A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

97 Chapter 97. Looking for Mr. Hyde

97 Chapter 97. Looking for Mr. Hyde
Nansen went to the underground research institute the next morning and found that Stern was still conducting experiments with red eyes.

Banner, on the other hand, is relatively better, but his expression is also full of exhaustion, but there is some excitement under the exhaustion.

After all, he is also a scientist. Naturally, he is very excited when he encounters some difficult research topics, but he is very tired from dealing with Dr. Stern. He is probably going crazy.

Nansen gave Banner a sympathetic look, and then gave him some encouragement, promising that he would take him to find a girlfriend after completing the project.

He even thought of a way to help him suppress the transformation problem after sexual arousal, which made Banner full of high-spirited fighting spirit, and then cooperated with Stern to start working.

But Nansen felt worried when he watched this scene. There are only nine days left. Can these two people figure it out?Even if it is only a semi-finished product, is this time enough?
However, the two did not fight together, which reassured Nansen a lot. The reason why he came here was because he was afraid that the two would fight here.

One has a very hot temper right now, and explodes at the slightest touch, while the other is even more aggressive, and when he gets angry, a green baby will come out and want to hug you.

In the end, Nansen thought about it and asked Lorelai to send a group of mutants with clever minds and quick hands and feet. The most important thing is that someone she completely controls will come over as assistants.

At the same time, protection and supervision are being carried out here. Although Banner is here and his combat power is strong enough, if he is allowed to fight, he will completely destroy [-] enemies and destroy [-] himself.

When he became crazy, he didn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and would tear down the house whenever he saw it.

And this research institute is really all of Nansen's current possessions.

Then he appointed Banner as the director and Stern as the deputy director, allowing them to take a group of apprentice assistants to conduct research without any worries.

And Nansen came to a place as promised. Skye had already driven here. After seeing Nansen, his eyes were gloomy, "It's not a gentleman enough to ask a lady to wait for you!"

Nansen scratched his head with a smile, "I said I went to save the world, do you believe it?"

Skye gave Nansen a coquettish look, didn't ask any more questions, and took the lead in walking ahead.

She found the information from SHIELD's information network. With the help of SHIELD's huge information network, she found that a person who was likely to be her father was in New York now.

This kind of speculation is not groundless, but the man reports a baby girl to the police every year, saying that it is his daughter and hopes that the police can help find her.

Skye even saw that photo, but she didn't dare to confirm that the baby was herself. After all, it was a photo taken many years ago, but the man in the photo was smiling with joy and happiness.

Afterwards, Skye focused on investigating him. With the help of SHIELD's intelligence network, he discovered that he was engaged in various jobs, and even helped some gangsters deal with the wounded.

At the same time, he also had a personal record of being complained and sent to a mental hospital because of his violent emotions.

It can be said that this man is not like a good person at all, and may even be a real bad person.

However, Skye's investigation found that he was working here recently. From the outside, this should be an ordinary factory.

But when Nansen and Skye walked in, they found that this place was also unusual. There were dead people everywhere, and many of them had been shot in the head or had their heads cut off with a knife.

And those dead people were actually carrying weapons. This place is not an ordinary factory, maybe there is something dirty hidden.

The two looked at each other, and hurriedly began to search. Speaking of which, Skye didn't come much earlier than Nansen, so he didn't know that the factory had been bloodbathed.

Following the dead people and the bloody footprints on the ground, the two found a downward passage in a hidden place of the factory, and then they entered decisively.

The situation below looked even more tragic. The number of dead people was several times higher than that on the first floor. It was like a real thug suddenly broke into the flock, and then killed a lot.

At the same time, there are a large number of isolation rooms, including blood-stained bed boards and high-hanging infusion stands in the rooms, but it seems that those patients have been transferred, or treated.

Seeing this, Skye's heart was already half cold. If that person is really his father and he works here, he must be a jerk, a scumbag.

In other words, his father may have been ruthlessly killed by the visitor who broke in,

At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from not far away, accompanied by the sound of two people fighting constantly, Nansen and Skye hurried over.

But along the way, I heard constant chatter, gradually from small to large, "Irritable uncle, your speed is really too slow, like a pile of poop with dystocia."


Nansen listened to these words, and ran forward at a slower and slower speed. At the same time, he turned his head and looked at the corpses not far away, all of which had been wounded by gunshots or knives.

Vaguely, he had already guessed who the protagonist of the battle would be.

When Nansen and Skye finally arrived at the battlefield, a man in red tights dropped an Uzi submachine gun in his hand. Instead, he rolled over, avoiding a pair of giant hands that blocked him, and picked up an Uzi at the same time. Take a samurai sword.

Then he slashed at the back of a huge opponent, but the opponent's skin was too hard, leaving only a faint white mark.

His opponent was huge, vaguely three meters away, his body's muscles exploded, and Nansen even saw pieces of torn white coats on the ground.

After the red figure saw Nansen and Skye coming, he asked aloud, "Eh? I should have killed all the people before, did you mean Francis sent you here?
To be honest, that person is really bad enough. If I were his subordinate, I would be so ashamed that I would shoot myself, but I am not, and shooting me will not kill me!whee. "

Taking advantage of this gap in his speech, the giant man who was fighting with him finally caught him, directly led his leg and turned around.

There was a sound of 'bang bang bang bang' on the ground, flowers were smashed on the floor, and blood kept printing on the floor at the same time.

But his mouth still kept on saying, "Oh, baby, can you please be more vigorous? Excuse me, you haven't eaten, well, this kind of request is indeed too high for you, after all, you are a weak chicken .”

Skye was silent after seeing this scene, and then said to Nansen, "That perverted red tight-fitting man has a record in S.H.I.E.L.D. and is called Deadpool.

Recently, he took down a lot of underground gangs in New York. Those gangs were engaged in some human trafficking work, and their methods were extremely dirty, so S.H.I.E.L.D. did not bother him.

But if I were the director, I would definitely find a way to get him into S.H.I.E.L.D., and seal his mouth with a steel plate. "

In the end, the giant man threw Deadpool directly towards Nansen and Skye. Nansen stretched out his finger forward, and Deadpool seemed to hit an invisible barrier.

He stood up and immediately rubbed his pp, "My poor butt, it's going to be four petals now.

It seems that you should not be under Francis, or you should have done it long ago.So is there anything I can do to help you?However, wait for a while. "

After he finished speaking, he went to have sex with the giant man. Nansen and Skye watched speechlessly, one jumped up and down, and the other was extremely powerful.

Finally, Skye turned around and was about to leave. She didn't want to stay here anymore. Before she left, she said, "I'm here to see Dr. Calvin Zabo. His name seems to be Mr. Hyde, but he may have moved. Or rather killed by you.

I feel that if I call the police directly, and then wait for the identity investigation of the police station, the result may be known sooner. If it is dead, it will be dead. If it is not dead, I may continue to search. "

But at this moment, when the giant man heard what Skye said, he stopped suddenly. He had already lifted Deadpool high, and the next step should be a wave of spinal fractures, but he suddenly threw Deadpool to the back.

Then he looked at Skye, who was about to leave, with a dazed expression, and stretched out his hands to grab something, but saw his thick hands and the blood on them, and started to flee crazily.

 Thank you for the reward of [-] starting coins from "God's Red Clothes", and the message of support, I have seen it, thank you.

  The second update is estimated to leave in the early morning, friends who don't practice immortals, watch it tomorrow.

  At the same time, it would be good to ask for a wave of recommendation tickets. It will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow. I want to know how many people will read my book again, and I have a psychological expectation in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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