A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 95 95. Rose's Compromise

Chapter 95 95. Rose's Compromise

Listening to the roars coming from not far away, it's not difficult to imagine that the two monsters are fighting hand-to-hand, but I don't know if the loathing's waist is okay?
Skye also came out of the pile of ruins at this time. Compared with Nansen's chicness, she looked a little bit embarrassed.

Skye looked in the direction of the abomination and the Hulk, and said, "It's a good way to use monsters to defeat monsters."

Nansen smiled and nodded, and then Skye went back to the roof of the building at the beginning, "Thank you Coulson, the shooting task is complete." Nansen took the DV from Coulson's hand and thanked him.

Coulson looked at Nansen gratefully. It was because of Nansen and the X-Men that the battle damage caused by the hatred was minimized.

The black widow Natasha looked at Nansen with complicated eyes, and pointed to the DV in his hand, "I really don't understand, what's the point of you filming this? Do you want to change the impression of mutants in the hearts of the people? ? Now, it seems a bit too late."

Black Widow knew something about the research and development of the X-gene shielding agent. She said it was too late, but it was actually a battle that was more inclined to humans and mutants, and it would start soon.

But Nansen just smiled at her without explaining. It may be a bit late to change people's impression of mutants, but what Nansen wants to do is not so low-end.

The video he insisted on shooting can even be regarded as a product promotion video, but the premise is that his medicine can be produced within a certain period of time.

"You stay here, I will come when I go." Nansen took another sword from Skye, and then the two swords closed together, turning into a stream of light and directly rising into the sky.

General Ross, together with several soldiers and his daughter, was on the helicopter at the moment, watching the two big green men fighting below.

But it's almost entirely a situation where the Hulk is suppressing the hatred, after all, the waist of the hatred is still burning with flames.

Nansen's efforts just now were not in vain. Abomination is indeed very strong, but Nansen and the others are not weak either.

Right here, General Ross suddenly sensed something.

Turning his head, he found that Nansen had entered the cabin at some point and was looking at him.

"General Ross, I think we can talk now, for example, if you give up hunting Banner." Nansen said in his mouth.

Although General Ross was taken aback suddenly, he still quickly recognized Nansen. At this time, his daughter said first, "You are Dr. Stern's assistant? You set up such a big game just to get Banner?"

Nansen shook his finger and denied her words, "Dr. Ross, don't talk nonsense, this situation has nothing to do with me, it was all brought about by General Ross.

I just showed up early, recruited a learned Ph.D., and made a promise to Bruce Banner.

With me, the possibility that he could heal himself and get a job and stay in New York couldn't be happier.

Otherwise, he will always be just a fugitive busy running for his life. "

General Ross's attitude still seemed very tough, "Impossible, he is the property of the military."

This stubborn old man has always been a model of not crying without seeing the coffin. At this time, the Hulk has chased the hatred to an upstairs.

Nansen glanced down, continued to be patient and said to General Ross, "First of all, he is a human being, not property, and it can even be said that he is a victim of your selfish desires.

Secondly, even if he is the property of the military, how long has it been since Banner's accident, do you think you can still control him?
And after this incident, do you really think that the military will let you continue to run this project?

General Ross, wake up, stop dreaming.

Besides, our college has always been aloof from the world, but the times have changed. For us, a crisis of life and death is coming soon.

In this kind of battle, you are actually very small, and it doesn't matter if the United States loses one general, right? "

Nansen's words made Ross feel very angry, pointing at Nansen and said: "How dare you threaten a general of the United States?
Boy, do you know what this means? "

At this time, Nansen slowly walked out of the cabin, stopped in the air, and looked at his feet.

"General Ross, it is not I who threaten the United States, but your soldier."

As soon as Nansen finished speaking, Ross suddenly realized something.

At this moment, Hate has jumped high in the air, and his thick fingers are tightly hooked on the sled frame on one side of the helicopter.

"Ross, you created all of this. Even if I die, I will drag you with me."

The Hulk was also holding his feet below, and said like a child in his mouth: "Come down and fight Hulk!"

At this difficult moment, no matter how tough Ross is, he can only succumb. As Nansen said, the situation was caused by him alone, and the development has already exceeded his control.

So Rose gritted his teeth and said loudly: "I agree with what you said, get them out, my daughter is still here."

Now that the goal was achieved, Nansen stopped talking nonsense, and a long sword appeared in his hand. Half of the sword was bright and gorgeous, and the other half was as dark as an abyss.

When the two complement each other, the overall power multiplies and explodes. With the whereabouts of Nansen's figure, after approaching Abomination, he slashed out with a sword, cutting off Abomination's arm.

The hatred and the Hulk immediately fell, leaving only the roar of hatred echoing in the air, "Ross!!!"

But Nansen's figure was faster than them. After he slashed out with a sword, he seemed to fall directly and disappeared into the air.

Elizabeth looked worriedly at the Hulk under the plane, after all, he was her boyfriend.

It's just that she seemed to have discovered something at this moment. At some point, Hulk's underpants were gone.

Now the two on the ground are already naked and playing wrestling games, the difference is that Hulk can still shake his naked butt, while Hate can only stare blankly.

Facts have proved that there are still kind of men who will appear a little stronger.

Finally, under the wailing of hatred, the two big men ended the fight.

When Nansen put away Hulk's underpants and returned to where Skye and the others were, Black Widow and Coulson had already left.

They're going to continue to monitor the Abomination and the Hulk, and coordinate the personnel to establish the isolation zone.

Skye was left behind. She looked at Nansen and said, "I learned from S.H.I.E.L.D. that this crisis is due to a very strange mutant. I think the professors may need to know this."

 Thanks to 'Zhao Bankuo' for the reward of 1000 and [-] starting points. Oh my god, I've been writing a book for so long, and I haven't seen so many rewards.

  Happy, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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