Chapter 94.

Now Nansen has shrunk [Dustless Land] on the surface of his skin, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand has bloomed in the air, it looks like a round of black moon suddenly reflected in the sky.

Hate was still grinning at Nansen in the air. Skye had already shot a hole in his shoulder, but at this moment, as if there was no pain, he opened his hands to give Nansen a hug.

Nansen slashed at him with a sword, and the black moon instantly ignited raging flames. Following Nansen's sword, it was as if a super fireball was thrown directly at the chest of hatred by him.

This sword split the abomination with a distance of more than ten meters. There was a pile of vehicles on the back, and a wide gully appeared directly on the ground, and the black flames in the gully were burning fiercely.

Sif's high-level magic sword has revealed its true power under the awakening of the sword soul. After all, it is a magic sword!
But soon the hatred stood up in the pile of vehicles, and at the same time, there was a long and narrow wound on his chest, and the black flames on the wound were constantly burning as if they were attached.

Seeing this, the hatred directly broke off a car door, and then directly cut off the flames and flesh.

"Roar!" Standing more than ten meters away, he roared at Nansen, loudly like a wave, and even caused some garbage on the surrounding ground to fly.

Now, both Wolverine and Death have recovered, standing next to Nansen, while Cyclops and Storm are standing on the roof together, next to Skye.

Everyone watched helplessly as the wounds on the body healed and scabbed quickly after the hatred roared, and the bleeding stopped.

On the other hand, Nansen, after releasing the big one just now, seemed a little weak, and Hate began to rush over again vigorously.

Wolverine and Death Girl looked at each other, and they were about to rush forward. The word "counseling" did not exist in the dictionaries of these two.

Even if the person opposite is Magneto, the two of them will still go there recklessly.

Skye saw this, and the ebony and white ivory in her hands were reorganized in an instant. After the reorganization, the two pistols in her hand disappeared, and there was an extra hand cannon in her hands.

Both pistols have passed Nansen's high strength later, and are now +10 weapons. One of the skills is the combination of the two pistols.

But the Black Widow and the others couldn't help but stare blankly, turning a pistol into a hand cannon?The latest nano black technology?

Then Skye locked the cannon in his hand directly on the running abomination, and then the hand cannon was charged, and within an extreme time, waves of waves were directly charged into the cannon body.

"Get out of the way!" Skye yelled from the roof, and the hand cannon fired.

The moment Wolverine and Death Girl heard Skye's voice, they had already flashed past. The shells fired were like a cloud of extremely chaotic air, but there was huge energy hidden in it, and the chaotic fluctuation amplitude was hidden in it.

That shot hit Abomination directly, and in an instant, he seemed to have been pressed the tentative button, and he stopped directly on the street while maintaining his running posture.

In an instant, pillars of blood exploded all over his body, and at the same time, the internal organs in his body began to become a mess, not really a mess, but it was already in various disorder.

But soon, the Hulk's blood and the super serum that Rose had injected into him began to work at super power at this moment, and thick blood vessels burst out on his scalp.

Those blood vessels were like winding poisonous snakes, spreading directly down from the top of his head, along his neck, covering his whole body, and at the same time, the bone spurs between his spine and elbows became thicker and thicker, this kind of attack still couldn't kill him.

At this time, Skye had already jumped from upstairs and came to Nansen's side, her face was also pale.

Her talent is very strong, and under the irrigation of Nansen's strengthening fruit, her overall strength is beyond people's imagination, but this kind of high-strength output battle still seems tiring.

At this moment, she put away the pistol that had already flown. The wave cannon can be regarded as her strongest long-range attack skill, but it doesn't seem to be effective now.

She drew out the sword that Nansen gave her, but compared with the blackness in Nansen's hand, this sword looked fluorescent and white.

Sif's sword can be extended from the bottom of the hilt, and then split into two. Originally, both should be golden, but after being strengthened, they become camouflaged, with breath It's not the same.

Wolverine and Death Girl also rushed up at this time, and the sharp claws under the Edman alloy could easily break through the skin of the abomination.

But the two of them could be directly sent flying by the quick-response abomination, the gap was too great.

Nansen and Skye followed closely behind. They held two swords. The one in Skye's hand glowed with fluorescence, but there was a high-frequency ripple vibration on the sword.

Nansen, on the other hand, seemed much simpler and rougher. The sword in his hand was covered with a layer of black flames, and a layer of high-temperature inextinguishable flames attached to it when he swung it.

"Cut off the bone spurs all over his body!" Nansen said to Skye.

Skye agrees, "Okay!"

The power and reaction speed of the abomination are too strong, relatively speaking, the bone spur on his back is more like a weakness.

They were originally spinal mutations, and this time they can also bring him a certain amount of consumption.

The two of them were surrounded by Abomination who couldn't dodge attacks. From a distance, it looked like a mass of white and black fluorescent lights, but Abomination became roaring when it was in it.

His physical defense and attack were outrageously high, but he couldn't stand the torture from Nansen and Skye.

Suddenly, he jumped up high, and then landed suddenly, with a roar of "roar", he smashed his fists to the opposite side, and the ground was directly smashed into cracks.

Nansen was fine, but Skye couldn't help feeling dizzy, and then he took two car doors and slapped directly at Skye.

You must know that she doesn't have any defensive skills. At this time, Nansen took advantage of his gap and directly inserted the magic sword in his hand into his waist.

The hatred couldn't help changing the shot to a fan, and slapped Skye away, then he staggered and turned around, and slapped Nansen away accordingly.

Scott's laser shot again, but the abomination clutched his waist and hid behind a building while running away.

At the same time, on a plane, a soldier watched the abomination on the monitor flee into a corner, and hurriedly turned to Ross and asked. "Sir, what should we do?"

While Ross was still thinking, Banner finally couldn't bear it anymore and jumped off the plane.

He recognized Nansen, and he recognized that he was doing the right thing.

After Nansen walked out of the ruins spotlessly, he heard a terrifying roar, "Hulk, here!"

The corner of Nansen's mouth finally couldn't help laughing, the role of his group of actors was over, and it was enough to leave it to Hulk.

However, he didn't forget in his heart that when they finished fighting, he would also go to get a wave of spoils by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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