yu family through various channels. Once they resort to the law," she turned to look at me without any emotion, "The Yu family will be finished. .”

Even though I knew nothing about business, I was still taken aback. I had never seen Sang Tong look so serious before.She is the proud daughter of heaven, she has always been full of self-confidence, and she refuses to make any false statements, otherwise grandpa would not trust her so much.

I shook my head in disbelief, and looked at her: "The outside world has long rumored that the Yu family will collapse, but it is still alive." Moreover, the Long family is targeting the Yu family, why?Different fields, no reason.

Sang Tong frowned, and said coldly: "The building is about to collapse due to a storm. Recently, the company's management personnel are in turmoil. The bank comes to collect debts every day. In addition to the pressure from Long's, grandpa was already hospitalized in a hurry two days ago. Why should I?" Lie to you?!"

I am silent.

"Sang Xiao," she paused, "I came here at the order of my grandfather. Anyway, your surname is Yu." She looked at me, and said lightly, "What do you think?"

I say nothing.

Sang Tong didn't seem to care about my indifferent attitude, maybe as she said, she was just a mouthpiece.She glanced at me, turned and walked out, and stopped when she was about to touch the doorknob.

With her back facing me, her back was still straight: "Sang Xiao, he came prepared." Her voice was icy cold, "Long Feimo, he deliberately wants to bring down the Yu family."

"A crushing defeat."

I pushed open the door and walked to the front desk: "I'm looking for your president."

The lady at the front desk raised her sweet voice and the same sweet face: "Do you have an appointment?"

I frowned and said simply: "No."

The lady at the front desk gave me a slightly suspicious look, and said in a bit of embarrassment, "I'm sorry, we can't inform you without an appointment." I looked at her and said lightly, "Please inform me now, my name is Yu Sangxiao , looking for your president." She looked at me again, and made a call, which should be to the secretariat, and after a while, she put down the phone, apologetically but resolutely: "I'm sorry, the president is very busy now, so I don't see any customers."

I said "Oh": "Thank you." After I finished speaking, I turned around and walked towards the nearest door. I walked very fast, because I had already seen the sign on the door from the corner of my eye.When I burst through the door, I could still hear the exclamation, "You can't go in—" I ignored it.

In the secretariat, I met Qin Shan who was still radiant. She was startled when she saw me, and then said in a business-like manner, "I'm sorry, the president is very busy."

is it?

I bypassed her, directly pressed the call button on the table, and said unhurriedly, "Long Feimo, come out." The other people in the secretariat looked at me in surprise, but I turned a blind eye.

After 1 minute, the person I was looking for finally came out, still with that clear look on his face, just like these days, with no expression on his face.

He glanced at me, not too surprised: "Come in." The moment I followed him in, I heard chirping voices from behind: "Who is it? Who is it?" Then, it was Qin Shan's plain voice: "Madam President."

"What?—" A sharp soprano voice, I shut the door.

He sat down at the desk again, without raising his head: "What do you want me to do?"

At this moment, I started to hesitate, and after a long time, I said, "Long Feimo—"

His head was still focused on the official documents, but his tone became sharp: "Focus! I'm very busy, I'm afraid I don't have time to listen to your homework."

My anger was aroused, and my voice raised unconsciously: "Okay, then please pay more attention when listening to others!"

He put down the gold pen in his hand, leaned back, made a starting movement, and crossed his arms.

His face was hidden in the shadows, I couldn't see clearly.

I said bluntly: "Why do you want to annex Yu's newspaper?" I said with a little sarcasm, "I don't remember your group's business has any connection with the publishing industry."

He smiled lightly: "It's just about business, haven't you heard of diversified management, Mrs. Long?"

I looked at him: "Even so, with so many newspaper groups in the city, why only buy Yu's?"

He frowned, as if impatient: "The decision is made jointly by the entire board of directors. Perhaps, you should call and ask those directors one by one." He looked at me, "Do you need my phone number? ?”

I bit my lip, and then said coldly: "Long Feimo, do you really think I'm a fool? Is there any decision that I can not submit to you, the chairman and president, for approval?!"

He also said coldly: "Yu Sangxiao, I just realized that you are so indiscriminate between public and private. Besides, haven't you always disliked and had no interest in asking about the affairs of Yu's enterprise? This is not your usual style at all. "He stared at me, and said in a leisurely manner, "Why, did something happen that made you have to come forward?" Without waiting for my answer, he lowered his head and continued the official document, and issued an order to evict the guest coldly, "I will wait There is still a meeting."

A burst of blood surged in my brain, I lowered my eyes, bit my lips tightly, again and again, until I clearly felt the strong smell of blood.

This is a devil.

It's my ignorance, it's because my mind is not calm for a while that I am stupid enough to want to seek skin from a tiger.

I controlled my emotions: "I'm sorry." I took a step back and said word by word, "Don't bother me anymore."

In the rain that was flying all over the sky, among the pedestrians running in a hurry, I walked quietly and aimlessly, letting the sudden raindrops fall on my head and body.Pedestrians passing by gave me surprised looks. Two female students aged [-] or [-] walked by me, and I heard a low voice of discussion: "Hey, isn't it..."

I chuckled, I'd rather be.

When I came to a fork in the road, I lowered my head and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, a car suddenly stopped in front of me. I looked up and saw that indifferent face.

I got into the car with little resistance.

Nothing is more terrifying than despair.

I was taken to a villa I had never seen before.

When I got out of the car, I was slightly taken aback.A very young male voice, wading through the long river of memory, echoed softly in my ears: "Sang Xiao, what kind of home do you want in the future?"

"It doesn't need to be extravagant, it doesn't need to be too big, well, it must be a pointed red wall and white windows, and one or two round-headed trees, a swaying lavender, or a wooden fence," said later, There was already a slight smile in the words, "It's best, it should be like a European castle, elegant enough, delicate enough, special enough, ah yes, it's better to decorate the walls with gray sandstone..."

Before the words were finished, the person who listened couldn't take it anymore, and rolled his eyes: "Hey, hey, you are not demanding?!"

The building in front of me was exactly what I admired in every possible way when I was in my first love at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

I watched him take out the key, take me upstairs, take me into a room, open the closet: "Go take a shower, and then, change your clothes!"

I held the clothes he handed me in my hand and looked up at him. He seemed to understand what I meant, dried it slightly, turned around, closed the door and walked out.

After changing my clothes, I hesitated for a moment, pushed open the door, and saw him sitting on a rocking chair by the window in the next room, quietly watching the rain scene outside the window.I walked in, and after a long time: "Aren't you going to have a meeting later?" He looked up at me, and smiled slightly ironically: "Don't you want me to separate business from private?"

I suffocate.

I don't know why, our recent exchanges often return to the track of such non-speculative words.I looked down at my toes.After I got out of the shower, I forgot to put on my socks. My toes were a little white from the cold, gray and gray, just like my life at the moment.

like my heart.

I sighed inwardly, and turned around.Suddenly, my hand was tightly grasped, and I looked back at the person who was still sitting.

He said slowly, "I heard that you've been very busy recently."

I still keep my head down.All in all, we haven't seen each other for nearly half a month.

The person who was sitting suddenly stood up and walked in front of me step by step.I finally saw his face clearly. His face was full of haze. He stretched out his hand and squeezed my chin: "Your publishing house is free from work, why do you often come home late?" He stared at me. looked at me, "Or is it your boss who thinks highly of you?"

My heart darkened.

Uncle Fang, Uncle Fang...

His life is like this rain scene, I am afraid that he will not wait for the rain to clear.

Suddenly, my body suddenly vacated.

The next moment, my body was thrown heavily onto the bed.

It was still the faint voice: "Yu Sangxiao, it seems that I have indulged you too much——"

I felt a sharp pain in my scalp, and I was almost in tears.

He leaned down to look at me, and said coldly, "You also know what pain is?" The strength in his hand gradually increased, "You also know what pain is?!"

I struggled to stand up and looked directly at him: "Why?!" My voice was cold, "Why did you use your relationship to prevent Uncle Fang from going abroad for cancer treatment?"

I clearly remember Sang Tong's contemptuous and angry tone and eyes. Such eyes, with faint despair, shocked me more than seeing Long's poaching a large number of middle-level members of Yu's and trying to buy Yu's information.

Long Feimo looked at me quietly, and even smiled: "Why?" He sat down, "Fang Anhang, graduated from a prestigious school with a doctorate, met when you renewed your friendship with your Chinese painting teacher Lin Qingli when you were 15 years old You, when you were in college, he gave up the high-paying employment of a prestigious university and came to teach at a second- or third-rate university where you are, and, all this time, he has cared about you meticulously, taking pains to take care of you secretly. You," he looked at me with a flat tone, "in terms of appearance, Sang Tong is more than ten times better than you, and in terms of talent, Fang Anhang is surrounded by female students who are better than you and admire him," he said coldly, " Why do you say?"

I shook my head instinctively: "No."

Long Feimo pressed on step by step: "No?" He sarcastically said, "You are learning Chinese, don't you know Lolita?" His eyes flickered slightly, "And, don't tell me you don't know, Fang Anhang, It's the person your dear cousin Yu Sangtong has been secretly in love with since she was a girl."

There was a bang in my head——

At the age of 15, when Sangtong rushed into my room for no reason, she was angry and sad.

Since that year, Sang Tong has deliberately and unprovoked made things difficult for me.

For a long time, Sang Tong has been inexplicably rational and calm about her relationship. Even her relationship with Long Feimo seemed more like a business than a lover.

It turns out, it turns out...

Really as he said?I was stunned, and then I reacted and stared at him: "How do you know?"

I felt a chill all over my body.

He lowered his eyes and ignored it.

I clenched my teeth, tried to calm my breath, and clenched my fists: "Long Feimo, what exactly do you want?"

He finally raised his head and smiled slightly: "Sang Xiao, is it because you have poor comprehension or I can't convey my words?" He paused for a moment, "I just need a reason."

I closed my eyes, and after a while, I felt an inexplicable soreness.

reason? For 23 years, why don't I need a reason?Isn't it just a reason for what I am looking for all the time, even...?
My heart has never been so lost and helpless as it is at this moment.

After a long time, I heard my own voice dryly: "Uncle Fang...should know my mother." I paused, " mother...isn't my current mother, so..."

I closed my eyes and my throat was choked: "The two people closest to me, one has passed away and the other is terminally ill." I looked at him, "Uncle Fang is just an elder who treats me kindly." Closing his eyes, he said with great difficulty, "Don't embarrass him, please."

Uncle Fang's thin face vaguely appeared in front of my eyes: "Sang Xiao, you are busy with work, so you don't have to come to accompany me all the time." He actually smiled, "Now I can finally have a good rest, and it's still paid, which is very cost-effective ,Yes or no?"

I covered my face and finally burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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