A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

98 Chapter 98. Reality is always naked

98 Chapter 98. Reality is always naked

"She is Daisy, she must be my Daisy, she looks about the same age and is of mixed race, she is so like her mother, she is so beautiful, she must be my Daisy!

I must have frightened her like this, what would she think of me as a father?No, I'm going to hide.Yes, we must find a place to hide. "The giant man was thinking about this while running away in a panic.

When Deadpool got up from the ground, he looked at the giant man who had escaped, twisted his waist exaggeratedly, and with the sound of his joints, he let out a comfortable (harmonious) groan, "Mmm... ah~ , It feels much better this way, I didn't expect him to run away.

Fighting him was like raping a Tiger tank, it was a horrible feeling. "

Skye was about to leave the room at this time, but Nansen grabbed her arm, and then asked Deadpool: "Stop talking nonsense, do you know who is called Calvin Zabo here? Or Mr. Hyde?" , it's all the same anyway."

Nansen naturally already knew the answer, but it would undoubtedly be better for Deadpool to tell the truth.

"That's right, I forgot if you don't tell me, he is here, but he ran away just now!" Deadpool made a surprised expression, and at the same time pointed to the direction where the giant man fled.

Then he said to himself incomprehensibly, "By the way, why are you so persistent in looking for him? For people in our world, all of this..."

Before Deadpool finished speaking, Nansen and Skye had already angrily said, "Shut up!"

Deadpool immediately shut his mouth, and even covered his mouth with his hands. He is not a simple psycho, but a big funny.

Then he watched Nansen and Skye rushing past him, took out a handkerchief and waved reluctantly, "Goodbye, in return, if you know where Francis is hiding? Remember to tell me!
By the way, if any of you know a good plastic surgeon, you can also tell me, that is, the kind that can turn an injured cow ball into James Bond! "

While he was speaking, Nansen and Skye had already chased Mr. Hyde around the corner.

Then Deadpool stood alone in the same place, thinking about a very profound question: "How can I tell them which version of James Bond it is?
Forget it, they will understand by themselves, at least I haven't said that I want to be like the Bat master next door. "

After finishing speaking, he continued to swagger and prepare to leave, but before he walked out of the room, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly turned his head to look for Nansen and Skye.

"Hey, I haven't told you my contact information yet!" Deadpool yelled.

Nansen has a big thick leg, he must hug it, even if he can't hug it, at least he has to rub it.

Nansen and Skye followed the traces along the way, and chased them into a small dark room. After entering, they found bloodstains all over the wall. It seemed that countless people were tortured here, and the mournful wailing resounded through the room.

And in a corner of the room, there was a middle-aged man squatting there, he buried his head in his legs, and kept muttering: "Daisy can't find me, Daisy can't find me!"

He was almost completely naked, with only a pair of tattered trousers supporting his last dignity when he saw his daughter.

Skye watched the middle-aged man hiding in that corner, still talking to himself.

In a trance, he overlapped with the man in the photo, but the man's smile was brimming with happiness, holding his daughter in his arms.

But this man seemed completely downcast, and he worked in such a cruel and inhuman black market research institute.

Is he really my father?In fact, Skye's heart was already inclined to this answer, otherwise the monster before had no need to run away after hearing her words.

Skye looked at this figure that was very similar to the photo, but her heart couldn't help being shaken, and tears were already silently streaming down her cheeks.

She leaned against Nansen and cried silently.

That feeling was like a dream that had been fantasized for a long time was broken. She had been paralyzing herself since she was a child, hoping that her parents were heroes, or at worst, they might be an alien prince or princess or something.

But none of these were true. Her father was just a weak middle-aged man, engaged in unspeakable activities, as desolate as a defeated dog.

The first meeting with my daughter was so miserable, transitioning from a raging monster to a man who was almost naked.

He didn't have the slightest coercion as a father, he just hid in a dark corner, hoping his daughter wouldn't find him!
"Aha, I finally found you!" Deadpool suddenly appeared and said.

Nansen took a look at him, and then cut off the air between the crowd and him, watching him gesturing and jumping, but the sound could not be transmitted.

Mr. Hyde finally decided not to run away, but stood up, and said to Skye with a complicated expression: "Daisy, my daughter. You came to me, didn't you just want to find your father?"

In fact, Skye's heart has chosen to believe, but the truth is often extremely cruel.

She wiped her tears and asked, "If you are my father, what about my mother?"

Mr. Hyde hurriedly explained: "All of this was caused by Daniel Whitehall. He broke up our family, and even cruelly abused your mother, but she didn't die, it's just..."

Listening to what he said, Skye was completely convinced that he was his father, and he didn't want to hear another word from him at the moment, and his strength was activated in an instant.

Suddenly, the layer above her head began to vibrate crazily, and soon a big hole appeared directly above Skye's head, and she jumped into the big hole and escaped from this layer.

"Nansen, I want to be alone and wait for you in the academy," she said.

No one blames her for running away now, a person who forces himself to face the bloody reality is a hero, and Skye is just a girl with great power now.

At this time, Nansen also withdrew from the [Clean Space], and Deadpool came over thoughtfully, looking at Mr. Hyde who had lost his soul, he reckoned that the fight between the two would be impossible.

Deadpool thought for a while, and said, "Why don't we go to a bar for a drink, I'm a VVIP there, and I know quite a few beautiful girls."

Dr. Hyde glanced at him with a wry smile, and said, "I know where Francis is now?"

"Really?" Deadpool felt his excited heart was about to jump out, and he almost wanted to hug Mr. Hyde and kiss him.

"Then, let's have a drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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