Chapter 8
Nansen put away the apple core, and the instructions given by the system showed:

This is a magical apple seed, and it has a certain chance to bear devilish fruit after being planted well.

Explanation: It is not easy to plant successfully.

Nansen looked at the apple core in the backpack speechlessly. Could it be that the system is implying that after the fruit is eaten by special humans, the seeds can grow devil fruits?
From the explanations that Nansen has seen so far, it seems to be like this, but the sample size is too small, so I don’t know if there is any commonality.

After a while, the things that Nansen had ordered before came up, a total of noodles, salad, and two glasses of juice.

Immediately unable to bear it, Nansen began to eat with a big mouthful. He put on the horse dumplings and got off the horse noodles.

As the first meal in this world, no matter how you want to eat noodles, you will be shocked.

When the Nansen noodles were half eaten, Skye sat back again, but with a very obvious paleness on his face.

"Are you okay?" Nansen asked out loud, while observing Skye indistinctly. After all, she also ate the first strengthened fruit.

Although it is only strengthened once, its effect is not to bring bloody disasters to girls, it's too bloody.

Skye gave Nansen a blank look, and ate her salad in small bites. It was hard to see any difference in her from the current situation.

The strong desire to survive guides Nansen. At this time, it is best not to provoke the girl's anger, otherwise critical damage may occur every second, and just observe quietly.

Physical discomfort made Skye's appetite not much better. After eating two mouthfuls of salad, he put down his fork and raised his head to ask Nansen: "Before you asked me what I think about mutants, right?"

Nansen nodded, although Skye actually has alien blood and has nothing to do with mutants.

But the two actually have a lot in common, and this commonality is mainly reflected in the fact that they both have special abilities.

And most human beings can't tell whether you belong to aliens or mutants, all they can have is disgust and fear.

Regarding this issue, in fact, many people in today's society are constantly thinking about it, and they are also considering whether to introduce legislation to allow those mutants to be registered and labeled.

From the perspective of ordinary people, this is a kind of protection for those ordinary people, but from the perspective of mutants, this will make their already difficult life even more difficult.

Skye tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied, "I think they must be very lonely!"

Are you lonely?
There seems to be nothing wrong with this answer. In other words, I don't agree with those people in my heart, and I feel sorry for them.

Once some mutants are discovered, people around them will involuntarily isolate them and call them monsters.

In a human-dominated society, with their existence, it is natural for those people to feel alienated and panicked.

After getting this answer, Nansen didn't say much, but put down the noodles in the bowl, and his face became serious: "Well, if you say that, I understand."

Got it, do you understand now?What the hell do you understand?

Skye looked at Nansen's face with a bewildered expression. He couldn't figure out what he understood?
She came here with great interest, thinking that Nansen had discovered her own life experience or something, although this possibility was not great.

But she is still looking forward to Nansen's invitation. On the one hand, it is the inner expectation formed by the mystery of long-term friendship with netizens, and on the other hand, she hopes that he will really find out some news about herself.

But looking at it now, Skye couldn't help but think of the apple that Nansen gave him when they met before, and the subsequent understatement: "I understand."

After thousands of words summed it up, Skye could only say one sentence in a muffled voice: Heh, man!

Suddenly, Skye inexplicably felt a rush of hotness in her stomach. This hasty hotness made her already pale face a little more rosy, and her whole body looked groggy.

Although this situation came out of nowhere, Skye took out the electric shock baton from his bag in the first time, and placed it across his chest.

At first glance, Nansen naturally understood that the apple he sent earlier had an effect at this moment, but Skye did not understand.

However, Nansen was also very surprised, and only strengthened it once. This reaction was too strong.

Instead, Skye opened her eyes wide and looked at her salad and juice. The blood in her body kept accelerating, and her heart rate soared to two or three times the usual level in an instant.

With this heart rate, it seems that the heart is about to jump out of the chest cavity every minute, and at the same time, the cell division speed in the body has also become greatly accelerated.

"You, drugged me?" She looked at Nansen with wide eyes, and the confusion in her expression gradually intensified.

She has no strength at this moment, her voice is as small as a sympathetic whisper.

At this moment, the only other table of guests left in the restaurant also left, and the front desk staff also went to the back kitchen to clean up and prepare to get off work.

Skye quickly realized that the environment was very unfavorable to her, but she didn't have any effective means of self-help at the moment. Although she still had an electric shock baton in her hand, she didn't even have the strength to pick it up and wave it.

So Skye could only use his last strength to stare at Nansen with wide eyes and unyielding. If eyes can eat people, she must want to peel and eat Nansen now.

"Received the remorse of 'Skye', increase the reinforcement value by 555."

Looking at the number of this strengthening value, one can know how regretful Skye is now.

"I didn't prescribe you any medicine, please rest assured." Nansen said to Skye with a serious face, and it was impossible to look so mad at his face.

As for the beastly behavior of drugging girls, Nansen has always advocated beating them to death directly.

Skye opened her eyes wide and looked at Nansen's righteous words, and her inner vigilance has become less vigilant. Of course, the most important thing is that she feels that the discomfort in her body has subsided a lot.

And when he was at his weakest, Nansen didn't take advantage of the fire to rob him, but instead had an unconcealable astonishment on his expression.

Skye boasted that her mind would definitely be more mature than Nansen's. During this year's relationship, she had already thoroughly grasped all the information about Nansen.

For a top-notch hacker, trying to find out all the information about a high school student is simply not an easy task.

It is very sad to say, but for people in the Internet information age, most people's life is nothing more than two or three pages.

So she was actually relieved of Nansen. Since he couldn't prescribe medicine, could it be a food problem?
Skye looked at the store, she had chosen this store in the first place, she had actually been here before, it shouldn't be!

At this tangled moment, Skye suddenly felt a numbness all over her body, and an unspeakable sense of comfort stimulated her, and her whole body felt bad all of a sudden, so she couldn't help but yelled softly: "Well (harmony ) ah~~~”

And in the subtle fields invisible to human eyes, the cells of Skye's whole body are continuously and rapidly transmitting information.

If you zoom in to see her neural network, you can see a bright electric spark jumping continuously.

At the same time, the neurotransmitters between each cell are constantly flowing to the target cells, and they are scrambling for the first time, busy.

When Skye thought it was the end, it was just the beginning.

The purpose of all this is to promote the dominant expression of a certain invisible gene in her body, but after all the busy work, that type of gene still remains silent.

But Skye couldn't bear it at first, and fainted...
Of course, Nansen couldn't judge whether she was in pain or something else.

 The contract is already on the way, and I will be on the road tomorrow morning. The [-]-hour train ride makes my liver hurt, but it will not be interrupted.

  After the status is changed, we will update twice a day, hoping to get everyone's support.

(End of this chapter)

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